Season 4 (BTVS)

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THE FRESHMAN:While Willow blossoms in the new college environment, Buffy has a difficult time adjusting, and her slaying skills auffer because of it.

LIVING CONDITIONS: Everyone wonders what's wrong with Buffy when she insists that her annoying room mate is evil.

Spike's back and searching for a gem that will make him invincible, Buffy is distracted by her attempt at getting back into the dating pool.

FEAR, ITSELF: The gang goto a frat house party for Halloween and find themselves trapped as an entity takes over the house, and each ones deepest fears are brought to light.

BEER BAD: Buffy drowns her sorrows by drinking with some upperclassmen, but Xander grows concerned when they start to get in touch with their primordial roots.

WILD AT HEART: Oz and Willow's relationship is strained when Oz is drawn to another female werewolf

THE INITIATIVE: Spike is imprisoned in an underground demon-research facility, Riley realises that he has a crush on Buffy.

PANGS: Angel secretly arrives in Sunnydale to protect Buffy, Buffy tries to have a perfect thanksgiving.

SOMETHING BLUE: A spell by Willow goes awry, causing Gile's to go blind, Xander to become a magnet for demons, and Buffy to get ingaged to Spike.

HUSH: After the residents of Sunnydale lose the power of speech, Buffy battles against strangely silent assailants alongside an incredulous Riley.

DOOMED: Buffy and Riley struggle with the knowledge of each others secrets, and the Scooby's must go back to high school to stop another apocolypse,

A NEW MAN: Ethan is back and Gile's is turned into a demon, he turns to an unlikely source for help while an unknowing Buffy hunts him down.

THE I IN TEAM: The Scooby's worry about Buffy's involvement in the Initiative, and Walsh sends Buffy on a one way mission.

GOODBYE IOWA: Buffy discovers the Initiative's secret weapon, and Riley becomes paranoid after Walshe's death.

THIS YEAR'S GIRL (PART ONE OF TWO): Faith is awake and seeks revenge on Buffy, and discovers a new weapon left for her by the Mayor.

WHO ARE YOU (PART TWO OF TWO): As Buffy tries to escape the Watchers council goons, Faith's attempts to ruin Buffy's life have some unusual affects...on Faith.

SUPERSTAR: Supergeek Jonathan is suddenly superhero due to a spell, but there are consequences, in the guise of a demon, Buffy tries to deal with Riley's and Faith's night of passion.

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE: Buffy's and Riley's intimate encounters rouse a supernatural force, they are being held by ghost children out to exact revenge on past abuses.

NEW MOON RISING: Oz returns to Sunnydale with the wolf inside under control, but is captured by the Initiative after a confrontation with Tara, and a conflicted Willow tells Buffy about her relationship with Tara.

THE YOKO FACTOR: Angel returns and has a confrontation with Riley, and Spike's attempts to break up the Scooby's ends in a big arguement.

PRIMEVAL: It's time to face Adam as his plans to create a master race of demon/human hybrids, and the Scooby's put aside their differences.

RESTLESS: A primordial force tries to kill the Scooby's through their dreams, making each one face their innermost fears.

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