Journal Entries


What's going on?! I've had 2 reeeally happy days in three (and the only ones for quite a while) *scratches head*
This is good, but means that I am likely to have a massive comedown somethime in the not too far future smiley - sadface
My mood has had nothing to do with general events because some of those have been shite, but I've still managed to be in a really good frame of mind. Ho hum. Should prob get lots of sleep tonight, in order to make the most of this, and prolong it as much as poss.

Strange things happened today...though I won't go in to them on here - just to say, that a really strong love saved someone from being hurt

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Latest reply: May 16, 2004

LoSe CoNtRoL

*Somebody, make me feel the sun again*

When my own words won't come out - gah - bah smiley - grr

Scritch, scratch, tense, scrunch, grind, thump

*Every time I hate myself, you love me, forgive me*

smiley - headhurts

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Latest reply: May 6, 2004

F****d up

EVERYONE is just messed up in their heads in some way or anothersmiley - injured

even, possibly especially, those who you least expect it from...

And on realising this you hardly know where you stand, if you are doing the right thing or even if it is worth doing anything at allsmiley - huh

Most of the time, the best way is just to let the time pass, have fun when you feel like it, and face one thing at a time, ignoring the "big picture" or any large concepts that might distract you. Just use some of your own, personal, basic rules of living to tackle small things, and leave the concepts of life to those who need to study them for educational purposes or are determined to confuse themselvessmiley - headhurts

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Latest reply: May 3, 2004


Before reading this...take heed (and not "head" as I wrote before realising what I had put...though if that's your thing...):
I suggest that you bop in your seat as if you were listening to 70s cheese whilst reading the following.

Done exams
*bops in seat*
and now want to get plastered
*bops a bit more*
and have an in-flat-partaaayyyy
*what is it good forrrr...*
and get twatted
*manic head bopping*
and have smiley - handcuffs kinky fun
*woahhaaaa, woaahhhaaa, wwwoooooaaahhhhhaaaaa yeahhh*

but I have tutorial at 11.30smiley - skull, so I can't stay up aaaaall nightsmiley - crescentmoon...

..just a little though...

(have now sent minions to shop to get nice big bottle de vodka)


Oh God I want smiley - choc right now.

But I haven't got any so I'm going to get another wicked way smiley - devil

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Latest reply: Apr 26, 2004

My head... going to explode smiley - headhurts

and I wish that I had no sinuses.

Or brain.

Or thoughts.

Or work to catch up on.

Or lectures to go to.

bah smiley - grr

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Latest reply: Feb 5, 2004

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