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Not much of grave interest happening here except much hard work for Biology, and eating lots of food - I must be about 12 stone now! I think perhaps exercise had better be on the agenda for the near future (I have, after all, signed up to the gym for the year, and it IS in my building so really NOT far to go)...

*I've seen you suffer, I've seen you cry, for days and days...
...I'll be your father, I'll be your mother, I'll be your lover, I'll be yours*

After two days of horrible (hormone fueled?) depressive state a few days ago I am back to ?normal? - for that little time! Usually lasts a lot longer than that - but hey, I'm not complaining. Rather, I'm feeling quite pleased by the fact.

*wedding bells ain't gonna chime, with both of us guilty of crime, and now were all alone*

Becomming increasingly admirable of Therapy? as in the band - I listened to some of their lyrics for the first time the other day - pretty clever stuff. And they have great drumming and vocals and harmonies...
Must remember to check in Darty to see if there are any WiFi cards - I NEEEED to get online to download some music, as well as do some research. Speaking of which, I have some exams next week, and three weeks after that - in French - erk. I vow not to miss any more lectures, except for the two clashes, this semester!

*Never was a cornflake girl, thought tha'it was a good solution, hanging with the raisin girls*

I seem to slowly be regaining the ability to work for more than an hour - probably due to being made to concentrate in lectures that last 1 1/2 hours min. and getting encouragement

*sometimes I hear my voice, and it's been here, silent all these years*

French comprehension improving - but I am going to have so much trouble when I am back in the UK - when I hear more than one person talk at the same time, I will be able to understand them both, and suffer from information overload!

*every day, every way, I swear just one last try*

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2004

Life (...again? Was "life" the sbj of the last entry too?)

Well, it (life) seems to be forever changing. To cut a long story very much shorter than it really is I will use the following format rather than tale telling...

Things in my cerveau/brain RIGHT NOW (therefore ACTUAL relevance to be estimated by reader, due to sujective distortions):

(in order of current magnitude)

-man I have been dating (from:Kyrgystan,age:older than me and more mature than av. male Brit de même âge,misc:finishing PhD and teaching,good influence)

-what I should cook for someone (see point above) who loves meat (seeing as I really don't)

-needing to do much work and therefore going to finish on comp in Bio dept soon

-things that I may be able to publish in a paper in the not too distant future...including why the world should be vegetarian:an environmental and biological perspective

-gahd, I really need to cook dinner with the nice food that I bought when I went shopping at 8.30 this morning! hungry

-I wonder if I will every give in and eat meat...perhaps it would be a good thing to try it for a month to see the effects on health/mood etc

-I am not drinking much at the mo (mainly due to the v. mature influence of said person above) and planning on going for the diminished clubbing,pubbing,partying approach as I have been for last few days

-fed up with depression, it always gets in the way, but I seem to be improving its detection and decreasing its presence. Horrahh!

-Note to all moody people: try not drinking (drink=cause not (long-term)cure), also, wallowing in self (which everyone does sometimes) should not be done - involve yourself with your actions rather than
your emotions, because emotions come naturally, as part of you, and be consteuctive so that you feel good about yourself as a result, learn what makes you feel good (on a long term scale) and then think about whether you should do it or not before actually doing it! Things like art are there to help. However, moody song/story writing make things worse. Then the next day there is not much to show for what you have done anyway, except a memory of the scar that caused you to write it the first place, and that is hardly a way to heal.

-really hungry...

-Oh god (I wonder if there is one) exams start 3rd Jan and term on 17th Jan!!!

Hope all online are well, have fun and speak to you/see you soon smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Oct 8, 2004

La vie

Ooo - la vie - c'est drole, et si belle!

"I'm lovin' it"

Hey everyone out there btw : )

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Latest reply: Aug 27, 2004

The come-down

Weell, it didn't take vary long before I started to feel bad again smiley - sadface - no suprise there, but it's still disappointing. I've come to the conclusion that I need all these in my life (and haven't had for too long now):

Academic value
Musical ability
Artistic time
Proper sleep and awake time
Self respect - both harm avoidance and also extra things, like doing my hair nicely and putting on make-up, which I haven't done for a very long time
Occasional charge takeover- Patrick? Please? I can't seem to deal.

Well, in an attempt to start tackling this list I guess, at 1am, I should get some sleep.

Note to self: am going to NZ for 2 weeks in 3 weeks time to see best friend...should be happy

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2004

No alcohol zone

Does anyone fancy giving up alcohol for a month, or any length of time that you want, along with other people on H2G2? If so leave me a message on this thread...

Come on, it'll be fun and healthy too! No more smiley - hangovers! Yay! And don't forget, everyone can still "drink" online using the emoticons on her! smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stoutsmiley - coffeewith Irish cream etc.

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Latest reply: May 22, 2004

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