This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

A quick hello

Post 101

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hello Lorraine,
Lovely to hear from you. Things are OK here. The PTB's haven't put a complete block on my being here at the moment, but it will happen in the near future, smiley - erm although as it is a BBC site, I'm hoping it won't be noticed smiley - evilgrin. I have found that Waitrose now do Broadband for £27:95 per month, which supports Macintosh, and donates any profit to one of Macmillan's Cancer Relief, Prince's Trust, British Red Cross or British Heart Foundation. It is run as a non-profit scheme, with a FREE support line. I shall check it out tomorrow.smiley - ok
As you say, less than 4 weeks to the meet smiley - magic. I have turned down a gig for that day already...and just need a little info from someone about meeting place, food requirements, etc. I'm sure it will all come together. I am looking for a T-shirt printer, to get something organised, otherwise I'll have to do my own. I reckon we'll be the Four Jousteteers, as I'm blowed if my two Brain Cells can come up with anything else. That name has become so firmly implanted, I don't even think dynamite would shift it smiley - laugh
I have read the Liveships trilogy, and thoroughly enjoyed them. There are a number of twists and turns, but I won't spoil them for you. The Author I am reading at the moment is Valerio Massimo Manfredi, an Italian author, who wrote a trilogy about Alexander the Great, and I am about to start Spartan...if I can find the time.
The Call-Centre weekend Jolly, in Battersea Park, went well although I took far too much food, as per normal smiley - tongueout....I have now been asked to organise another. I have found that there is free jazz on tuesday and friday evenings, 19:30 to 22:00, a Thai weekend, including food-stalls, art and craft tents, and music in July, and also another Park Jolly in August. Social Events are me!!!! smiley - biggrin
Well, looks like I have re-written War and Peace again, so I'd better go off and do some w*rk.
Take care, and look after yourself...No running up mountains, or suchlike smiley - winkeye.

I'll be in touch soon,

H & K

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

A quick hello

Post 102

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Neal,

It sounds like you've been pretty busy! did you have a good weekend? The Waitrose bb donations to charity are a pretty good idea. We're stuck with AOL - I've heard that once you've got it on your pc you have problems changing to another ISP smiley - erm. It doesn't matter too much I suppose, because I've never had any problems with it.

I can't think of any other 'four' names either - but dreaming up names isn't my strong point smiley - laugh

I'm not at my best today. I went walking on Saturday, and I turned into a mobile meal for thousands of insects - I've got bites everywhere smiley - yikes Who says walking in shorts is a good idea! I then got a very sore throat & stiff neck, I spent most of yesterday asleep, and everyone at work's been telling me how awful I look today (or maybe they're just too polite to tell me that every day? smiley - laugh)

Ooop....this wasn't meant to be a long post!

Lorraine smiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

A quick hello

Post 103

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Lorraine,
Shall keep it quick, as 3 minutes to close.
Yes AOL will not let you go. I managed it after 3 months of hassling them, as I hadn't got a PC for a while. Had to pay for another 6 months before they'd let my contract lapse....I'd been with them for 30+ months....
Sorry about the Mozzies. It's always the young as well. I guess the hot weather is bringing them out... Stay wrapped up. Only answer. Maybe have to get some Deet for the Meet?
Anyway, I'm on a 6-dayer this week, so shall bump into you later.
Take care.
And no scratching!!!

H & K

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

A quick hello

Post 104

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Neal how are you?

You don't seem to be posting just now, so I guess you've either got a customer or the ptb are doing their rounds - how inconsiderate of them smiley - winkeye

I don't think I'd have problems with the contract with aol, but I *have* heard that when you install it on your pc, it re-configures something so you have problems if you want to change ISPs. The mozzie bites are coming on a treat - I always take repellant with me, but these guys were sneaky - they hid in the trees round the car park & got us before we had a chance to get the spray out! Added to that, I seem to have a summer cold - sneezing & sore throat, and aching arms smiley - wah...sorry, I'll finish this before my whinge mode kicks in big time smiley - winkeye

hope you get a chance to post soon!
Lorraine smiley - kisssmiley - smooch

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 105

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Lorraine,
Sorry to miss you yesterday smiley - sadface. I was too busy sorting out the voting on the Telegram Game(F1813449) sorting out the results on (A2664614) which took a good hour. smiley - sorry.
You know what they say about Mosquitos...they like sweet blood...
I know from my Birdwatching adventures, that they love feet...especially mine smiley - vampire. The old adage..What do they live on when I'm not there? Have you been watching Wild about Britain? Simon King is at my local favourite Nature reserve, following foxes. The reserve is the London Wetland Centre. Gives an idea of the size of the place...109 acres...No wonder it takes me a day to cover it, especially as the paths are horseshoe shaped (Bull-horned) so I have to do the right side, there and back, in the morning, stop and have lunch, and then do the left hand walk in the afternoon, as the light is wrong otherwise...I believe it is a 5 mile round trip?
If you go to
and go to the centre homepage for a virtual tour, to give you an idea. You can also go to the Washington site as well. I have just found out that the reserve is open until 21:00 on thursdays so may go for an evening on the 8th July...maybe quaff a little Banrock Red while listening to the Frogs' Chorus...Beautiful...
Other than that, things are good. I am hoping to get the Broadband next week, after payday, so I hope to be up and running in a fortnight. Wish Waitrose had announced it was going broadband 2 weeks ago smiley - blue, then I'd be up, and avoiding the smiley - football in it's entirity smiley - wah
Never mind. It is a six-day week thisweek so shall be around and about...
Shall speak later. Hope to catch you this evening.


smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 106

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hello Neal,

I'm glad to hear you're still surviving - even if we do keep missing each other smiley - sadface Never mind - not long to broadband smiley - smiley. How are things going? I hope work's not been too stressful this week.

I'm not sure if my blood's all that sweet - it was probably a case of any port in a storm smiley - laugh, but they are annoying little things. Yes, I did catch some of Wild About Britian, the wetland centre looks like a lovely place - not what you'd expect to find in London! I do feel a bit envious of the evening walk that you're planning. Firstly because I like evening walks, but my friend can only go through the day, and secondly because of the frogs - I love them! Birds aren't my strong point really - I can identify mammals (there's a lot less to choose from, for a start smiley - winkeye, but as you know, my brother's pretty keen on them. He has been since he was small, and if we go out he knows what most of the flying things are, and even ones in trees he can recognise by their songs. It's pretty interesting walking with him. Having said that, I *did* see a couple of curlews today - at least I'm pretty sure that's what they were..long curved maybe I'm improving smiley - winkeye

Anyway, I'm off for a wander around - hopefully we'll catch up with each other before the meet smiley - laugh.

Bye for now

Lorraine xxx

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 107

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hello Lorraine,
Still managed to maintain a complete 100% smiley - football avoidance zone, although I had to change bars last night, as 4 guys came in from another pub and were giving a blow-by-blow account of the game. Why do people who have been together watching a match, a TV program, or a film, always have a conversation along the lines of..."And did you see that bit where he ran up, and kicked the ball into the corner...."? They were sitting together, so OF COURSE they saw that bit, unless they had their eyes closed....smiley - grr I do sometimes wonder if conversations are no more than a means of filling up time.
smiley - sorry End of rant. F**tb*ll and t*nn*s. smiley - football and . Enough to make my bloid boil. Anyway, the Tour de France starts soon... smiley - yawn Yes, maybe like watching paint dry. smiley - evilgrin Maybe I should get off my soapbox, before someone knocks me off....smiley - rofl
Anyway, the walk didn't take place...too many chores and not enough time. W*rked saturday. Sunday was finishing off the w*rks quiz and doing other bits and pieces. Monday was washing and then the day had gone. 21:00 and no supper. Grabbed a sandwich at 23:30. Good for the figure smiley - laugh.
I have been speaking to my Dad, and he has booked tickets to The Quex Park Open-Air Prom for 1st August, and then the Folk Festival the following week. Combined with the meet, and my Cousin coming down-over-acroos in July, my social life has never been so busy.
Anyway, must go, wordgames to play. Oh, and the Broadband has been ordered. 10 day lead time....smiley - biggrin

H & K

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 108

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi - a quickie.

You're not the only one who didn't think I'd make the meet. I've had a week from of the worst ones ever. But cross your fingers & other things...I'm pretty sure it's ok now smiley - smiley

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 109

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - hug and smiley - smooch.
I certainly hope things improve, and sorry to hear things have been bad...You have my sympathy.
I hope all is well now.
Shall e-mail on friday, when I've installed Broadband....

Take care...

smiley - kiss & smiley - smooch

Neal x x smiley - rose

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 110

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Thanks Neal smiley - smiley, I appreciate that!

So Friday's B-day? I hope you get it all installed with no problems!
Anyway, how's things at you end

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 111

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Things are good-ish. There's a bit of in-fighting going on within the housing association where I live, which could get nasty... but as far as I am concerned life is reasonable.
I am looking forward to the meet, and then the following weekend my cousin visits. A fortnight later I'm off to my Dad's place for an Open Air Prom, and then back the week after for a Folk Festival.
I love a quiet life smiley - winkeye
Other than that, it is good.
Afraid I've got to start packing up now. Shall speak again soon I hope.
Take care, and chin up. You have friends here who care for you, even if they've never met you.

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 112

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

I'm glad you're looking forward to the meet - I am too...ok, I'm a bit nervous as well, but mainly looking forward smiley - smiley.

It sounds as though the next few weeks'll keep you busy - I have times like that...either a feast or a famine! I'm off to a friend's 30th on Saturday, going to see Bonnie Rait on Tuesday (she's not quite my thing, but the friend I'm going with is always happy for me to drag her to see bands I like)...then an early start on Saturday smiley - biggrin.

I do really appreciate the friends I've got on here....I don't mean to keep vanishing...honest! And before long, I'll have met most of them smiley - biggrin

I was meaning to ask - how is your workmate's brother? I've been thinking about him, I really hope he'll be ok.

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 113

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Pleased your back. I realise it's not easy staying online smiley - wah. One of the advantages/drawbacks of being a SINK (Single Income No Kids) smiley - laugh.
As far as my colleague's brother is concerned it is not so good.smiley - sadface Starts Chemo today, and has contracted MRSA, so she is really getting freaky. My other colleague is going to be off in a fortnight for her mastectomy, so it's all happening here at present...smiley - cry
I am getting geared up for the smiley - magic meet, although I can't see me getting a t-shirt printed, but I shall do a group e-post on Friday to dot the i's and cross the t's, finalising meeting times, venues, nosebag and drinks. Only 12 days away. Where has this year gone? smiley - yikes

Got to dash. Hopefully catch you later....

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch


I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 114

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Neal,

Ah yes, the luxury of being in charge of your own life...*wallows in wave of nostalgia*...seriously though, there aren't too many things I'd change about my life....unless you count finding the missing millions smiley - laugh.

T-shirt's printed? Everyone seems to be taking loads of stuff to this meet....badges, smiley - towels...I don't need a rail ticket, I need Pickfords!

I'm sorry the news about your friend's brother isn't so good - I'll keep hoping.

Anyway, I'll no doubt see you round the boards....


smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - hug

I'm in Football Purdah!!!!!

Post 115

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hello Lorraine,
Hope this finds you well. Have sent you an e-mail with my plans for the meet, and where I'll be. hope they are agreeable. Shall be in touch soon.

Hugs and Kisses

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

Where is all this rain coming from?????????

Post 116

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Neal,

How are you?
I got your mail, smiley - ta. The plans look great - are you sure you don't mind? I'm not dragging you into town earlier than planned or anything? Are you looking forward to Saturday? I have to confess, I'm a little bit nervous, and desperately trying to think of what kind of food/drink I could bring with me that won't be inedible after hours on a train, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Where is all this rain coming from?????????

Post 117

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Lorraine,
I really wouldn't worry too much about food. I am going to Waitrose (foodstore of John Lewis) on friday, and shall get something. Any preferences? Seems silly to drag food all the way down from Newcastle, when you can buy something here. It's your choice. I've already got Pringles, get some dips, shall get cold chicken, probably knock up a salad, and Pasta Pesto. Not too good at vegetarian.
I know the feeling of nerves. Just have a concern weather-wise, and a lack of plan B. Just hope there is one. If not I'll sort something.
I can assure you there is no problem with Saturday. I have to get there anyway, and just brings me ahead by 30 minutes, so no problem.
Anyway let me know what's happening.


H & K

smiley - hug & smiley - smooch

Neal x x

Where is all this rain coming from?????????

Post 118

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Neal

Yes, I wondered about plan B - given the weather we've been having smiley - winkeye. I *have* just got a new waterproof jacket - could be a chance to put it through its paces smiley - laugh. I suppose I could just bring a bottle of something - I don't drink much in the afternoon (gives me a headache & makes me sleepy), I just feel bad turning up empty handed! Most food is fine by me - except really spicy stuff. The reason I was wondering is because Serephina's left a message on my space asking if I'll be going to the afternoon thing - I'll go back & let her know yes, unless there's a deluge!
I'll keep you posted with my train's progress (I'm in the quiet coach, but I can have the mobile on silent & just text you), and I'll give let you know what I'm wearing so you'll recognise me smiley - smiley

I've just sent a quick email - just a warning - it ends very abruptly because someone knocked at the door as I was writing it. Thank heaven for small mercies, I hear you say smiley - winkeye

I hope you get your bb sorted - I hate being beaten by machines.

Speak soon

Lorraine smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - hug

Where is all this rain coming from?????????

Post 119

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

I'm off now - collecting my daughter, then tea...may be back later

smiley - kiss

Where is all this rain coming from?????????

Post 120

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

That sounds great. Shall sort food out, and also bring plastic crockery, and hopefully some cups. Beer and wine as well. Just can't decide on the shooting stick or the National Trust knapsack/seat. I know it won't be the grass, because if I get down there I'll never get up again. How about bringing the bin-bags? It will be one thing no-onewill have thought of smiley - winkeye.
The phone will be on, but no T-shirt smiley - sadface so unsure of costume-of-the-day. Something sensible for a full day out in England in July...Raincoat, wellies, shorts, sunglasses, knotted hankie, umbrella, and Woollie... should cover all bases. smiley - rofl

Neal x

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A quick hello

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