This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 121

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
hes sent for the birth cert, so we can find out who the mother and father was,and if it as an address they where living in on, i will be able to contact the area and see what the nearest census had the fathers age at, then i can work out by taking the years back, what year the father was born,.it all in a days work lol.
well you have my number, its up to you when you get up the courage to call lol.
later on in the year when the susns out again,i might come to b,pool for and overnight, to get out for 24 hours

hi pinky

Post 122


Hey that would be good,I may even pluck up the courage to meet up with you hahaha Our very own meeting hahahaha Don't tell anyone else Jim,they may all want to come hahahahaha It's sounds so interesting this all in a days work you do Jim,honestly it intrigues me.I'm all for finding out about our ancestry.Have you done your own family tree yet ? The snows stayed away,fingers crossed X Hope I haven't spoken too soon.Catch you soon Jim.Lovely getting your msgs thankyou.Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 123

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
ive got back to the 1700s with my family name.on my fathers side, when i can get a new tower(or the other back)im seeing how far back i can get on my mothers side.
its sunny here, but the forcast is for winds again tonight or tomorrow jimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 124


Hi Jim,thats just so interesting.I would love to do my family tree.I have an Uncle,who's trying his best to trace the ancestors at the moment.I'll let you know when he strikes royality hahahahaha The weather isn't too bad here at the moment but the forecast isn't looking so bright for the week !!! I'll keep you posted.You take care.Speak later.Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 125

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
the rains back again,lol
cant remember if i told you, but the housing came last friday, and with a bit of luck,i should have the whistling window replaced some time this afternoon.
it 9-30,the winds also getting a bit iffy,loljimbobxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 126

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi again,lol
heres some info, that your relation might find helpful on searching for relatives.
starting from the last born, you look on the library fiches, under births, when you have the date, he can send for a cert,(a full one costs £7)but it will have the father/mother, and the street and town they lived in at the time of the birth.
with this there as also census records(at all main libraries)if there is one inbetween the cert date and when the father was born,(for the house they lived in)this will show how old the father was at the time,using the info,ie 35 he can work back 35 yrs to get the next birthdate.
and get another cert,that will take him back another generation.
unfortunatly all records/birth/deaths,and marraiges,all started being recorded from 1837 onwards,before this it will be parish or chatherdrel records,hope this can help.jimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 127


Hi Jim,thankyou so much for all of the info,my Uncle will be so grateful.He's doing it all on his own at the moment so some input from you will be really appreciated Thankyou so very much.The weather has been wild here,hope your ok ? So,no more whistling windows !!! Ahhh bet you'll miss them won't you ? hahaha. When do they come to fix the roof ? Or am I just being silly now ? hahahahha See you soon and thanks again so much for your kind effort on the family tree business Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 128

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
for once the weathers not to bad, a bit of wind and rain overnight,but nothing to worry about.
your welcome,on the family search info.
before 1837, is the start of the hardest part, he might need a researcher in london,
they charge from £20 for a quick search,to anything for an whole search,jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 129


Hi Jim,right ,I see.I'll send on this new info too.He sends you his thanks for all of your trouble,he wants to learn about computers now hahahaha God,I hope he doesn't come onto h2 and read some of my threads hahahahaha He'll forget the family tree altogether ,or search the lunatic asylum lists hahahahaha Fingers crossed he never gets too computer literate Jim hahahahaha The weather has calmed down a little here too,still chilly though.Having said that,my miniture daffodils are in bloom,the snowdrops and tulips are pushing up,and a couple of primroses are blooming,very early I'd have though Jim ? Still,I love springtime,it can't come soon enough for me.You take care,speak soon.Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 130

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
from about 5pm last night the wind was at galeforce,but ive no extra slates missing,lol.
most of the info to search is out there, its just knowing how to find and interperate the data.
its just started raining, but at least the wind as died down,jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 131


Yes,we had strong winds and lots of rain here to Jim.It's calmer today.My uncle is doing quite well,your extra help is so appreciated.Thankyou.Hope your well.Catch you later Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 132

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
someone got it wrong for once, the strong winds we expected last night didnt come,lol
and its not bad today,a slight rain.
im stuck in for a while,waiting for a registered parcel,then im off to get my shower at helens(an old friend and her husbands).jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 133


Are you actually HERE Jim ? LIVE ?? hahahahaha Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 134


Hahaha I thought it was all too good to be true Jim hahahaha Enjoy your shower.See you SOON hahahaha Then again of course,I might not,if we keep missing each other this way hahahaha Take care Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 135

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
i usually check h2g2 between 9-10am and 9-30 everyday.but it depends on what im doing that day if i reply there and then.
today im not even going past the front door, its to cold and frosty lol.
so if your still around after 9am,watch this space as they say(who is they lol)jimbobxxxx
ps another chance tonight to get the 3 picks for the £450,some hope lol

hi pinky

Post 136


Did you win ? hahahaha I'm normally gone by 9am Jim,unless I take a day off.It's freezing cold here this morning ,ice but no snow ! Keep warm catch you soon Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 137

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
not a sniff on the 3 picks, i must be destined to loss all the time lol.
its a bit parky here today as well, but i have to go out later,ive the water bill to pay today.
they said they would be sorting the roof by the 25th, but i cant see it, not as most of the estate as had roof damage since the date they sent me.jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 138


The 25th ? Thats today Jim,did they mean this month hahahahaha This year even ? hahahahaha It's still freezing cold here and not a snowflake in sight,I wish it would snow,it might warm the place up hahahaha I can't win a tenner on the lottery even Jim,so your not alone,two losers together eh ? hahahahahaha I'll see you soon.Have you heard from Nats lately ? Please give her my love when you do speak.Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 139

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
ive just tryed to ring the housing but got the ruddy answer machine,so i,ll try again after 10am.
nats as been away visiting someone she met from the hospital she helps out at(mary i think)about 4 days a week with mary, and three in her own place from what she idea why, i,ll ask her next time i ring her.
later i have to go to town to get a marraige cert for another one of my mates relatives in 1871,thats if the weather stays ok,
amendment to the message(the man)i stress man,as come to replace a few slates,did he get a shock,
9 main ones, and 30= edging ones,lol,so hopefully i should have my roof back later today

hi pinky

Post 140


Hi Jim,just a quick hello.Hope your OK.It's a wet morning over here,mild though.Speak to you later.Love Pinky xxxx

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