This is the Message Centre for Pinky

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 101

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
the last ones are on the thread now, unless nikita as some she will send later,
ive decided to put the tinypic links onto a guide, titled, something like, photos of the real china,
im hoping anyone thats been following the thread/journal will add a little message to nikita, then next time she emails me,i can tell her to come on h2g2, she as her own page.
its trying to sunshine, but ive decided, apart from a trip to the local shop, i wont be ging anywhere today.
if the sun does shine, and it warms up, i,ll probably cut the front garden Grass smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 102

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

a neighbour says, after checking my set up etc, that it doesn't look like the fault is at my end

What is my broadband 'IP profile' and why is it important?

Your 'IP profile' (or 'BRAS profile') is a speed limit applied to your broadband service by the local exchange. Its purpose is to ensure the exchange doesn't 'overload' your broadband service by sending more data down your phone line than it (or your modem) can physically handle. Without such a 'throttle', your broadband service would suffer from data loss.

The exchange sets an initial IP profile for your line as soon as it detects an active broadband service. It then monitors the line's speed and adjusts the IP profile to a rate slightly less than the line's demonstrated maximum speed (which is a function of the line's length, with shorter lines able to handle faster speeds). The IP profile will then be maintained at this rate unless interference or a fault occurs, when the exchange will automatically reduce it to prevent data loss. Once the interference or fault has been cleared, the exchange will automatically return the IP profile to its pre-fault rate following three days of consistently higher line speeds.

You can use your IP profile as a 'health check' for your line speed. You can measure it by running a broadband speed test at Normally your IP profile should be around 500 kbps less than your line's maximum downstream speed. Where significantly less, this can indicate either a fault in BT's network or in your home phone wiring, or the presence of electrical interference on the line.

In the Speedtester example below, the IP Profile (135 kbps) is significantly less than the line's maximum speed ('Downstream DSL Connection rate' - 4960 kbps). This indicates a possible fault since something has caused the exchange to throttle the IP Profile. The next step should be to diagnose the cause.

Speedtester example
IP profile for your line is - 135 kbps (max speed limit of data sent by the exchange)

DSL connection rate: 448 kbps (UP-STREAM) 4960 kbps (DOWN-STREAM) (max physical speed capability of the phone line)

Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 124 kbps (actual rather than maximum data speed achieved during the test)

The exchange will continue to throttle the line speed until three days after the fault has been fixed, and then adjust it back up to its pre-fault level (the delay is to ensure a consistently higher line speed before increasing the data transmission speed).

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 103

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i was lost after ip address.
to much for my head to get round, its always gobbledigook when they write it, you need a uni degree.smiley - dragon jim

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 104


Are you turning into a rocket scientist prof ? Or is it just a pilots final exam ? I only hope you experience less turbulence than I did reading that Love Pinky XXX
Hi Jim ,we'll have to just speak in English ok ? My brain feels numb now ! I'll check the pics out and put a word in for nikita....Sunny again today in Blackpool,honestly ,it is hahahaha I think we're in for long ,cold hard winter jim,I don't like it when the sun shines this much.Speak soon Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 105

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
its very cold here, and my rads have just kicked in.
ive another new toy to play with smiley - rofl.
a mate as given me for narda, a 12 gig flashdrive. thats 9 gigs more than the two i have now.
means i can store as many as 20+, full lenght films to watch at home on my movie veiwer.
the photo starage would be over 1,000+. smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 106


WOW,what does that mean Jim ? Are you following prof into the rocket science business ? hahahahahahahaa XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 107

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
i dont have a pc at home, so im bringing part i want back to what on the movieplayer smiley - rofl.
been looking at the info book with it, and it as something called ceedo as part of it,i will have to look it up at the cyber when i get there at 11am.
smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 108

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

this k.board ggrr, should be "watch".

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 109


Jim,it just sounds more and more complicated to me ,pity you couldn't take prof with you ,he understands all this technology hahahaha XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 110


Must get going Jim ,late for work,good job I'm the boss ,or I'd have been sacked years ago hahahaha You take care,love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 111

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
i,ll give you a small crash course.
i take it you have seen the ipod, that as a removable section, with a usb, silver conection on the end, to download the music from a pc.
the flashdrive is the same to look at the more it can store the bigger it is.
unlike the ipod one, a f/drive can store files, vidio, photos, and music, in seperate folders.
all at the same time.smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 112


Hey thanks Jim,I understand it now ,you should be a teacher in technology you,I got that straight away,thankyou Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 113

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
i had better not try to explain the unit i use to what movies and see photos, and play music from the f drive staright to my tv. and sit here whatching what i upload at the cyber in comfort.
smiley - roflsmiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 114


hahahaha Hi Jim ,too much information eh ? hahahahaha You don't want to give me nightmares,I know hahahaha Hope your day went well,I had a day off,and worked harder at home than I ever do in the flower shop ..I need a holiday.Thinking of you Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 115

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
just on the way up the wooden steps, im staying in tomz,
smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 116


Night night Jim ,have a lovely day.Speak to you later Sweet dreams Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 117

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
well ive decided its time i got a small paint brush, and got the damaged paint on the doors touched up.
heavy booted feet,of he who as gone, that kicked doors open.
scratches, and where its flaked, bad work of the painters.
smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 118


Good job he's gone Jim,you won't have to do that job again ,for years..hopefully.Thinking of you Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 119

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
there is method in my madness, as they say.
with the painting of the doors done, when the housing sort the weird marks problem on the walls in the livingroom and front bedroom, i intend to get a camera, and taken photos of the house inside and out.
kat and a few others,like nikita, want to see what my house is like
its the cyber today for a few hrs smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 120


I want to see it too Jim ,I have read with interest the regular progress .I want to see too. Hope you have a lovely week-end .Love Pinky XXX

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