This is the Message Centre for Pinky

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 81

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
its been wet and windy here for over a week, its so cold this morning, the radiators have just kicked in.
ive only been to blackpool twice, back in the 80,s and when i met paganmoon, many years back now.
smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 82


Hi Jim,the weather has been very much the same here ,but ,the good news,this week isn't going to be too bad ( so take your hayfever allergy tablets ok ) I don't think you'd find it's changed that much here in Blackpool Jim ,the Towers still here at least ...they have improved the promenade,safer, and cleaned the beach ,much needed I have to say.I think you'd find your way around without getting lost hahaha and the weather NEVER changes Jim hahahaha .Hope your ok ? Thinking of you Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 83

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
its to timeless for me now, as you say nothing as changed, just got more packed i suppose, with the casino and pleasure beach, gone are the landyladies of old,
i remember when the landladies had the panto each xmas for charity.
its the cyber for an hr or two, then pick up a loaf, sugar and taebags on the way home, then wait for wednesday for the next payday, smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 84


Hello Jim,well I don't think the landladies do anything like that anymore Jim might be a good idea if they did though ! Hope your keeping well Jim ,and have you found a new link yet ? Just very curious.Thinking of you Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 85

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
till the changes are made, i wont know what i can even look for,
after 8 yrs with the same specs, ive got to get new ones, the left eye as change to much,
i was on a search for the lowest i would have to pay at the opticians yesterday, i was offered from £30 to pay to £15, then i found a new ops and they will do me my new ones for only £7-50p for me to pay.
smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 86


Hello Jim,thats a good deal ,you didn't go to Specsavers then ? Well done you ! Where is prof ? Is he ok Jim ? I haven't seen him around lately ? Speak soon Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 87

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

The reason Pinky

smiley - grrnow starting 3rd week

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 88


aww I understand now Jim,thankyou for the link ..poor prof ,I know how he feels ,I had similar problems ,they went on forever Jim .The suns shining here ,hope it is for you too ,speak soon (MUST go to work ) Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 89

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

that was mesmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - nahnah

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 90

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

got my new specs today, so with luck the eye strain and mild headaches will be gone by morning smiley - dragon jim

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 91


Hahahahaha so it was prof hahahaha You sneaked in there,I was half asleep,hahahahaha hahahahahahaha Good to know your here XXX hahahaha cheeky though ,catching me half asleep hahahahaha

I hope so Jim ,might take a few days to get used to them ,I hope they work Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 92

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
well had blood pressure taken a week back, had the sugar level, so the glases is the last on the list. if it still happens, i will have to go to the docs, and se if he will send me for a scan, mri i think its called, to see if the clockwork is still working my nut smiley - roflsmiley - dragon jim xx
ps, did you see my journal with the photos from china, its on my ps.

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 93


Hello Jim,I hope everything goes well for you,I really do.I'll be thinking of you Jim to have a look at the pics ,thankyou for letting me know.Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 94


The pics are lovely Jim,well done XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 95

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
with it being warm today, i have to screw my eyes at times, i have a pair of clipon sunglasses somewhere in the drawers.have to find them out.
nikita sent them, and i uploaded to a free site,tinypic.
smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 96


Well,I hope you found your clip on sunglasses Jim ...if the sun shone where you are ,anything like it did here in sunny Blackpool today ,you'll have needed them ! The pics are lovely,well done you ,you clever person you .Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 97

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
i found them, and needed them, it was hot here.
when i got to the cyber this morning at 10am, the owner said that about an hour after i lft the cyber on friday afternoon, his brother had to close the cyber as there had been a stabbing across from the shop.
i dont get the local paper, and as of now nothing on the local text, smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 98


Hi Jim,my God,it's getting worse,it really is ,and closer to home everyday ! It's so unsafe now ,you have to be so careful Jim.I don't get any newspapers anymore ,it's all too sad.What a world ! Hope the sun shone for you again today,it's been beautiful here. Thinking of you .Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 99

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky,
we had a dull day, and looks like a dull and wet one today.
im going to the cyber later this morning, nikita as sent, what might be the last photos to the china trip.
it will take me half hour to convert to the upload site.and add to the journal.
smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 100


Hi Jim,I'll look forward to seeing the pics.We had a sunny day here again today ! Amazing ,but it won't last hahahaha Hope your ok Jim ? Love Pinky XXX

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