This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi From the Southern Refuse Tip- Coming to you in RT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 21

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hiya Lorraine,

Depends what I'm bidding for?

Tch! Tch!

Being tongue in cheek (or is that smiley - footinmouth) there. Just pleased to chat in RL for a change!

smiley - blush

Neal smiley - devil

smiley - musicalnote

Hi From the Southern Refuse Tip- Coming to you in RT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 22

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

yes - RL *is* nicer, isn't it smiley - winkeye.

I'll go with tongue in cheek - I don't think the other suits you smiley - laugh

Cyber-Reality at a Computer near you!!

Post 23

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Lorraine,
I guess anything in RL is better than vr.

However when that is all that is available smiley - sadface then we have to make do!!

smiley - winkeyesmiley - smooch


and tongue-in-cheek it is. N smiley - musicalnote

Just a (dead) Mouse Click Away

Post 24

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

well, if you're really unlucky, I might hit London one of these days smiley - evilgrin

smiley - whistle

reviving on the way!

Post 25

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

That sounds bonza, as I'm unlikely to be up your way for a while, although....I am researching the Border Reivers......smiley - winkeye
Plus I still need to nab that darn-blasted bogie-bird, the Sparrowhawk....smiley - steam

(Hhhmm, could stay with The Newcastle Kingsmen. Paul and Sue are up that
way! Get a music session going as well as a spot of Sword-dancing/Morris)

Sounding good already....

smiley - laugh

Neal smiley - kiss

glady accepted.... tons better

Post 26

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

have you been up here before?

an aside - in my married days, we almost bought a house from a bird watching couple who said the often had a sparrowhawk visit the garden

Twas a 'Click-Trick'

Post 27

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

No, but the Newcastle Kingsmen have been to Broadstairs Folk Festival more years than I care to remember. Paul, their Mandolin player and dancer, I've known for years as he married a Broadstairs lass who used to dance with us. Newcastle Kingsmen are a Rapper Sword team, who wear orange and red sashes (or waistcoats with the same colour rosettes), floral hats and loads of beads.
Click on the photos icon, go to Quadrangle, and look for a guy in a Union Jack waistcoat. That's him (the little one).

smiley - musicalnote

Twas a 'Click-Trick'

Post 28

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Oh yes!...I see him. He doesn't look very happy, or is he concentrating?

They don't dance at Monkseaton on New Years Day do they? There are some dancers who dance in the village, then go round the three's very good, if a bit difficult to get a drink smiley - winkeye

Twas a 'Click-Trick'

Post 29

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Paul is more a musician than a dancer, although he danced last august due to lack of men. Considering the heat, he did well, but it almost killed him. If there is smiley - ale involved they'll be there.
However I think you mean Monkseaton Morris, who I've also seen.

Anyway must go.

Speak tomorrow hopefully....

smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblush

Neal smiley - love

smiley - musicalnote

I saw a mouse!........

Post 30

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Oh dear, you put me to all that way away and knowing more about the local morrismen than I do smiley - erm..smiley - winkeye.

I think I should go and feed myself as well, before I waste away to nothing. Lovely to catch up with you, and I'll try to be here tomorrow..or failing that, Wednesday.

And, since it's all the rage, and if you feel the's an email [email protected] woman, mind you smiley - winkeye

Night Neal

smiley - lovesmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

I saw a mouse!........Where????

Post 31

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Lorraine,
How are you? Too late to post yesterday evening, and the PC has crashed three times today, so first time to drop by. smiley - sorry
Shall drop an e-mail round sometime. Intrigued by title choice of address and H2G2 title. My address is [email protected], but it will change in six weeks. Have reserved the e-Mac, and a Palm as my Handspring won't sync with my computer, and two Digi-cams. One is a 4mp Canon Ixus 400, @ £299:00 compared to £449:00 (normal price) and a 5mp Canon Powershot 5 @ £399:00 compared to £649:00. smiley - erm That is either £1,041:50 or 31,141:50, less 12%. It had better be a good bonus!
The only reason I know the Morris Teams is, as a child, my Dad and his Brother where both Morris men, so every holiday we'd be out, meeting other sides from all over the country. Also having been involved with Broadstairs Folk Week ( ) since its inception 39 years ago, and so have met many teams that way as well. Also went to Sidmouth 5 years running, and Whitby once. (Where's me Anorak smiley - geek ?)
I'm not really that sad....Honest....smiley - ok although it is my main holiday, as my Dad lives in Broadstairs, as does my sister and step-sister so it becomes a Family Holiday for a week.
Anyway off to the threads and more RL.

Take care,

smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - loveblush

Neal smiley - love xx
smiley - musicalnote

Ahhh that midweek feeling

Post 32

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Neal,

Sorry I didn't reply last night - I kind of got my teeth into other threads smiley - winkeye.

Given my propensity (word for today) to ramble,I don't think you'll still be here by the time I finish this - but you never know. If not it could be a nice surprise/awful fright ....delete where appropriate ...when you get back smiley - laugh. You've really got your bonus all planned out haven't you? I hope you get what you're expecting, and you get all the goodies you've got your eye on. When you're finished, could you maybe have a word with my boss, and tell him what a *real* bonus should look like? smiley - biggrin Do it quick while I'm in the good books - I got a pat on the back from our MD this week (not as grand as it sounds, we're a very small outfit, but nice all the same. I'm a bit later than I planned tonight because I've been shopping - boring food - and then a friend called in for *5 minutes* hmmmm......if you think I can type reams, it's nothing to the amount of talking this particular friend does. We're off to see Jethro Tull tomorrow, it seems like ages since we bought the tickets, so I hope it's a good gig.

An old work colleague of mine is very into music, and he goes to quite a few folk festivals, including Reading, not sure about Broadstairs though. He lives in Monkseaton too, so I'd bet that he knows the morrismen. Anyway, what's sad about going to folk festivals? I don't believe in restricting my listening to one kind of music - I can listen to pretty much anything, though I'm not keen on Country & Western - must be something to do with those check shirts smiley - winkeye.

I've also been bookshopping today. I bought the Golden Fool a while ago, and was saving it for when I felt like a good read, but didn't realise it was part of a ...trilogy? today I had to track down Fool's Errand - I'll start reading later tonight.

OK, that's me done - you can open your eyes now smiley - laugh

I won't post tomorrow (obviously), but maybe later this week. Goodnight & take care.

smiley - love


smiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

Ahhh, Poet's and I'm working tomorrow!!!!

Post 33

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hiya Lorraine,
Sorry I missed you last night, and hope you are enjoying/have enjoyed Tull. That name takes me back aeons. I have a double-cassette of them from whenever. Must dig it out sometime.
Good to see yoe are into Robin Hobb. I am waiting for Fool's Fate to come out in 'sensible' paperback, as I want to find out the ultimate relationship between Chade, Fitz and the Fool, and whether the Wit is accepted, or whether it gets out-skilled. I do get annoyed when writers start a book, anly to string it out as a nonology. Still there is one good thing and that is that it won't happen here. Also White-eyes.
The only reason we get the bonus we do is no share-holders. Our staff still moan that there is no Christmas bonus, or Paid Easter party etc, and can't work out that it comes from the Final Bonus. smiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - erm
Anyway shall keep it short tonight as I have a long day here tomorrow, so plenty of time to post then.

TTFN and sleep well,

smiley - smoochsmiley - loveblushsmiley - kiss

smiley - hug Neal smiley - love

Happy and I'm smiling....

Post 34

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hello Neal - sorry to hear you're working today, still it means you're here in rt/rl. How are you?

smiley - smiley

Happy and I'm smiling....

Post 35

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Lorraine,
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin Fandabi-super-groovy, smiley - ta
And yourself?
How was Tull?Hope you had a smiley - ok night.
Yes, its RL today and lovely to be with you. Missing the 'boys' against the ol' Enemy at 17:30, although I should finish then. I could go home, but as I'm taping it, I may stay here, and mess around on the internet. I have lifted an entry on "Mensa" from the Flea Market, so I'm going to see if I can finish it. I shall probably rejoin the organisation at the end of March. I cancelled my subscription 10 years ago as I had no meetings near me. Now there is.
It is very quiet here today, and quite cool. My colleagues (sp?) are all snuffles and groans,with the odd hangover around smiley - roflsmiley - rofl Would never happen to me smiley - winkeye
Anyway off to the threads smiley - biggrin and see what trouble I can stir up.smiley - erm


smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblush

Neal smiley - love

Happy and I'm smiling....

Post 36

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

I'm good smiley - ta Neal......and Tull were fantastic...Martin Barre did a solo set as 'guest' at the beginning, and all the music took me back years.....I *almost* felt like a teenager again - except for the angst smiley - laugh. What was weird though, was looking around at all the other people there, and trying to imagine what they must've looked like all those years interesting night!

I'm glad you're having an ok-ish day. I've only had to work one Saturday in years, and I hated it - partly because it meant a 6 day week, with a day in lieu, not the same.

Let me know how you do on the mensa thing - I almost sat one of their tests in Newcastle years ago, but to be honest, I wasn't sure I'd go to meetings, and I thought they'd all have brains the size of Canada smiley - laugh. If it's full of deadly serious people, I'd probably go down like a ton of bricks - I struggle to stay serious for any length of time - unfortunately for anyone I happen to be in a metting with at work smiley - winkeye

Off to wander now, might see you on the threads

smiley - love

Lorraine smiley - biggrin

Happy and I'm smiling....

Post 37

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hiya again.
wrt Mensa, yes, some are real Professor Braynestawms, but most are nice young people, who enjoy a party, (bit like here reallysmiley - winkeye)
The main thing I found was it could get expensive. Membership is £40:00, which includes 2 SIG's (or special interest groups). These are very varied, and probably cover everything here. When I was a member, Sir Clive Sinclair was President. IQ = 148/152 based on 6 tests. 2 at school, 2 at a Career Assessment centre, and 2 via Mensa itself.
Try the sample test at
Anyway worth a punt.
I'll help you if you want.

see you in a few minutes out there....

smiley - kisssmiley - smooch

Neal smiley - love

Happy and I'm smiling....

Post 38

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

thanks for the link - I've done a few iq tests (does that mean I'm massively insecure)...including that test the nation thing last year. Given the scores I've had in the past, I'm pretty sure I *could* join, but they certainly wouldn't know what they were getting smiley - laughsmiley - laugh.

Add to that the fact that even in my supposed sphere of expertise, I still feel like a complete idiot, I might not go down too well (I try to keep it well hidden, which is why I stick to rambling jokey threads on here - somebody might expect me to know something otherwise!

I might give the test a go - but I'd feel smiley - wah if i got a poor score.

Scotland are winning, and I'm not smiling....

Post 39

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

That's why I suggested the Mensa link. I think it is 30 questions in 30 minutes. Managed 23/30, but skipped three as I was at work and was too busy to concentrate on them, as they were anagrams.
Aaaaggghhhh, 3:0 to Scotland!!!
I can't bear to go up to Audio and Television to watch. Should really. Maybe at half-time.
Anyway, hope you get a chance to give it a go. At least no one will know, except you. It is not linked to Mensa. They send you a test seperately for assessment if you want to have a go properly.
I only did it, because they ran a test in conjunction with The Times, in 1990, and I finished in the top 100.Reckon only 102 entered!!!
Anyway, back to the threads..


Neal smiley - love

smiley - musicalnote

Roll up...get yer tea and sympathy ere......

Post 40

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Did the score improve? If not here's some smiley - ale to cheer you up....if it did, have a smiley - ale to celebrate smiley - winkeye

I meant to ask you - in Robin Hobbs' books, is the Fool *definately* male?....I keep wondering if that's going to be the twist in the tale

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Hi From the Southern Refuse Tip- Coming to you in RT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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