Journal Entries

And to all a good night.

It's christmas afternoon for me here and i finally have some time alone with a computer to come back here. When I first came on Hootoo was such a sight (sitesmiley - silly) for sore eyes!smiley - brave I know I havn't spent very much time here this year, I resolve to fix that. In fact perhaps I'll make it my new years resolution...that and cleaning my closetsmiley - sadface(I hate cleaning).
In many ways being away so long was worth it, and and many more was it was not. I missed all of you terribly, and now I have a million posts to catch up on. On the brighter side though I did wonderfully on my finals, much better than I expectedsmiley - biggrinsmiley - somersault. I got an A in english and philosophy, a B+ in biology and math, and I havn't got my mark back for anthropology yet. I have no idea how I managed to get a B+ in math, I'm not that good at it and I'm still waiting to be told they mixed up my mark with someone elses. To be entirely honest I only opened the textbook twice all semester and never did the homework. I did study very had though...perhaps studying like mad does pay offsmiley - erm

I got what I wanted for christmassmiley - gift, and on top of it some dear chinese people who met me when i was about 3 sent me some funny looking shoes and piles of underwear. I don't know why underwear, I've never understood them sending thatsmiley - erm. On the other hand at least they've pretty much stopped sending shirts that imply that they think i'm at least as large as a sumo wrestler. I appreciate the smiley - gift though, no matter what it issmiley - smiley.

I would have come back to Hootoo sooner but my family spent two days at a cabin with no tv or internet pretty much as soon as I'd finished my finals. It was nice though, I read A Christmas Carol and walked through a forest in the rain. I probably wouldn't have done those things if I'd had internet.

*sets out christmas cookies beside the smiley - xmastree*
I made them myself, help yourself!

Well this journal is getting to be quite large, so I'll stop now.smiley - snowman
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!smiley - reindeer

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 2005

“Look out! Food escape!”

I hate being sicksmiley - ill, but I suppose it has good and bad sides.

Fortunately it means that I don’t have to go anywhere, I get to just stay at home. It also means I get to spend my day on hootoosmiley - biggrin

Then of course there’s the down side. I miss two classes today, math and a biology lab. I suppose I can always make up the biology lab later or something. The other bad thing about my not going to school is that now I get to spend the whole day second guessing myself as to whether I really was sick enough to warrant staying home.

Oh well, I’m sure being able to be on hootoo is enough of a plus to make it all worth while…. Well, maybe not the feeling terribly ill part.

Now I’ve just got to write my teachers to tell them I’m not coming and then I can just feel sick without any pressing time deadlines….

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Latest reply: Sep 26, 2005

The week from space.

...Well not really.... It's just an interesting title...

Well I had an eventful week. I’m such aloner….or so it seems. Thank goodness I have you all.

I’ll start at the beginning. The whole college thing started very badly for me. When I woke up on Tuesday morning I felt so sick, just from being nervous about it. I was so screwed from the start… Monday had been a holiday and so I thought that that was Sunday and that the first day of school was a Monday. Wrong! It was Tuesday. On Mondays my first class is 11:30, but on Tuesdays my first class is 9:30!!! Well it’s a good thing that L and I had decided to go down early and look around a bit first. I was sitting in the parking lot when suddenly I realized my horrible mistake!!! I had already missed the first 15 mins of my first class ever at college… darned anthropology. I decided I still had to go though, so I walked as fast as I could to the class. My legs felt like they were going to collapse under me and I really just wanted to collapse on the pavement and have a good cry and perhaps a phone call to a friendly voice. But crying in a heap on the ground isn’t really my thing in public, and I didn’t have enough money for a long distance call…so off to class it was. By the time I got there I was about 20 mins late!smiley - yikes it was quite terrible.

Things went better from there on. Math was my next class and I sat behind some guy who was quite sure he knew me from somewhere. That was nice, even if I hadn’t a clue who he was at least it was someone to talk to. Then was biology, didn’t make any friends there...but the class seems interesting. Then I had English and that was the class of the day. I met a nice person there, but unfortunately he wasn’t there for the next class so I think that hes dropped it…. But that’s alright because I met someone else who seems nice enough.

All in all I have no new friends. So I’m a total loner. Strangely enough that doesn’t seem to bother me as much as it would have in the past. I’m getting used to eating lunch by myself and just doing homework or whatever. Classes are nice though, I like them all except biology in terms of people. In anthropology I sit with this girl, W, and she looks and sounds like my cousin so much that its crazy! ..well if my cousin had blond hair…but that’s besides the point. In math I’m now sitting beside that that guy who thinks he knows me from somewhere… hes really quite nice, hes going to the hospital this weekend because his smiley - doctor says hes malnourished… he says he just doesn’t ever feel hungry. Oh…. That’s off topic. I like my philosophy class because I’ve now found someone to sit with, she graduated from the same school as me a few years ago.

So all in all everything seems fine, and I’m adjusting to its unusualness.

I love you all!smiley - cuddlesmiley - hug
…and have plans to come on more often. But we’ll see about that.

My mom is having a party and I have to go and greet guests now. Rats. I’ll be backsmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2005

And I'm back..... I hope...

*Looks around anxiously*

Well… I was almost afraid to come back here; I’m sure there’s a whole mountain of backlog that I should be looking through. But I’m back now!!! Or at least I think I am, its really hard to tell. RL is just so irritating the way it gets in the way of everything. But here I have some time so I thought I’d come and tell you all what’s going on with me lately and also see if I cant reply to a few posts. If you’re not interested in hearing what I’ve been up to then by all means don’t bother reading it…..

Tomorrows my first day of school. It feels absolutely horrible. I have no desire to go back at all. I feel totally ill equipped for coping with school again, but oh well. I’m about as ready as I’ll ever get. I’ve got my laptop, and all sorts of school supplies. I’ve even been down to the college to get my student card, locker, and to take a look around and get an idea of where everything is. I’m taking biology, philosophy, math, English, and anthropology. Its odd, I was always so sure that after high school you got to take the classes you wanted to take… well I guess I was wrong, otherwise I wouldn’t be taking anthropology and definitely not math. Oh well… lets just hope the math wont be too hard. But at least the first day wont be as bad as I thought it was going to be. Originally I was going to have to drive in by myself, I didn’t like that idea at all… I hate not knowing anyone. The good news is that I’m now carpooling with a friend of mine, so at least I wont have to go all alone. Last night I dreamed that I no one would talk to me, and I couldn’t make any friends…and on top of it all I had missed going to my psychology class.

This will sound very strange, but I’m so sad that I’m done work. I really loved my job, it wasn’t anything that fun really…but I loved the people that I worked with. I wish I could stay there and not go to school, but that’s not very realistic. On the bright side its not the last time that I’ll see A and L. I’ve seen them both on the weekend.
This weekend is the weekend that the fair is always on. I’ve been there every day that its been on so far. My mom has a booth there where shes telling people all about car seat safety and how important it is for children to be in car seats, and to make sure that they’re properly installed. Fortunately so far I’ve had more to do than just sit around in her booth. On Saturday A was working a booth for work, and so I baked her cookies and went to visit her on and off during the day. Yesterday was more fun. I spent most of the day with L keeping him company as the fair was very slow because it was a cold and rainy day.

As for what I’ve been up to this summer, I cant say that its been much… and at the same time it seems like I’ve been busy the whole time. To be honest I think I’ve been stuck in some kind of time warp, I haven’t a clue what I’ve been doing with most of my time. The visit to my family at the beginning was an interesting event, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked… but that’s alright, it was nice to see some of my relatives again.

Well I think I’ve taken enough of your time, and now I’m going to try and make a dent on the posts before I head off to the fair again.

I’ve missed you all! smiley - hug

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Latest reply: Sep 5, 2005

Tonight I could be with you, Or waiting in the wings.

Ok, so the title actually has nothing to do with the journal entry.... but it just came to me all of a sudden as i was about to type the one i originally had planned. this one is a part of the song Spirit by Bauhaus.... the other one I just made up as I was writing the journal.... not quite as interesting me thinks... but here it is anywaysmiley - smiley

"Never to be heresmiley - sadface"

Oh no! I’m sorry all!
This is just a quick note so you all know that I haven’t died.

Tomorrow morning I leave to visit both sets of my grandparents. I’ll be coming back on the 12th of July. It’s my grandpas 80th birthday and that whole side of my family is getting together to celebrate as some years ago he was told that he wouldn’t live to see his 80th birthday.
Now this doesn’t mean that I’ll be back on the 12th though. On the way home my family and I are going to pick up one of my best friends at the airport, and he’s going to stay with us till the 23rd..... /then/ I’ll be back! Yay! I’m going to have lots of fun while I’m gone..... but I’ll also miss you all very much!

So I just thought I’d give you all a heads up incase you wondered what had happened to me after I said that I was going to be back....

In case anyone is interested and wanting to know... my new job is going quite nicelysmiley - smiley. It’s a little dull at times, but I like the people that I work with a lot.

Well........ Many things still left to do... packing and such. I’ll write a journal entry about my vacation when I get back if anyone’s at all interested in hearing about it.

Hugs! Will miss you all!

smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2005

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Arisztid Lugosi

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