This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 241


I bet we can beat Fab O as well - she does have a slight handicap as far as sprinting's concerned.... make mine a Large smiley - bubbly

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 242


Ner ner...

Tatty Girl runs like a ..........girl

smiley - ale all round!

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 243

IVA Richards

Preumably, a game of beach cr***et (like what I used to play in my youth at Sandbanks) will be had? If not, I'll tell you all about my cr***et very great length..........

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 244


I hate to tell you all this, but I can still outsprint the magster man smiley - smiley I was a club athlete many years ago, ran for Birchfield Harriers and although I am now a little older and larger, the natural sprinting talent is still ner ner ner ner to all of you and last one to the bar smells.

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 245


I keep forgetting who I am....

can't catch me for a penny cup of tea..... smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

smiley - nahnahsmiley - nahnahsmiley - nahnah

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 246


Yes - I'd heard that you are Fast.... smiley - smiley

Right. Drunk the Pub dry - so what next? Anyone for a midnight dip ??

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 247

El Bandido del Catmint.

Hurrah, skinny-dipping! And you don't get much skinnier than me, so I'm up for it!

Did anyone pack some raw liver and Goose cogs for the troll, BTW?

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 248

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

El Bandidos - do we need to?

Tip - when skinny dipping (not that I ever...) be first in and first out - then the perving is all yours for the doing/looking!

This info was passed to me by an anonymous source smiley - biggrin of course.

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 249

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

Actually I feel I ought to name my sourse:

My MOTHER! A paragon of virtue with a wicked sense of fun.

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 250


Excellent weather for our seaside trip! Only , I seem to have drunk all the smiley - ale and now I'm feeling sleeeeeeeeepy..... can somebody erect the tent pleeeeeeeease?

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 251


Leggy, you pitch tents not erect them! You'll get those boys all excited using big words like erect smiley - winkeye

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 252


Pitch? I thought that was where you played Sports smiley - smiley Oh well I have found another smiley - ale so maybe I can wait a little while longer....

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 253


The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright--
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night................

Or is it just the smiley - ale....


This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 254

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Leggy, that is beautiful. smiley - smiley

Weather update:

Hot and sunny, with a light breeze nuzzling the intimate areas of Hampshire's shapely form and offering respite from the intense heat of the thrusting sun. Maximum will be a whopping, throbbing 29 Celsius. smiley - biggrin

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 255


Alex, that was Lewis Carroll....smiley - rainbow

Weather here 'ot, 'umid an' 'orrible.

smiley - cheers

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 256

IVA Richards

Weather in Wiltshire, fupin' fandabydozee. Hot, sunny, and absolutely cr***etacious guys and gals. Oh, and after a miserable season with the bat, I finally made it into double figures yestaerday, with 39 and 2-19 with my camp offies.

Have a great Sunday y'all.

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 257


Goodmorning (just!) everyone,

for some reason our Seaside trip reminded me of the "Walrus & the Carpenter". Here is the second verse, most especially for Alex smiley - cool

The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done--
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun!"

I have been enjoying the Sun but it's also been a bit smiley - weird this weekend - so far anyway. It must be the heat!

See you later...

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 258

El Bandido del Catmint.

You "erect" a tent, take it from me.

I have an erect one in my back garden right now.

Seriously, I'm airing it after it was layed up for the winter.

I'm making this worse, aren't I...

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 259

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

It is still beautiful day (well, evening) in this part of Wessex. I have, for the second week running, experienced the joys of winning a game of cr***et, albeit for another team.

Thank you for the second stanza, Leggy. smiley - biggrin

I am now going to have a cold drink and watch the sun go down (well, not quite as there are trees in the way).

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 260


Who ever invented mosquitos should be shot!

Bandido - if we require any further information about your outdoor erections, we will enquire smiley - smiley

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