This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hey Vamp

Post 241



yeah well you know what i think, sad really, he obviously dont get out much but if thats his hobby..wonder what he does when he really wants some fun? lol

yep well you best keep 1 eye open and dont turn your back on any of them lol

hammer House Of Horror? i hope you are not referring to any of Christopher Lee's movies!, the only film that has any similarity that i can think of right now is 'Dumb And Dumber'! (and dumber still) smiley - winkeye unless of course you was thinking of 1 of their cheap flick smiley - monster movies?

im gonna get off in bit, can hardly keep my eyes open smiley - sleepy

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 242


'Dumb And Dumber'! (and dumber still) smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

ohh u know me so well told u that b4 ant i

u get yaself off t bed ohh vamp im stayin around abit t c the fireworks smiley - biggrin

tc smiley - ok hammer house of not 4gettin the EX pmp..smiley - smiley

Hey Vamp

Post 243



who? hope your not referring to mr. 5 g.c.s.e'.e's! lmfao

sad but true, i know you too well smiley - run

didnt hang around i zzz'd out smiley - zzz lol wouldnt of heard a &#210 smiley - winkeye nevermind a firework going off lol dead to the world

the EX? lol ive a feeling your not referring to any of mine, just cos they might of turned up all dead and found in mysterious circumstances nobobody can prove a thing smiley - laugh lol well you'd better not be ffs you smiley - titsmiley - tongueout

smiley - fullmoon


Post 244


This post has been removed.

Hey Vamp

Post 245

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Bloody hell missus your on early aint ya lol
Hows you babe? hope your well.
smiley - loveScott

Hey Vamp

Post 246


smiley - dragonboy,

hiya yeah well i thought i had something to do, which i do, but i dont now, well not yet later on i do lol smiley - biggrin

im ok cant complain, listen, this is smiley - weird we are both on digibox right..well i just popped into DNA Hub for look round the place, screen goes white, its quite good cos its even clearer than this to read..well if we were on pc, not only would our msgs in 'my conversations' tell us we had a new post/however many minutes ago it would also say, how many new posts we had waiting right? t? part of the new software or something, well when i went back on my page and saw a post in here, it also said i has as '(1 new post waitng)', as if i was on pc, must be cos the screen was still set up like DNA Hub..did that make any sence? lol oh well its not that important who cares anyway smiley - winkeye

so what are you up to then trouble?
shouldnt you be at school playing with your mouse smiley - laughsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 247


smiley - dragonboy

by the way, i notice your names getting longer, you got a thing for titles now have you? next you'll be going for a badge and telling me to call you sir! LOL if that happens you can 'FRO' smiley - tongueout

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 248

Dragon Lord back with avengence

lmfao no its gonna get longer lol... im on pc at college babe and i got the conversation thing on its so much better on pc babe.

Hey Vamp

Post 249


oi smiley - dragonboy! your sposed to be at college to learn not chat! lol smiley - tongueout
well if your another of these off here who needs a big title to feel important thats fine by me, but ill stick with smiley - dragonboy..reminds me of a song, 'Puff Puff' blah blah smiley - bleep why did i think of that?! ive nearly run out of ciggys! smiley - grr lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 250

Dragon Lord back with avengence

hahahaha aww you got no cigi's??? hahahaha i have do you want one.heeheehheeehheee

Hey Vamp

Post 251


you smiley - tit lol im going to get some soon so give it a rest with the insane laughter smiley - tongueout

by the way just out of curiousity whats a Jedi Padawan and the other thing in brackets? looks to me like you was smiley - drunk when you come up with that 1 lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 252

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Jedi padawan is from Star wars, you know the film with Luke skywalker lol, and Ranger of Gondor is from the lond of the rings . hahaha ner ner lmfao

Hey Vamp

Post 253

Dragon Lord back with avengence

brb babe just going for a fag

Hey Vamp

Post 254


forget Luke Skywalker! i remember Hans Solo and Chewbacca the great big hairy bloke smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh lmfao

you a Star Wars fan then? i remember going to the pics when it 1st come out in 19ahem something or other lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 255


oh very funny! smiley - tongueout
smiley - flansmiley - tomato

just had to try remembering my login name/pw cos of tw and their stupid f downgrade! damn keyboards have got a mind of their own! and then when i finally do get back in this stupid thing, after typing this post once took me to smileys page ffs and i had to type another 1! tw have got to go! useless b's!

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 256

Dragon Lord back with avengence

hahaha lol.. i know the feeling babe i have exactly the same problem

No Subject

Post 257


thought you was sposse to be at college learning not spending all ady on here,you wont get no ro results off h2g2 now will you wingsmiley - footprints

No Subject

Post 258

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Hey Dad, im in the ECD my card hasnt validated proply yet but they let me in lol... hows you anyway?

Hey Vamp

Post 259


hiya hya hun see you noticed hes back to square 1 learning nowt and spending all his time on here hope you gotgot a spare roomfor him smiley - biggrinat this rate hes going ng to need one chat soon webbedfoot

Hey Vamp

Post 260

Dragon Lord back with avengence

excuse me i am here you know lmfaopmplol

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