This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 1021

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

ok love, see you soon

hi pinky

Post 1022

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

trust Sheryl to start goin on about her boxsmiley - biggrin

hi pinky

Post 1023

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - whistle

hi pinky

Post 1024

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

I'm back... Box n all... smiley - rofl
Hi Iain... smiley - hug

hi pinky

Post 1025

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

evenin pet ....i trust you are keeping wellsmiley - zoom

hi pinky

Post 1026

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

I'm ok thanx luv... Just chillin as per wi me smiley -
Got Ozzy on the music channel... smiley - musicalnote

hi pinky

Post 1027

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all,lol
hope you are getting better weather than me, its cold, dull and wet.
hi prof
still having fun on the game and forum i hope lol.smiley - discojim
hi shell
i see you your still having yoursmiley - stiffdrinklol
im still around but only on the old tw backup now, like you and pinkysmiley - discojimxxx

hi pinky

Post 1028

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

mornin Jim... smiley - tea
Aye good ol' telewest
We've got a pc now but we're not connected to t'internet.. Think we pay 'em enough..
Just use it for music n such..
Weather's dry here but dull at mo, not so warm.. Past couple days been quild mild n sunny, til teatime yeaterday then it decided to pee down..
Hope it's dry tomorrow, we're supposed to be havin a day out...

hi pinky

Post 1029

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

another lovely day up here

hi pinky

Post 1030

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi shel
have a good day out, i think tomorrow i might finish the painting in the shower room,hey by the way shel, did i tell you ive got a walking,wet floor shower now at last, got it a week before xmas.smiley - discoxxx
hi crazyhorse
ive just been talking to a mate,john, in east kilbride, he said its sunny up his way to.still dull and windy my end, in yorkshire.smiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1031

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

aye that'll be the moors for you

hi pinky

Post 1032

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

when you said that emails on tw are limited,as they are, did you ever use the sneaky codes to liven them up, like changing the grey background to a color, or writing in broad or italics,and making the text smaller or twice as large, i have bothered for a while but i still have the codes to do it in a book somewhere.smiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1033

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

dit it a few times but the pest deleted me backlog with few bits of btml i got from missfrance.havnae heard from her in ages

hi pinky

Post 1034

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Good news on the shower Jim.. Could do wi one here...
Hi Iain...

hi pinky

Post 1035

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

evenin lass how was yor day oot?smiley - stiffdrink

hi pinky

Post 1036

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Day out tomorrow babes... smiley - cheers

hi pinky

Post 1037

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia


hi pinky

Post 1038

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

That's ok Iain... I'm easily confused meself... smiley - laugh

hi pinky

Post 1039

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

i been at it all day....losing track of time

hi pinky

Post 1040

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
im just getting ready now, to head for town, ive replied to the email.catch you later,alligatorsmiley - discojim

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