This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 21


Oh no Jim,more delay then ? Don't worry I'm sure you'll have it all sorted soon.Yes,there's a definite chill in the air here too.Winter is lying in wait just around the corner I fear !! Hope your OK Jim? See you soon Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 22

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
the new tower will have to wait for a month or so,but im taking the old one today to be reformated.
its going to cost me £35, but if i wait a month or two it will be waisting £17-99 a month for the broadband i have.
so hopefully after the reformat and replacing of the windows,i,ll be back later today or monday i hope lol jimbobxxx

hi pinky

Post 23


I'll be waiting Jim xxxx Hope your OK ,see you soon Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 24

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
it will be about dinner when i go to get the tower on monday
so hopefully if there is no hitch i should have the internet online tomorrow night
but with my luck it wont play ball lol jimbobxxxx

hi pinky

Post 25


Hahahaha yes,I know what you mean Jim,my luck is like that too hahahaha Just never say never 'cos you never know hahahaha Good Luck.See you soon Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 26

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
im going to collect the tower(if its been done)but with my luck it wont
setting off about 10-30am jimbobxxxx

hi pinky

Post 27


And ? Did you get it Jim ? Does it work OK ? Have you sussed it all out ? I'm waiting with baited breath here !!! Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 28

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
it wont be ready till at least friday, but it will have the sound this time, jimbobxxx

hi pinky

Post 29


sound oh no we cant have that lol

hi pinky

Post 30

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
yipeee, something is going right at last,
ive had a call from telewest over the last three months cockups with my bills,
and the £55 for this month i dont have to pay,and i,ll be credited for £10 less on next months bill to.
so the new tower could be just a few weeks away,
all i need now is the call tomorrow to say the pld tower is ready for me jimbobxxx

hi pinky

Post 31


T\West,making cockups Jim ??? I can't believe it !!! haahahahahahaha I'm amazed they've actually admitted that they do MAKE MISTAKES !!! Good for you xxxx The tower's on it's way at last xxx Speak soon Love Pinky xxx

hi pinky

Post 32


jim did you get ur pc fixed now

hi pinky

Post 33

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hah, still in dock lol
i,ll be going to town tomorrow to see if its been sorted.
tw are up to there tricks again, if your received emails are over the 2kb limit,they are removing the emails(but with no warning)
all you get it an auto email to say why they took the emails.what a load of do do jimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 34


i dont know whe cable cant get h2g2 like the last time instead of ripping everyone of with yoome2 it does not work and they charge for the crap

hi pinky

Post 35

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi shifty
cable took the h2 as we where not supposed to have it,
but now they are taking any over the limit emails in receive box
i,ll be glad when i can get back on the pc again jimbobxxx

hi pinky

Post 36


Hi Jim,sorry I've not been in touch. A cold !!! It's going now thankfully !!!! So whats all this about T\West and e-mails ? Please explain !!! What are they upto now ? Have you sorted that tower yet ? It's taking longer to build than this is one did here in Blackpool hahaha Hope your OK Speak soon Love Pinky xxxx.....Hi Tig xxxx I know your OK hahahaha Well,you try Bless hahahaha Catch you soon Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 37

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

tw as set a limit now of 2kb on the emails
what this means is that if you have over the limit opened or unopened in your received,tw will during technical upgrades delete the whole received
and send an auto messaged to tell you why.
just another tw way to make our system better they say, what a load of b------ks lol jimbobxx
ps, end of next week for the tower i hope

hi pinky

Post 38


I agree more money for them, less of a service for us.That sounds more like it Jim.They are daylight robbers !!!! Hope your well and thankyou for the explanation Jim,much appreciated x Love Pinky xxxx The tower will be built xxx

hi pinky

Post 39

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
im giving him till next weekend, by then i should have about £140 to £150 in the bank,so i can use the next door mates pc, and see what something like ebay has to offer
hopefully something if nessasary with at least
20 gigs hard drive and 128+ memory,the more the tower with dvd disc and floppy not a desktop like the old one,
for £150 it could be a tall order, so i hope the one hes supposed to be doing will be done.
it will have(for £100
memory-ddr-756 meg
40gig hard drive
and ati-graphics,jimbobxxxx

hi pinky

Post 40


Hi Jim,so ? Is it sorted out yet ? Is it now up and running ? Hope your well xxx Hope we speak soon Love Pinky xxxx

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