Journal Entries


Finally done my essay, well, just over 1000 words which is hardly great. I was really struggling to think of things to say towards the end though. Difficult topic too. I've now got that kind of tiredness where you feel physically smiley - ill despite it not being too late. I think it's the result of having been sat in front of the computer for soo long too and not eating regularly enough.

Despite the essay I've not had too bad a day. I've had some great conversations with people which has helped break up the day. And just had some pizza - yummy.

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Latest reply: Feb 2, 2004


As I walked home today (or got walked home) I was shown a very interesting perspective on what makes us look after our bodies.

To clarify, this guy is a student, studying Environment mainly, and is interested in Psycology.

He asked me if I would treat myself any differently i.e. eat different things etc. if I was to think of my body in two different ways. The first: if i considered my body as a machine that allows me to do things during the day. The second: if I considered it as a temple.

Everyone has heard the expression, your body is a temple I suppose. But I hadn't really thought about it in these two ways and then compared my thoughts. I realised that if I thought of my body as a machine I would just give myself just what is enough to keep it going, the bare essentials, whereas if I thought of it as a temple I would want to treat it with much more respect, and give it much more than the basics.

smiley - eureka

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Latest reply: Jan 30, 2004


1. Why am I ok one minute, then thouroughly depressed the next? I am full of good intentions when I'm fine, and the minute I'm not, I can't be bothered to do anything smiley - grr not even eat or work which are (should be) 2 of the most important things in my life.

2. When the phone rings it is always bad news. That makes me feel worse.

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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2004


It's snowing outside! Yaaay! I'm soaked through from just having a snowfight, and I feel 10 again!!! Wahhooo! smiley - snowball

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Latest reply: Jan 27, 2004


I seem not to be doing too well with my New Year's resolutions.smiley - groan I think I made too many of them, and havn't tried very hard at all. Plus I've had my mind on seemingly more important things. I think I need to just deal with less coz that'll be hard enough to do. So... more (consistent) work, must be the most important one, and I'm GONNA stick to it


*darkness is what you left in me* - Katatonia

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Latest reply: Jan 15, 2004

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