This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 161


Hahahahahahahahha A FEW pics ???? Hahahahahahahahaha That was a FULL ALBUM Jim hahahahahahha PLease reply to my e-mail asap OK ? When you've read it,you'll understand !!! Love Pinky xxx See you soon xxx

hi pinky

Post 162

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky,
ive sent you a reply,as your reading this you will have read it.
basic to see pics, is patience,ps based message not showing for most pics, and you will need to open and shut the emails a few times, and wait after opening for a few seconds(at least 30) before closing and opening again, beleive me they will appear after a few tries jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 163


And you'll know by now Jim,your advice actually worked x Thankyou x Your a miracle worker for me x Where would I be without you ? Speak soon Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 164

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
a tip you will find helpfull
always do a reboot before opening the emails with a pic on,sometimes you get them to show first time, but with telepest dont expect miricals,lol
one thing i will promise,if i send you any pic(not links)they will eventually open for you,its time and patience with the tw system.
as i said in the email,im making a link of all the h2 pics on an email so you can acsess all of them in sets(ie africa)
could be hundreds lol.jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 165


Hahahahahahaha 100's eh ? I may not be mailing you until about Xmas Eve then Jim hahahahahahahahaha Thankyou so much for your kindness xxx See you soon Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 166

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
return email sent.
hope the snow easys off i need a bottle of milk

hi pinky

Post 167


Thankyou Jim,I'll reply directly xxx OH NO ! Can't you find a willing suspect to get a pint of milk for you ? Use your charm !!! Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 168

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
this must be the first time we have both been online at the same time,lol
the weather woke me up,lol jimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 169


Hahahaha I know,we should be celebrating now hahahaha You and I TOGETHER on a cold morning.Seems like Xmas hahahaha I'm thinking very strongly of taking the day off Jim hahahaha Still no snow here,the suns shining and it's bitterly cold !!! The fire looks better by the minute hahahahaha xxxxx

hi pinky

Post 170


Ok,no time for idle chatter ,sadly.The first phone call of the day means work for me !!! Well that dream didn't last long did it Jim ? hahahaha See you soon.Lovely to chat LIVE for a change.Take Care Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 171

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
new taps and a stop valve on both the hot and cold taps in the bathroom.
if you cant decipher the email how to send pics and links,just seperate each part and write down
then you can follow each step,remember as long as you DONT delete the original pic or links you can forward over and over again.jimxxxxx
ps which means you can try the info i sent till you get one right

hi pinky

Post 172


I intend to Jim hahahahaha Keep sending everyone to you until I get at least ONE right hahahahahaha Speak soon xxx Take Care Love Pinky xxxxx PS Everything you've done for me greatly appreciated xxx

hi pinky

Post 173

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
just returned one email
as i said in it, you can email(back to yourself)
then you can see when you have done it.
thats how i check the links and things i do,so i can be sure they are ok before i send them to you or anyone else,jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 174


Your SO clever Jim ,thankyou xxx I've replied to the mail xxxx See you later Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 175

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
still no pic from you, come on,give it a try lol.
it will open a new part of your emails,if you can send on stuff,
weird weather again here, its been snowing as i said all night, still trying now, but the suns out as well,as i said weird lol,take care jimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 176


My e-mail will explain all Jim xxx Hope your OK ? See you soon Love Pinky xxxxx

hi pinky

Post 177

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi jackie
ive just replied back,
opps forget to say i will be sending you another batch of pics(the normal ones)now you know how to open them,jimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 178


Thankyou Jim xxxx Got the pictures hahahahahahahaha Thought I was VERY POPULAR for a few seconds hahahahahahahha I have replied ,once or twice,even three times hahahahahaha I'm brain dead now hahahahahahaha See you soon Take care Love Pinky xxxxx

hi pinky

Post 179

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
ive replied back as usual,lol
i,ll send you a few more pics in the next couple of days, mainly smiley type ones i got sent earlier in the last week jimxxxxx

hi pinky

Post 180


I am HOPING you had a HUGE surprise in todays e-mail Jim !!!! hahahahahahaha Experiment no1 should be with you as I type xxxx Hope I made you proud of me !!!! We shall see !!! Love Pinky xxxxxx

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