3 Conversations

A fan club dedicated to the sassy slayer Faith
Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith
Faith fan club members
We all know who Faith is. She's brightened up our days with her good looks, slayer skills, attitude and her brief period of being a rogue slayer. Played by Eliza Dushku, Faith was one of many great characters created by Joss wheedon to grace our screens on btvs. She first appeared in season Three's "Faith hope and Tricks", She bahaved quite the opposite of Buffy, she was wild, free and a loner. The two slayers had a rocky start but soon they where patrolling together, partying together and even having fun being slayers together. As you know nothing's ever that perfect on the hellmouth, before long Faith had become a rogue slayer, after she accidently staked a human in the heart. This lead up to a battle between both slayer which resulted in Faith being put in a coma. 'Til
season four that is. ("This year's Girl"). Faith awakens from her coma and vows revenge on Buffy and her friends but things didn't turn out quite how she had planned and she leaves again. she re-appeared in l.a a few months later to kill Angel, but couldn't as her hard exterior finally cracked, the fiesty Slayer and Vampire with a soul formed a close friendship and eventually Faith handed herself into the police. Then in season seven. Yet again Faith is back after escaping from prison only to find out the life of the chosen ones and potentials is in danger of being wiped out by the 1st evil. Our fave Slayer is back to battle against evil, although this time theres not just 2 slayers but every potential who was are now slayers due to the power of
Willow's magic.
There's never been a dull moment when Faith is around. whether it be For or against evil, she's sassy, feisty, exciting and has attitude a trait that all slayers should have..
I would just like to say thank you Eliza for bringing Faith to life, It's been emotional. I know i speak for a lot of people when i say You are very much missed!
Also a special thanx to The Scooby GangsWillow, Xander and Anya and The Scoobies (Buffy) for creating these great guide entries that have been linked on this page. If you have any comments about Faith/Eliza Dusku or If u would like to join the Faithful Faith fan club plz leave a message. Thanx Faith xx

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