Journal Entries

Greenbanks fist game of the season.

Well Greenbank have had the first game of the new season against an under 18's team (they couldn't half run).

It was a thrilling 3-1 victory with goals coming from Si Dowell (2, and "Lazy" Steve Lacy. Yours truly came on for the last 5 mins and made something of a smiley - tit out of myself, Fell over the ball stright away, then wasted a goalscoring chance!

Oh well the new season is upon us smiley - biggrin!

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2003

A strange bout of honesty.

Today on my way to work I decided to stop off at the local supermarket to buy a pork pie and get some cashback. I asked the young lady at the counter for £10.00 and she gave it to me then got a little confused and tried to give me the money again.

My reaction was to tell her instantly that she had already given me the money and I passed it back to her. On walking out of the store I began to feel p*ssed off with myself that I had passed up the opportunity for some free money and got in a proper strop.

However as I began to think about the whole thing I rather realised that my instinctive reaction was "to do the right thing". This made me feel really good about myself; I had evidently not done this out of any fear of being caught (the security gaurd cannot ask you for a reciept for a ten pound note!) some it must have come from my sense of right and wrong.

Anybody else had a similar incident and if so what did you do?

P.S. In what a belive to be a good karma moment later in the day someone gave me a nice fan to help cool myself down smiley - biggrin!

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2003

Selfish Motorists have a Persecution complex

This is something of a rant, but I am fed up with motorists whining about speed cameras all of the time.

I submit the following pieces of evidence to support my claim

i) Speeding is dangerous, accidents are more likely to occur and more likely to be fatal.
ii) Speeding is illegal, AGAINST the law. When motorists whine about it they always seem to talk about speeding as if it is a perfectly normal and legitimate activity; it is not it is against the law in order to save lives.
iii) It is not necessary to speed. A good driver should be able to tell roughly at what speed they are traveling at, if not then they have a speedomiter on the car to check with.

It always annoys me when they say "The police are just persecuting motorists" it makes me laugh, I mean imagine Heroin dealers moaning about being persecuted.

So my message is this, if you dont want to get a speeding ticket, don't speed, simple as that.


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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2003

American Beauty

Cor Blimey,

Just seen American Beauty for the first time, how on earth have I managed to miss such a great film.

It is funny how being ill gets you to do stuff you have been meaning to do for ages.

Being ill is really boring, It is funny how when you are at work all you can think about is being at home; however when you are off sick you just get really bored and half wish you were at work.

That makes me worried...

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2003

Think I am getting better at writing.

Well I have just finished my third aticle, about Chelsea and the whole Chelski thing, I think it is pretty good, much better than the other two I have written. I am quite hopefule that it might even get chosen for the guidesmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley!

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2003

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