Journal Entries

Summer News

Hello my dear friends,

Long time no post. I figured summer courses would be a breeze. How hard could it be to be just taking one course? I’m used to doing five at a time! ….Oh how wrong I was. Because they’re so short everything moves extremely rapidly. I’ve finished my course on apocalyptic themes in film and it was amazing. I wish I could do it again or that it went on longer. I’m still working away on my German course. Learning another language is hard! But I’m find it rewarding. I just have to put more time into it. Then later in the summer I’m doing a course on medieval Saints and Sinners. That should be goodsmiley - smiley

Yesterday was my brothers Grade 12 Graduation. I don’t know what it’s like wherever you are but here we make a big fuss. He had a fancy rented car for him and three of his friends and a tux. Oh he looked so cute! ….or maybe I should say handsomesmiley - erm
I too got dressed up, but not to the same extent. My feet are still killing me! I wore a simple dress and high heeled shoes. I think congratulations are in order. I only tripped once! And I didn’t actually fall when I tripped. Thank goodness! That would have been very painful.
I must take this opportunity to document the fact that as I was crossing the street on campus (I had my German class in the morning and my brother’s ceremony was being held in one of the University auditoriums) three men in a truck stopped whistled and honked the horn. I, being the silly person that I am, had no idea what was going on. I was walking with my friend and couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the fuss was all about but she says it was because I looked good in my dress. I can be thick as a brick. So there we have it. The first and the last time that will ever happen to me.

For those of you who are interested in a fascinating but slightly odd read I’m reading “Memoirs of My Nervous Illness” by Daniel Paul Schraber. Written by a man in a mental institution in the late 1800’s early 1900’s.

In other news…smiley - sadface
I don’t actually remember if I told anyone that my Mum’s Mum had breast cancer. I probably did. Well she had the cancer removed months ago and everything was fine but she recently went back to be tested again and they’ve found that she has a rapidly progressing stage four cancer. She’s going to have a double mastectomy and hopefully it hasn’t moved into her lungs yet. I personally am doing fine with this but my Mum is very upset and even though she tries not to show it it makes it hard to be in the house with her. Not that I’m not sympathetic. I understand how very hard it must be. But there is just nothing that I can do and it’s frustrating to not be able to make everything better. On the other hand I’m feeling a little guilty because I think I should feel more sad than I do but it’s hard to feel really sad when it’s not really someone you know or someone that you ever really even liked. Not that I’m not sad that she has breast cancer… but I feel like as she’s my grandma I should be devastated or something. I just worry that perhaps I didn’t make enough of an effort in our relationship.
Still, she may get better and then perhaps there is time to make yet another stab at some kind of relationship.

Okay. I must end on a happy note. Oh! I know!smiley - biggrin Tomorrow I’m going to a magic show!! I’ve seen this act once before about two years ago. This guy is amazing. He’s done shows all over the world. I’m a very skeptical person and I watched the whole show trying my very hardest to see how the tricks could possibly have been done and I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out! I don’t believe in magic but he’s so good that he makes it believable for that small period of time that I’m watching. It’ll be good to sit back and, at least for a little while, return to that childlike state of wonder and amazementsmiley - somersault

In conclusion I would like to say that life is goodsmiley - smiley Or at least it seems so at this moment in time smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2009

Long Overdue Update

It seems practically every time I post a journal entry I say that I intend to start using hootoo more frequently again. And then it never happens. My plan this time is not to say it. Not that I believe in jinxing things you understand, but just to err on the side of caution.

There are a million things new with me. For a start I am so much happier than I have been in years and years. I’m just thoroughly enjoying lifesmiley - zen Majoring in English and Minoring in Medieval Studies has been really wonderful. I have enjoyed myself so much.

As you may or may not know this year was my fourth year and for most people doing a full course load, as I did, it would have been my last year. However due to circumstances beyond my control I still require one more class to complete my BA in English. But thats not all! Now comes the exciting news! Or exciting to me anyway...smiley - erm I am now doing an honours degree in Medieval Studies.
Now I know some of you know this and you’re welcome to just skip to the end of the journal… but this is for the rest of you that I hardly ever get the chance to talk to anymore

This last semester I was doing a class that studied manuscripts. I actually got to touch them!! smiley - somersault I already knew I was interested but this class gave us (all eight of us) the opportunity to do unique assignments and despite the fact that they were extremely difficult and I have never been so frustrated or worked so hard in my life I absolutely love it. If I thought I could make any kind of living out of it I would rush out and become a codicologist right now. And I still might. After talking to my prof about how much I enjoyed it he suggested I do an honours degree in Medieval Studies. I was terrified at the prospect but I really want to work with him and work on this topic so I just couldn’t turn it down. I got approved by the chair of the department and now thats what I’m doing. I’ll still get my BA in English though… so if you were worried about my getting a completely useless degree you need worry no more!

This summer I’m taking three courses. There’s a history in art course on themes in apocalyptic film, a beginners German course and a Medieval Studies course. The last one was a difficult decision to take but I’m glad I’m doing it.

That all seemed to be a very brief description. Details are available for the asking for anyone who was not completely bored by reading thatsmiley - zzz

In other news I still have my job at the Out of School Care. I’m now working five mornings a week instead of just two. Hopefully that will give me more money. Of course it won’t be enough though so I’m working on getting another job. Fingers crossed it all pans out. If I’m lucky enough to get it the job I’m trying for is one where I will work with children to develop their reading skills. Just my type of job!!!

I also desperately want an iPhone. I’m interested in input from everyone and anyone so please let me know what you think if you have anything to say about it. It would be very expensive for me but I think it would be worth it. The only bad thing I’ve heard about it so far is that some people find the keyboard difficult to type on. I’m hoping it’s just a matter of practice. We’ll see whether I actually get one or not, but fingers crossed

I’ve taken up exercise!smiley - yikes I know its a shock. Generally speaking I hate exercise. Its boring and hard and I don’t like being all hot a sweaty but I’ve found the perfect kind of exercise for me. I go swimming every morning that I have the chance.

Well I think thats about all that’s new with me. Hopefully you found it at least somewhat interesting. I’m going to stop typing now because it’s making the cut on my finger hurt.

Hopefully I’ll see you all aroundsmiley - hug

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Latest reply: May 9, 2009

The Daughter

Well... I would say that my Mum’s house concert was a success. Quite a few people turned out and they all seemed to enjoy the music. I was plagued by people asking my parents: “Is this the daughter?” So I became known as “The Daughter.” I found it rather odd to have people come up to me and say that my Mum had told them so much about me. Felt rather like being at a disadvantage.... I had no idea who most of the people weresmiley - erm

I was surprised later in the evening. My feet were hurting because I’d been standing most of the night and as I didn’t like the type of music they were playing I decided to go and lay down in my room. When I came downstairs at the intermission one lady asked me if I liked the music. I explained to her about my sore feet and my preference for other music and so she asked me what I liked. I told her Goth rock, which is true, and was quite surprised at her action... although I suppose I shouldn’t be. She recoiled slightly and was quite for a few moments and then went and stood on the other side of the room!smiley - yikes I rather expect that reaction toward Goths I suppose but I usually just think that people just need to get to know me to know that I’m not going to bite their neck or something. I don’t know what they expect. So I was rather shocked to find that someone who had been friendly towards me before could change so quickly with the use of one word. A fascinating experience. I would have thought it was obvious from the way I was dressed (all in black with dark eyeliner and eye shadow). *shrug* I don't know... I think I'm a nice person....smiley - erm

I’ve retired to bed earlysmiley - smiley The concert is still going on but I wasn’t feeling very wellsmiley - ill A combination of too much cakesmiley - cake and too much perfume I think. I can’t believe the way people just lather it on!!! It drives me crazysmiley - headhurts And for some reason it’s always the really smelly ones. Or perhaps they would seem fine if they were in smaller quantities. I was hugged by the few people that I knew and unfortunately they were wearing strong perfume so I spent the rest of the night smelling like itsmiley - sadface

Now it’s time to change into some fresh smelling pyjamas, brush my teeth and read good booksmiley - smiley. I’ve been feeling sleepy all day ever since I laid down on my bed and my kitty cat curled up beside me. It’ll be good to finally get to bedsmiley - zzz.

Goodnight everyonesmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2008

At Long Last....

Hello all my dear friends!!!

At long last I'm here again!! Sorry I’ve been gone so long. First I was busy settling into my new job and then my computer broke.... and somewhere in between I got distracted and didn’t spend much time on the computer.

My summer job is quite wonderfulsmiley - biggrin. I’m working at a summer camp for children and most of them are about six. They’re really so cute! I also really like my boss which always helps. I meant to stay on and work a few afternoons a week in the fall but it’s looking like thats not going to happen now. I guess I’ll have to start saving money more seriously than I have been so farsmiley - erm.

Today is the first day my computer is actually working and it makes me pretty excitedsmiley - somersault. First my hard drive died and had to be replaced and then I had a faulty install disk so I couldn’t install the operating system. Disaster!! It’s all sorted out now though and I’m happily sporting Leopard and iLife ’08smiley - cool. Expensive but worth it I think.

My parents have gone for a week to the other side of the country for a conference my Dad has to attend. It’s kind of cool to have the house to myself. My brother is driving me insane thoughsmiley - cross. Its as if every room he goes into is hit by a tornado or some kind of horrible explosion. What on earth is he doing that makes such a mess!!??smiley - huh I never really noticed it before because my parents are usually around to pick up after him but now that its just us I’m not sure what to do. I like to have everything clean and apparently he doesn’t. I tried talking to him about it this morning and he apologized but was quite grouchy about itsmiley - headhurts.

Well its getting on in the afternoon and I’m looking after the neighbors catsmiley - blackcat while they’re away and I usually go over at this time. So I’m off to feed the cat, scoop out its litter box and water their plants.

Hope you’re all doing wellsmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 27, 2008

Four Eyes!!

Well guess who needs glasses? smiley - lurk

I went for my eye appointment yesterday and it turns out that my prescription is considerably worse than last time. I went in two years ago because I noticed things were a little blurry in the distance and she said I had a little prescription, but only in one eye and not really enough to bother getting it filled. This time though both my eyes are fuzzysmiley - cdouble, only a ¼ difference between the two. Fortunately I don’t have to wear them all the time. Just when trying to see the blackboard at school from far away or things like that. It’s not even bad enough that it has to be written on the back of my drivers license.

I’m going to pick my glassessmiley - cool I’m not sure what kind I’ll pick. I’ve been looking for advise on the internet and it seems if you have an oval face you’re supposed to go with rectangular glasses. That’s fine by me…. I wanted rectangular anyway.

In other news my first day by myself at work went very well. No kids got hurt and there were few disputes. For a craft I showed them all how to make kites and then we took them outside and flew them. It was good fun.

Wish me luck finding nice looking glasses. And of course not picking something that I think looks cool but is actually hideoussmiley - cool

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Latest reply: May 21, 2008

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Arisztid Lugosi

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