Journal Entries


After taking a nap and having extremely strange dreams, I pretty sure my mother is spiking my food. Imagine five to seven lobsters singing ‘The Langosta Family’…you know, instead of ‘The Addams Family.’ *snapsnap * Now imagine, after the theme song, all of the invertebrates sitting down and discussing the Brønsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases with the head lobster, Arrhenius. Maybe this is why I never study?

I refused to take Sherman on a walk today because I wanted to do some close-lead work with him, and he was pissed. We were doing lovely little patterns out in the dog yard when he decided he’d had enough. In the middle of one of our heel patterns, he sat down and refused to heel when I moved off. I stopped and tried to call him to me, but he just looked over his shoulder and paid me no heed. I got rather irritated at this when he even refused to release the sit and play, so I called his name in the evil voice and gave him ‘the look’. I don’t yell at him because he’s as stubborn as I am but he usually minds when I get extremely quiet and use the evil voice. Instead, he looked me directly in the eyes and stared at me. The following ‘conversation’ ensued:

Sherman: Yes, mother dearest?
Stacy: What do you think you are doing?
Sherman: Sitting, enjoying the day that I’ve been missing.
Stacy: You can sit and enjoy later. We’re working right now.
Sherman: No, you’re working. I want to sit.
Stacy: You have had plenty of time to sit all day.
Sherman: Oh, that’s right, we didn’t walk today.
Stacy: We will walk tomorrow.
Sherman: That’s what you said yesterday.
Stacy: We walked yesterday.
Sherman: But you said we would walk today.
Stacy: You assumed that, Boobah.
Sherman: Don’t try and soften me up by using baby names; I want to walk.
Stacy: Well, you work and we’ll walk.
Sherman: But the work is walking.
Stacy: Then you should be tickled to death to do it, shouldn’t you?
Sherman: Damn.

He worked for thirty more minutes and I let him in my bedroom to sleep. I think the construction workers who are working on my grandmother’s house next door think I’m crazy. I’m up early every morning watering these plants that they call ‘rubber-tree plants’ but are really orchids. I go out running when it’s 35°C and the sun is up. I walk around the porches chanting acid-base theories, assigning oxidation numbers to inanimate objects, reciting pressure conversion factors, reasoning colligative properties and how they work, and balancing chemical equations out loud. Maybe I am crazy.

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Latest reply: May 25, 2004

I've even changed my linens.

Yes, it's been a grand-spankin'-tabulous weekend. Friday school lessons ended for the summer. I have a chemistry exam to take Wednesday morning, but I don't have to take any others.

Saturday, the Jansen sistahs and I snuck into see Troy. I'm not quite sure it was worth it, but it was fun to do a girls'-squad thing. We did the entirely girly go of our personal pick male from the movie. The youngest picked Orlando Bloom (go figure, eh?), Bonnie picked Brad Pitt (<blegh&gtsmiley - winkeye, the middle picked Bana (*shrug*), and I picked the guy who played Patroclus. Now, there's a gorgeous boy.

Today, I was up early. I did major house cleaning for once just because it needed to be done. I took Sherman on a two mile walk in the hottest part of the day. I put on sunblock and turned orange. Apparently, the blasted stuff had 'bronzer' in it. Why my mother who tans extremely dark bought stuff with 'bronzer' in it, I do not know. I will forever more read the labels before using anything. The good news is that I've gone from fluorescent orange to dull orange to a very light orange. Thank you, pumice stone, I love you.

I made my grandmother lunch and stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I have typed three or four pages of chemistry notes from the book. There are about one hundred four-by-six inch slips of paper all over my room from where I've worked hundreds of stoiciometric problems. My room is a mess, but the rest of the house is clean. My room will continue to be a mess until I have completely read all 400 pages of this chemistry book that will be on this final.

There was an attempt to play some horrid music for Øyvind, but, alas, the distortion was too bad. Can't figure that one out. Oh, well, maybe later.

I can sing the seven minute mandolin part from a bluegrass song and am wondering why I bother going to school. I talked to my father's mother (not the one who will be moving in next door to us) for about an hour. I managed to wheedle my father into letting me go and visit her before she comes and visit us. She'll be coming the last few days in June or the first few days of July. I'm determined to get my Mississippi swamp time somehow. It'll be nice to have her with us for awhile. Ugh, but do I ever hate planning day trips. What is there to do where I live? Not much. We can spend two hours in the broiling hot sun looking at airplanes, go to the peach place (okay, it's really, really cool), museum of arts and sciences (I want to live there), and...uh, that's it.

Near the end of June, Sheba should be coming in season, which means a drive to New York for mama and me. If mother goes to New York and da goes to pick up mamah, I'll be stuck at home taking care of the kennel. smiley - biggrin That's actually my favorite thing to do...

Okay, enough with the procrastinating. My entire household is asleep...and it was eight o'clock. Keith has to take most of his finals, so he has to get up at school time. smiley - evilgrin

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Latest reply: May 24, 2004

I think I'm getting a twitch.

There is a fly in my room that I can not kill.

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Latest reply: May 17, 2004

Five more days left.

I found out that my grade in trig is borderline. When I say borderline, I mean .6 of a point is between me and exemption. There's not a chance that I'll be able to exempt my chemistry final, and I really have no desire whatsoever to study for it, but aaaaaaaaaaaaagh, I'm going to have to. smiley - wah I realized that maybe my doctor was wise in not allowing me to be recertified for scubadiving to my great disgust. Really depressing and it makes me want to do even more to overwork myself. I hate doctors. My GP wants me to stop exercising so I can gain some weight. I feel great, why should I stop doing what I like? We've gotten our graduation test results back and we're doing the whole yearbook/annual signing thing. That's about all that's happened this week. Just for the sake of Stacy being a perverse person, I'll reveal to you my scores.

Reading/Literature: 24/26
Critical Thinking: 19/20
Language/Writing: 9/9
Number & Computation: 11/12
Data Analysis: 13/14
Measurement & Geometry: 19/20
Algebra: 17/18
World Studies: 13/15
US History to 1865: 14/16
US History since 1865: 14/15
Citizenship/Government: 9/10
Map Skills: 8/9
Information Processing Skills: 12/12
Process/Reasoning Skills: 23/23
Physical Science: 22/23
Biology: 24/24

Notice how everything I do poorly at usually (math) and the stuff I usually do well at (lit and socials) are opposites? My percentiles are the exact same. It made me laugh.

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Latest reply: May 15, 2004


Bah, today was...curious. Not a single normal thing happened today. It started out with me waking up at 2-ish in the morn and getting online to a...demolished h2g2. I had a national exam today, but I was up at 2AM. I got hot and couldn't sleep. My personal space looked as if I had just signed up and I was having a freak attack. At around 3-ish, I gave up and crawled back over to my bed. I managed to take a brief nap between then and 4:30 when I got up to walk, feed, and play with the dogs. I've decided that I'm not going to run anymore, because my doctor won't recertify me for scubadiving. Yes, I realize that I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face. I left the house at 6:30 and showed up at an entirely empty school. It was bright and sunny and splendidly cool. The inside of my house is 20 degrees higher than it is outside because my mother is a lizard. The thirteen of us were piled on a ramp that leads to a teacher's room when our teacher pulled up...late. She gave us all goodie bags in...celebration? of taking the test and we hustled off on the 'AP Shuttle' to pick up another school. The multiple choice went by pretty well and then it was time for the data-based question (DBQ). We unwrapped the test booklet and were then allowed to break the seal. A chorus of 'oh, my god', 'oh, shit', and various expletives was uttered among the people in our room. The DBQ was something about the French and Indian War...which we studied almost 7 months ago. We then had a choice of free-response essays (FRE's). I did one on the government's actions regarding the sectional tensions in the years leading up to the American Civil War and another on the American policy of containment during the Cold War. I wrote a bazillion pages on the first one and had gobs of information. By the time I got to the second one, we had twenty minutes (I spent too much time on the first one) left and I knew too much on it, too. We were supposed to cover two areas with the choices of SE Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. I was going to write two paragraphs on policy during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts (there have been no American-declared wars since WWII, though they sure sound like wars...) and one on the spread of communism in Eastern Europe, but I decided that it'd take too much time to write all of that. I was tired so I threw together a poorly constructed and stupendously crappy essay with Middle Eastern and Eastern European communism instead. If they discount that last essay, I did really well. If not, oh, well, I made a FIVE on my FINAL.

We were bused back to school and ate Chick-Fil-A in the library and wasted fifth period away. I found out that two of the four highschools in my county had been dismissed. About two weeks ago, four people at HoCo committed suicide and their friends decided that they would avenge their deaths by staging another school shooting. The rumor had been out for awhile so they were performing searches when we stopped at HoCo to pick up their AP students. Warner Robins had an actual bomb threat with bomb and two armed students and HoCo had a cache of weapons and a bunch of armed students. Oh, beautiful for spacious skies...

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Latest reply: May 7, 2004

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