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Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 301

Mr. Carrot

Hehe... well, I found it rather amusing, but then again, the hype wasn't as big over here as it was in the states, I suppose. Hmmm, wazzat? That sounds rather dramatic... What's tylenol anyway? And when did this happen?

Well, we had more farmers, more woods, less imports and generally fewer people...smiley - winkeye

smiley - evilgrin I'll see what I can do, thensmiley - winkeye.

Gotta check that out... Mwahahahaha

*yawn* Orchestras have to *yawn* have new-years *yawn* concert's over *yawn* here, 'tis tradition*yawn*. Whatever, *yawn* I had neither*yawn*.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 302


Tylenol is acetominophen (spelled Stacyish)...a common pain killer. This was about two years ago. Rather amusing though it did stall our departure from the school.

Fewer people is the main thing.

Sadness, on both accounts.

*yawn* That's why *yawn* saxophones aren't in *yawn* orchestras.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 303

Mr. Carrot

Allright... a common pain killer that somehow managed to scare up the whole school. Does this have anything to do with the Anthrax hype, then?

Unfortunately, yes... If it hadn't been for technology, we would never be able to sustain such a huge amount of people. I shudder to think of what would happen if we were to loose technology. There woul be a fight for sruvival, and only the ones most fit for the crisis would survive. Somehow, I don't think I would be among the ones surviving...

Hmmm... depends on how you see it. You DID bugger them about it until they changed it, even though I sort of encouraged yousmiley - nahnah (allright, I'm evil, so shoot mesmiley - tongueout)

*yawn* Oh yes, there are *yawn* saxophones in THIS *yawn* orchestra. And I believe that there are other orchestras with room for saxophones*yawn*.smiley - sleepy

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 304


Yes, it was crushed up and they thought someone had depositted anthrax in our school. Why anyone would want to target that school is beyond me...

Well, I really hope that there isn't any sort of digression to the Stone Age any time soon.

Ka-powee. You're shot. smiley - tongueout Remember, I do have and know how to use them...

*yawn* Not where I *yawn* live! And what *yawn* type of saxophones?

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 305

Mr. Carrot

The world is a strange place indeed... Panic and fear controls everything these days, or so it seems. One may wonder at what causes the paranoia, or one may try and draw advantage from it...

Let's certainly hope so... I wouldn't like to live to see such a collapse. But still, one has to consider every possiblity these days.

I have defensive movessmiley - tongueout. I'm very able when it comes to evasive action. Recall that I also have and know how to use the objects in question. Only, I don't... yetsmiley - winkeye.

*yawn* Too bad for *yawn* you. *yawn* Alto, methinks *yawn*, though I'm *yawn* sure they would *yawn* take in anything. You need *yawn* saxophones to produce certain *yawn* sounds that the kitchen department aren't *yawn* interested in cooking up *yawn*.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 306

Mr. Carrot

Oh, and I see there's popped up a second definition of Joe on the site too...smiley - rofl Dunno if you were behind that one, thoughsmiley - winkeye.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 307


It's easy to manipulate those with obvious security issues. Rather sad, really.

If it happens, it happens. There really isn't much one can do to prevent any sort of disaster, so there's really no need to fret about it. Whatever will, be will be...what is written, is written...

Oooh, can you catch a bullet between your teeth? That would be exciting to see. You don't know how to use firearms? Hmmm, that's interesting.

*yawn* Good for me if *yawn* it means me getting my supper. *yawn*

The definition with all of the hyphens was by my wonderful friend.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 308

Mr. Carrot

Indeed it is. The security issues are usually caused by the fourth governing power; the media. I've seen that even relatively awake and aware people can be fooled by good rhetorics. I honestly dunno what to do about it. I could use it to my own advantage but it would be VERY unethical, and dangerous. Or I could leave it and see the paranoia spreading...

Well, maybe there is something. Not yet, though.

Among others. There are of course the "matrix-style" bulletdodging. I DO know how to use firearms, I just don't use 'em (except at the firing range every now and then).

*yawn* For now *yawn*. Good morning *yawn*.

Hahaha... You opinions seem to differ a bit when it comes to that guy...smiley - biggrin

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 309


Ah, the media. Can't help but love the extremists in the world. Oh, well, you just have to be wary.

Ooooh, I would love to see that. Canons should be next on your agenda. Or maybe artillery shells...

*yawn* Good evening, to you. *yawn*

Other than the fact that he is a pompous ass, no one can tell you anything about him. He actually speaks to me and I have EVERY single class with him, so I know more. Of course, it doesn't help that a girl in our group dates his twin. His twin is an insufferable twit that no one can stand with the intelligence of a fly. His twin hates him because Joe is constantly leaving him at school because he won't hurry. He's a good guy, but that other definition was listed by the girlfriend of his twin. Grr, I hate his twin and his girlfriend is dumb as a bag of hammers. Get this, the twin asked me out, I refused him, and another girl in our group begged and nagged him to go out with his current girlfriend. He asked out Heather (his current girlfriend) on the internet because he's too chicken to ask her out in person, and she ACCEPTED. Wuss. Anyway, she started converting to Catholicism after he asked her out because he is Catholic. Tell me this isn't stupid? Please! smiley - grr Hmm...sense how stupidity drives me CRAAAAAAAAAZY???

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 310

Mr. Carrot

They're what makes it fun. Like a my cousin once said about an extreme liberal politician: "Well, if you disregard the fact that he is actually trying to be serious, he's a great source of entertainment, really!"smiley - biggrin

Well, you can of course wish to see that, but I'm not showing, you haven't even seen ME yet. I'm currently training for heat-seeking missiles. Problem is, they blow the moment they hit the ground, so you have to be in a wide open clearing, and you have to get away from where it hits the ground...smiley - tongueout

*yawn* First day at *yawn* school. I would've gotten up at this *yawn* time, if it hadn't been for my having school. I've had *yawn* four lessons allready *yawn*.

I understand, I perfectly understand. Stupidity is an extremely annoying character trait. Still, no-one's perfect, but converting to catholicism is perhaps a WEEEE bit desparate, wouldn't you say?smiley - evilgrin

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 311


Oh, those are the best, especially when they say they want everyone to be safe, but the criminals should never go to jail. smiley - rofl Breathe...breathe...

I see. So if I pop over to Norway and never introduce myself but still shoot at you, you will be able to dodge whatever projectile is projected? smiley - tongueout Who is your teacher, I wonder?

*yawn* Don't even say school. *yawn* First day *yawn* starts tomorrow and I *yawn* haven't been to bed before *yawn* one all vacation. This *yawn* is really gonna cramp my style since I *yawn* have to get up at five. *HOWL*

Stupidity is annoying, but it's ignorance that's the worst. Desparate? More than a tad. Oh-ho, more than you know. Wow. You just wow.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 312

Mr. Carrot

Indeedsmiley - biggrin. We have one who wants criminals to go to jail, and foreign criminals (he considers everyone who was born in another country a foreigner, unless they're Swedish, Danish, British or otherwise western Europeans) to go back to the country they came from. A wee fact is that 2% of all "foreigners" have criminal backgrounds, whereas 10% of his own party has criminal backgrounds...smiley - biggrinsmiley - rofl

Yup. Can't tell you that, big secret, that issmiley - tongueout. There are of course other evasive tactics that may be easier to apply, such as begging shamelessly, howling, and running...

*yawn* School, school, school, school *yawn*, torture, suffering, school, *yawn*. We're back to where this thread started, it seems, complaining about school. I get up at six, but I don't use a lot of time getting ready in the morning... I don't see why you should be let off the hook, though, as I'm allready back at the torture house...

"The ability to observe things objectively is called cynisism by those who do not posess it". Ignorance is the worst there is, but I can't say I blame 'em. It's hard enough coping with your own life sometimes, you don't always want to know about everything else...

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 313

Mr. Carrot

I just wow, then. Desparate for what is the real question, though.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 314

Mr. Carrot

Desperate, that is... dunno where "desparate" came from...

Right, it's nine 'o clock, and I'm off to bed allready. We'be got a lab-test tomorrow... I haven't reviewed properly... Oh well.smiley - biggrin

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 315


So he's a bigot as well as an idiot? Or does that go hand in hand? Woop, from that last statement, he's all of the above. smiley - rofl

Hmm, you could do a TV show and probably get international recognition. That is great.

I'm already back at it, too. It's stinkin' miserable. Or should that be freakin'? You want to hear about the most incompetent teacher in the world? Well, you have no choice because I am highly agitated. My literature is a...a...she's met no match in ignorance. She wants to institute this new program of grading where she subtracts points from your grade based on...just read my journal. UUUUUUUUUGHH!

Stupidity is at least excuseable. There is absolutely no excuse for it. ABSOLUTELY NONE for it. *breathebreathebreathe* Yup, it's been a happy smiley day.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 316

Mr. Carrot

Indeed he is. Still, California beats us by having "the terminator" for governor...smiley - biggrin

True, but I don't like television, and it doesn't go down well with radio...

It's stressing to say the least. We've got three tests in one day next wednesday...smiley - groan She sounds like an incompetent smiley - bleep. We've just finished our lab-test. Two out of nine pupils had a breakdown during the test... That about says it all...

Maybe not, but one is forced to accept it nonetheless. You just have to rise above it. Or throw at tantrum at them...smiley - evilgrin So it has, my psychic friend...smiley - winkeye

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 317


True, true, true. That still tickles me. The fact that he's married to a Kennedy just makes it that much more hilarious. smiley - laugh

I think it's the visual that matters. However, I think I might get just as much of a kick out of hearing the shells hit and the pattering of feet!

Go ahead and scream. Had breakdowns? As in leave the room crying and screaming? Sounds like a riot. smiley - erm

Piers Anthony, by change? It's 6C here and my mother is parading about in an anorak. I go outside in shorts and a T-shirt and am comfortable. She's going to go turn on the heater and stand in front of the fireplace. I think she's part lizardo.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 318

Mr. Carrot

I heard the californians had proposed to change the constitution to allow him to run for president...smiley - rofl

Oh well, the problem is that it wouldn't exactly prove it. But it does remind me of a radio show called "karate", where they did all sorts of creazy things (like putting a small boat engine on a 200kg pig, and went surfing with it outside Kristiansand). They had the animal protection groups screaming for weeks... Even though the pig was allready dead, and all they really did, as they themselves put it was "play with their food"...

Yup, they did. They broke down completely and started crying. Must be the pressure. Oh heck, why don't you just read my journal, or perhaps you allready have...

Say what? Who's Piers Anthony? Anyway, we've got stunning -10 here and loads of snow...smiley - smiley It's time to go skiing soon... I'm not very sensitive to temperatures, but I do try and dress for the weather.
About that... you said she had an electric rock... Just exactly what is that?

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 319


I can actually believe it though they'd have a TON of opposition.

Ahh! David Carradine! You KNOW. Wait...I think I'm thinking of 'Kung-fu.'

Perhaps I already did. I've seen people start bawling in the middle of tests. Amusing but very pity inspiring.

I didn't hear that. I thought you got the 'throw a tantrum at them' from him. Oh, bite me. Electric rocks are for lizards to keep warm, but my mother's is an electric matress pad that heats up. Same general concept. Those things scare me, I'm afraid they're going to catch on fire.

Musikklinja, here I come!!!

Post 320

Mr. Carrot

Hehe... Californians, eh? I can see the opposition... I think that you should perhaps change that part of the constitution for other reasons... NOT in order to let Arnie run for president...smiley - biggrin Anyway, I don't live in America and I have no way of influencing you...

I wouldn't know that. You see, "Karate" is a NORWEGIAN radio show run by Kristopher Schaug, Espen Thoresen and a last guy I can't remember the name of (Schaug's little brother). It may be based upon some american concept, though...

I didn't find it amusing at all... Very pity inspiring, yes. And quite frightenting. I've never seen anything like that. It's added onto by the fact that I really like one of them...

smiley - evilgrin. Well, no... Because I have no idea who it is... Care to enlighten an ignorant foreigner?smiley - smiley Ahhh, well, I KNOW they catch fire. I've been in a house when it happened. The thing over heated, and the bed caught fire... if I remember correctly. It went allright, but it was a close call.

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