Journal Entries
Posted Mar 10, 2008
I feel ashamed about who I am; feel feelings of shame about my personality and life.
Not daring to write or say that is the highway to hell, and I don't prefer that.
Not daring to write or say that is surrendering for that hidden poison.
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Latest reply: Mar 10, 2008
Ralph Nader's ambitions
Posted Feb 27, 2008
Old and vain, Ralph Nader needs the political spotlights to comfort him, while he knows that his efforts will never succeed and at least one time, but I would say two times, we would not have a Republican president if he would not have stepped in.
I do not want to say that my reaction now, would be for any "independant". Most of the times I would have voted for them.
But Nader is far to left to ever win and in the current circumstances it will be a very close race between Rep. and Dem.
I always vote at a social democratic party in The Netherlands.
I would never vote for a Republican, but I must say that I feel tempted to vote at Mc Cain, because he once was a serious and inspiring "independant". Ten years earlier it was someone else as Independent who was also a charismatic person with fresh ideas and political attitude.
Most of my sympathy anno 2008 is for the Democrats (boths, Obama and Clinton) but I'll leave that for what it is.
That two party system is suffocating.
Without Ralph Nader we had had (or still have) Al Gore.
One is not only responsable for the principles, but also for the results of one's actions.
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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2008
Liechtenstein - secret banking
Posted Feb 22, 2008
First we had the very dirty history about Holocaust money, hidden by Swiss Banks.
Now it's Liechtenstein, anno 2008, who proves to be a save pecuniary haven for white color crime.
I do remember that there exists one Swiss family that has the status of "fugitives". It's the family of the cleaner in a bank, who discovered piles of papers about Holocaust victims that could not be destroyed in time. He and his wife and children had to flee and got asylum in The USA.
All "safe pecuniary havens" as part of a secret banking systems should be in tatters!
As I said, these days, 2008, Liechtenstein is in the spotlights about its secret banking system.
Pure and solid financial criminality, covered by symbols about a "sovereign country" with 60 thousand inhabitants in Liechtenstein, or Monaco, Canal Islands, Andorra, Vatican (Bank named "Bank of the Holy Spirit").
These are vicious, destructive economies/countries that should be boycotted more than the banana republics around the globe.
All countries like Liechtenstein, with god on their side to protect their secret banking systems, should feel the pressure and anger of the world.
All "safe pecuniary havens" as part of a secret banking systems should be in tatters!
Pure and solid financial criminality, covered by symbols about a "sovereign country" with 60 thousand inhabitants in Liechtenstein, or Monaco, Canal Islands, Andorra, Vatican (Bank named "Bank of the Holy Spirit"), Luxembourg, etc.
"Secret banking".
It stinks from the beginning to the end that is still not reached.
Mobsters, terrorists, scammers, venal politicians and tax dodgers now look for anonymity and discretion to Lebanon and Cyprus, or even to Austria, Luxemburg and the other members of the financial gang.
"Secret banking".
It stinks from the very beginning to the end that is still not reached.
Alfredo, Amsterdam, 2008.
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Latest reply: Feb 22, 2008
"Restoration" - dvd movie
Posted Feb 10, 2008
I am spending these days a lot of time tracing the music and life of Henry Purcell, who lived while Charles 2 was king in England.
From 1659 - 1695 to be exact. He didn't live very long.
I have seen now the movies at DVD "England, my England" and "Restoration". I'll see "Charles 2nd" the coming days as I have recorded it from the Beep.
The first few chapters I did not like at all.
Everything was way overdone = clothes, food, furniture, etc. etc.
It was pure quantity and little quality.
Maybe it was really so in these specific years. The word "restoration" suggests indeed something artificial in those days.
I cannot images all one gets to see in the first chapters was more the passion of the producer and not really connected with those days.
Indeed; restored jubilance can never reach the level of spirituality,
I suddenly write here
Anyhow, I got this way a deeper understand of the days that Purcell lived and worked as composer at the court.
The director of the movie also used music from Purcell's semi-opera's "King Arthur", "The fairy queen", "The Indian queen" and "Abdelazer".
I already had discovered some of that while watching and that gave me a pleasant feeling.
The last words of the movie (by the former doctor at the court who was expelled and returned later);" I met what came and I left behind my sorrows and I'm travelling still", while one can hear the tunes of "if love is sweet passion".
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Latest reply: Feb 10, 2008
BBC Collective is about to close.
Posted Feb 4, 2008
Dear Alfredo Febr. 2008
Thank you for your e-mail. As you may have read on site, BBC Collective is about to close. Here is our statement:
We're sorry to announce that Collective is closing.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported the site since it
launched. From 2002 - 2008, Collective brought coverage of the most
exciting new music, art, film, books and games to people in search of
fresh culture in Britain. We aimed to celebrate genuine creativity and
bring underground talent to the BBC's audience. We've been privileged to
host intelligent comment about popular arts, culture and society in
general for almost six years, and occasionally been able to help our
community of users in creative collaborative projects. At its height
Collective had around 250,000 dedicated users.
From 15th Feb 08 we will no longer editorially update Collective.
Very best wishes to you - The Collective Team
This was my collective site;
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Latest reply: Feb 4, 2008
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