This is the Message Centre for The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1581

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Where'd everyone go?

Hello??........ hello...... hello...... hello??????

There's an echo in here?

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1582

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey guys, sry i rushed off earlier, could hardly c the screen 4 wavey lights in my eyes.
Catchaz l8r
smiley - love Faith xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1583


Hello folks sorry I disappeared last night without saying goodbyeeeee my pc was playing up bigtime

Gotta go, MAJOR payslip issues!

Maybe see you over the weekend but things are going inasanr and I have to go back to Cumbria...

love Tara xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1584

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Poor Tara... no money!? C'mon folks, dig down the back of the sofa for all that loose change!! smiley - biggrin

Xander: Last nights issue, you aint gonna believe what happened now! Oh and smiley - shark go BOOM!! Chat later?
Anya: Hey hun, howz things? Killed anyone yet? smiley - laugh

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1585

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey guys, hows every1 2day?

Please could u wipe the smiley - shark left overs from my screen.... i can hardly c anything under all the smiley - shark goo..... lmao

smiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1586

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Xander & Anya: I got the package 2 day.....Thanx.... I promise i'm not gonna open it til xmas..... Although,
i have been tempted just so i can get the unaired pilot...... But i have gave u my word & i won't open it...HONEST!!!....lmao.....

smiley - love Faith xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1587


Hi Gang

Hi Faith
How are you ?? Glad you got the package I got the rest of Tom's presents today I think he will be very surprised next thursday smiley - smiley

Hi Will
How are you ?? No I've not killed anyone yet but I'm very close to getting to the vengance smiley - laugh

Hi Tara how are you ??

Chat soon Gang

smiley - love Anya smiley - devil

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1588

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey Anya, Long time no chat.....Howz u?? What u been up2??

smiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1589


Hey Faith ,

I'm ok just finished wrapping up Xander's present's smiley - laugh

I've been busy with work hun don't get time to come in here much these days and I'm on a six day week this week so I'm shattered by the time everyone comes on line and I've been going to bed by 9pm every night !!

How are you hun ??

smiley - love Anya smiley - devil xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1590

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

5 by 5 thanx hun..... It's nice 2 c u again.....
smiley - hug i missed u...... Heard ur goin 2 c gotr...... Lucky so n so.....
They ain't comin 2 scotland nxt yr.... well not that i've seen on web site..... They're truley excellent & Watch out 4 James sucking on lolli pops.....lmao......
smiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1591


thanks hun me and Xander are going to see them with my cousin

mmmm james smiley - smiley

I'm so looking forwward to seeing them hun

smiley - love Anya smiley - devil

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1592

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Look out 4 Special Audience tickets on the net..... I smiley - loved that, u get 2 ask them questions & see them relaxed.... & i got 2 c James in a kilt!!!! Mmmmmmmmm....
Unfortunatly he was wearing boxers tho.....Hmph! lmao.......
smiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1593

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Do u know who gotr support band is gonna be?? xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1594

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Hiya scoobies, including the recently deceased!

Howz everyone?

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1595

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey will, howz u??

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1596

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Im ok, bored but ok.

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1597

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

TRY THIS 4 FUN......
A2143207 xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1598


Hi there gang, how are you all, might be going fairly early tonight, because I was up early and it was a horrible day at work today. Angie, I'll take a look at that thread later.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1599

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Ok hunni, I'll be going very shortly,
i'll probably be back on l8r tho... but incase i don't c u again 2nite...
Sweet dreams

smiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1600


Okay Faith, sweet dreams.

smiley - biggrin Xander

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Hey Scooby Gang

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