This is the Message Centre for James Bond
Welcome to H2G2 James Bond
pedboy Started conversation Jul 7, 2003
Hello James Bond, and welcome to H2G2.
This is the coolest site on the Internet, so much to see and do!!
Firstly let me say that I am pedboy, and will attempt to answer any questions that you may feel needs asking, for example Smileys and other wonderful stuff.
I am an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here who sole purpose in life right now is to make YOU feel welcome at H2G2.
I could go on and on about how wonderful this site is, and all the cool and interesting people here, but if you want to explore go ahead!!
Here are a few smileys to get you in the spirit (here is my fav)
the fun part is that if you click on any it will take you to the smiley page, really cool !!
Here are a few links to get you started on
More info about h2g2 - DontPanic-Tour- A317459
Step up to GuideML - Spicing up your User Page - A690518
I am new what do i do now A868098
h2g2 smileys A155909
H2G2 tour A317459
H2g2 welcome page A53146
Feisors new users link A719840
pedboys own plug(one allowed) A1037323
To go to the homepage of anybody here all that you need to do is click on the name of that person at the top of the message.
Some pages are so special, they are called <./>thepost</.> and <./>askh2g2</.> to mention only the tip of the wonderful site, so
<./>welcome</.> and enjoy, if there is anything I my be able to help you with, just leave me a message.
pedboy U200417 Digibox version A1056025
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Welcome to H2G2 James Bond
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