This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there, i thought you had gone altogether

im on a pc now,so i have no restricktions now lol

still a pure novis though jimbobxxxxsmiley - lovesmiley - disco

hi pinky

Post 2


Hahahahahaha YOU WISH !! Hahahahahaha me GO ??? You stand a better chance of winning a roll-over in this weeks lottery hahahaha Lovely to hear from you and your new PC.You'll be a computer whiz kid in no time hahahaha You Take Care Jim xxx Chat soon, I hope xxx Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there

still plodding on here, the pc like a minefield, ive messed up so many times i think it will blow up lol

actually im not doing to bad in some ways, but its sure hard going, and i still havent had a course on the cut and paste part

take care jimbobxxxxsmiley - disco

hi pinky

Post 4


hello motto lol

hi pinky

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi shifty,pinky

still plodding on with the pc

couldnt go to see how to cut and paste the weathers been to bad, jimbobxxx

hi pinky

Post 6


Hi Jim ,Tig hahahaha cut and paste Jim ??? Sounds dangerous to me !!! Knives ,glue ?? I mean is it necessary ?? hahahahaha Keep plodding xxx Talk to you soon xxxx... Tig !! Shouldn't you be painting and decorating somewhere ??? hahahaha It's all going down in my little black book hahahahaha Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky

its the technical terms for moving one pic to anothe place,ie email or folder and so on,

hope you are well, im a bit sniffy with the weather but as of now no sign of a cold lol jimbobxxxxsmiley - discosmiley - love

hi pinky

Post 8


Hahahahaha Hi Jim,you know me ,I'll just leave ALL that high tech stuff to you hahahaha My brain goes dead when people say the word COMPUTER ,I get shaky when I'm asked to video a programme from the TV Jim hahahahaha So pleased your OK, and just lovely hearing from you.You've got to admit though ,I've been good......Not a 'HELP' e-mail from me in ages hahaha Ooopps what have I said ? I'll be e-mailing you shortly no doubt hahahaha Keep Smiling.Take care Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 9


but pinkys good on ice she does a good bambi hahahaha i dont do panting at night its better done in day light pinky if your black books like mine it will be a best seller hahahahahahahaha

hi pinky

Post 10


Hahahahahha Hello Thumper hahahaha You print that black book of yours IF YOU DARE Tig and I'll go INTERNATIONAL with the one I'm keeping hahahahaha WATCH THIS SPACE . hahahahahahhaha Hi Jim ,hope your OK pet xxxx Speak soon xxxx Love Pinky xxxxx

hi pinky

Post 11



hi pinky

Post 12


TOO LATE !!!! !! I GOT THERE FIRST !!!! TOUGH !!!!!! Anyway my black book has so much more interesting reading than the one your keeping so don't worry about it OK Tig hahahahahahahaha Nats is fine and if you read your e-mails you'd know that !!! hahahaha It's not rocket science you know hahahaha Even I can do it hahahaha See you soon xxxxx Hi Jim xxx Hope your OK xxx Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
sorry ive been out of touch for a while
was having a great time learning the pc, till it conked out on me, it was to old to, and slow, and in the end the windows,files sort of started to dissapear on me.
im getting a new tower in a few weeks with luck lol,later jimbobxxx
ps if you sent to my blueyonder i couldnt get on for days before the pc bloobed xxx

hi pinky

Post 14


jackie tell natts to mail me i forgot her addy i

hi pinky

Post 15


Hi Jim,hope it all gets sorted out for you soon xxx A Tower ? Come over here to Blackpool ,save you a lot of trouble you know,we've got a huge tower here hahaha You take care Speak soon Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
its funny you should mention the tower,i was in blackpool at the end of this month last yr for two days.

its a pity i didnt know you back then, or we could have said hi.

im £60 near to the £100 i need for the tower im haveing made up soon i hope, still to plan what it will consist of, plenty of drive, and over 250 memory at least jimbobxxxx

hi pinky

Post 17


Hi Jim,there's always the next time you visit you know x Hope your well Jim and get that tower sorted out soon .One of these days we'll chat LIVE hahahaha Now your worried hahaha Take Care Love Pinky xxxx Ok Tig,no problem xxx

hi pinky

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky

when i get the new settup im also later getting a webcam, and mic, and we can also message on the msn.ive £40 and should have another £20 tonight so i can get the man to start on the tower setting up, to what i arrange.

i want a good hard drive at least 200=,memory,media player, a good viruses checker, and anything else that i can get in the £100 to £120 range jimbobxxx

hi pinky

Post 19


Jim ,your a complete computer whiz kid I'm impressed xxx Just hope you get it all sorted out soon xxx Catch you later Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
the dell as given up the ghost,so i,ll have to sort out another tower when i can get the money i need
weathers a bit yuck here again,jimbobxxx

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