This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hey Vamp

Post 181

CHeEky CHeRub

I don't know if there's a stutter in the system yours are repeating too, its down to them gremlins smiley - monster

You drunk yet then smiley - envy

Hey Vamp

Post 182


nope i didnt finish with aftershocks which i normally finish with lol

Hey Vamp

Post 183

CHeEky CHeRub

only the red one I like, it tastes like the old fireball jawbreakers, and it blows my head a bit smiley - yikes, but when we go out and do it we tend to do it in excessive amounts so that Ralph is my best friend in the morningsmiley - rofl

did you go clubbing or just to the local?

Hey Vamp

Post 184


the local hun not clubbing getting too old to go clubbin

Hey Vamp

Post 185



the guys? hmmm just so long as you stay away from any 1 i might have my eye on, i dont like competition lmao smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run mind thinking about it some of the smiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcat i talk to would be very flattered lol thinks of a couple on site, yeah i think theyre single and usually lurking in my threads so no doubt they'll comment shortly!
smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 186


Hey Cheeky,

how am i? im not a morning person but all things considered yeah im ok cheers smiley - smiley
nice to see another Brit? lol this sites got loads of nationalities but the place is crawling with Brits, particularly LDers with nowhere else to go lol
when i say i like the odd drop of smiley - redwine its not meant as such smiley - winkeye but if your talking wine i too like a glass or 4 of whitesmiley - bubbly but not sparkling unless thats all there is smiley - drunk lol must be the weather? usually the weather in this country is tolerable but this year ive been considering emmigrating to cooler climbs like Canada perhaps? they have already had their 1st smiley - snowballfall lucky smiley - bleep

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 187


hi smiley - vampire hows u a smiley - stiffdrink 4 u sweetie

Hey Vamp

Post 188



sweetie? smiley - ill yuck! you call me that again A T and im gonna cut your name down to size smiley - tongueout
im pretty good thanks, cant complain smiley - biggrin yourself?

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 189

CHeEky CHeRub

Hiya V.
Yes I'm not a mornig person either, the only time I see 8am is when I've just finished work (I work permanent nights).
I seem to keep meeting international people not many Brits but then I've only been here a few months, whats an LDer?
4 glasses of wine , but how big are the glasses? smiley - biggrin
If your anything like me I use posh pilsner glasses (half pint ones)smiley - drunk, 2glassesand the bottle is empty smiley - blush

I would smiley - love to go to Aspen someday smiley - ski but I don't think I could live in that climate all year roundsmiley - brr

smiley - love & smiley - kiss
CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Hey Vamp

Post 190


Cheeky Cherub,

when i said 'Lder' i was referring to another site that is no more..LeisureDistrict

erm lol im partial now and again to a drop of alcohol smiley - drunk but my wine glasses are pretty small (about 4 and a half-5 glasses to a bottle)

aspen? yeah might be nice smiley - smiley i dont like the sun so anywhere cool would suit me but after the summer we've had im feeling naturally testy, and anywhere cold sounds smiley - cool right now smiley - biggrin

youve only been on here for a couple of months? any other sites before? you seem to have gotten yourself familiar with the smileys pretty quick lol smiley - tongueout your using some im not familiar with..just out of interest whats the slobberry kiss for? you realise im female dont you? throws smiley - book at you kiss him --------> (AlexandriainTransition) he likes it smiley - whistle

smiley - run lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 191

CHeEky CHeRub

Ah smiley - chick I only teasing about the smiley - bubbly, I don't drink as much as I say either my training doesn't allow me to smiley - blush. But when I do drink it tends to be bottles not glasses smiley - drunk

No I've never been on any other site I only found this one by accident looking for a nursery rhyme

Yeah I know your a lady, I just gota lota smiley - love (this site brings it out of me). I smiley - kiss anyone anytime anywhere anyway, just call me Martini smiley - biggrin

The smiley thing is easy, some other things are a little difficult but I'm learning.

smiley - love & smiley - kiss
CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Hey Vamp

Post 192


Martini lol smiley - run

yeah well thats the thing i mightnt have a smiley - bubbly for weeks but when i do, no point in holding back eh smiley - drunk lol

if you dont mind me asking what on earth was you looking for if h2g2 popped up instead of a nursery rhyme? smiley - weird
presumably your on pc? if you like chatting on here i could recommend loads of other sites you could access too, some of which id be on but my cable box doesnt allow us access smiley - grr

yep theres a lot of things on this site that are well complicated but we'll all get there............eventually! lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 193

CHeEky CHeRub

Yes but when we finaly figured everything out there's no fun anymore, I like learning new things (not that I'm brainy).

I was on the BBC search engine looking for the girl with a curl, and this popped up so I had a look about, then about 2months later I registered and haven't stopped smiley - biggrin since. I think its great.
Big smiley - ok For H2G2.

I'm the same with restrictions at the mo. stuck with BBC, H2G2 and Channel 4. But hopefully IT will have fixed it by tomorrow smiley - biggrin

Do you work night then or just an insomniac?

smiley - love & smiley - kiss
CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Hey Vamp

Post 194


Cheeky Cherub,

yeah thats true half the funs learning then the novelty wears off once you got it lol

the girl with a curl........oh yeah smiley - biggrin never heard of it lol

im afraid telewest customers restrictions are permanent, we cannot access the web, this is all we got and if theres 1 thing that keeps me smiley - biggrin its knowing telewest cant charge us for this cos they are a set of greedy ........!

work nights? nah just a part time insomniac lol smiley - winkeye i would be full time but my body has a mind of its own smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 195

CHeEky CHeRub

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forhead

When she was good
She was very Good
When she was bad
She was Horrid

Or something like that smiley - biggrin

I'm glad someone gets 1 up on Telewest smiley - evilgrin

I know what you mean about your body having a mind of its own, when mine has had enough it keeps me in bed for days and days smiley - zzz (not that I'm complaining)

smiley - love & smiley - kiss
CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Hey Vamp

Post 196


Cheeky Cherub,

that rhyme reminds me a little of The Duke Of York.....he had 10,000 men, he marched them up to the top of the hill and when they was up they was up etc (best not humiliate myself anymore i know that was wrong but it was something like that) lol smiley - whistle

not half as glad as i am, telewest are well dodgy!

hmmm yeah i like sleep myself and occasionaly i sleep at the right times but when i really want it i cant have it and when its the right time i dont fancy it.......erm just to say i am talking about sleep there, wouldnt want that misinterpreted in any way! pmsl smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 197

CHeEky CHeRub

Them were the dayz, sitting around in a nursery listening to a nice lady reading rhymes to us smiley - erm I remember it like it was yesterday. Oh the nostalgia smiley - cry

I hate it when I'm tired and my bed or settee are not around. I'm one of those people that can sleep anywhere during the day but hardly anything at night, unless accompanied by Prince Nytol smiley - jester.

Telewest have odd ways of doing business, I get loads of complaints for them smiley - grr

Hey Vamp

Post 198


Cheeky Cherub,

whoops sorry about the delay, the body was packing out whilst responding to another post lol in other words im smiley - sleepy now
prince nytol? eye eye who's he then? lol can you hear that?
its my bed calling me zzz im coming im coming zzz lol smiley - silly

will catch up with you later,
take care

smiley - fullmoon

p.s./why would you get loads of complaints for telewest? you dont work for the enemy do you? lol smiley - run

Hey Vamp

Post 199

CHeEky CHeRub

I do the Direct Enquires for Telewestsmiley - grr but I don't work for them

Prince Nytol is a sleeping tablet, He's not as comfy as a good strong muscley arm couching you to sleep smiley - zzz but it'll do until I'm ready to find another fellasmiley - bigeyes

Anyway have a nice smiley - zzz and I'll speak-a-u soon
ok smiley - chick

smiley - love & smiley - kiss
CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Hey Vamp

Post 200


hi vampy hows u hun

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