Journal Entries

Now I'm confused.

The plethora of postings (note the alliteration) this week are being caused by complete and total lack of homework and my skipping every extracurricular this week. And, oh, what a wonderful time I've had. Excepting the trip to the dentist I had today. Apparently, I have my father's gums, which are receding, and I will have to have my wisdom teeth excised this summer. I wish I had a larger mouth to accomodate them, but they're directly underneath my molars. long as they don't use laughing gas to put me under; I had to go to the hospital last time they tried that.

Anyway, I'm confused. Every time I remove an entry from my space, it doesn't renew if someone replies to it later. When I find it being talked on, and reply, it magically reappears in my space. How does this work and what purpose does it serve? Why can't it just appear in my 'conversations' list?

I am going insane, just so y'all know. I've had to move my orchids into my bedroom because my grandmother is staying with us until her house is finished (no longer than a week, I pray) and Sherman has already knocked three out of their pots...*twitchtwitch* breaking a developing spike. Even better, we have a bitch in season in the bitch room and my grandmother's psycho dog in a temporary pen outside my window. Oh, and there are construction workers wandering around outside my room and preventing me from running, swimming, and LIVING. Sherman is panting and crying about Kamilla and barking and howling because of this creature outside my window. I have put him in down stays, and he whines. Cry, cry, cry, try to stand on mommy's lap while sitting in a rolly chair. Watch mommy slide and flop out of chair. AAAGH! Why did I decide to take my week of NOW? Even better, a multi-smiley - bleep crow feather has been found outside my room.

On the brighter side (I didn't just say that), I made a FIVE on my AP test. Highest grade in the class. I made two 8/9s and a 5/9 (the essay was AWFUL) on the essays and a 75/100 on the multiplicative guess. I made the highest grade and am in the class. My corner of the room, made up of slackers Joe, Jake, Idis, and I, who are always getting harassed about talking and not doing our work and not making an effort, made the highest grades. Was that a coherent sentence? She was PISSED because we did so well. Grand, grand, grand. Maybe I'll do as well on the national, but I don't care because it doesn't affect my grade.

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Latest reply: May 5, 2004

Sense the moral outrage.

Okay, I'm recompiling my birthday list for the THIRD TIME. You heard me, I've lost it twice. Anyway, out of curiousity, I went on to Amazon and looked up Chocolate Bunnies from Hell, which I have on vinyl. Do you know what the first hit was of? Do you? 'The Strauss Family' by Johann II Strauss, Johann II and Josef Strauss, Josef Strauss. CORRUPTION! I shall scream this throughout the streets until Amazon changes its dirty, filthy ways. Yeah, right. It's not that I dislike classical music, but it's just that...well, it shouldn't be compared to Bunnies. It's a slap at both. Now, to find a long-running version of Puccini's Turandot... My birthday is in July; why am I writing out my list this early? Apparently it takes FOREVER to find the stuff I want. I'm not allowed to have books, music, or plants on my list, either. I've got eleven CDs, six books, and fourteen plants listed. Let's just say, I'd be happier if I was given two round-trip plane tickets and $100. One set to Redlands orchidfest and the other to a random country I haven't visited that's outside of Africa or the Middle East.

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Latest reply: May 4, 2004

Yeah, yeah, I posted yesters.

Okay, just because today has been a day of interesting things, I shall post. Amazing how I do that, isn't it? It's rained roughly four inches now in the past four days and everything is muddy...and green. Three of my favorite things: mud, water, and green stuff. My orchid is still in bloom, and my father just killed a rattlesnake that was as big as my ankle with a chainsaw. I don't want to know how he managed that, but he and my darling little brother decided to skin it. I received word today that the state will not certify me to scubadive and my doctor refuses to okay me for it. He will 'reevaluate the situation in a year' if my condition has improved. Occassionally, I wish he and my mother would feel fit to inform me as to exactly WHAT my condition is. I should be rewriting my birthday list which I stupidly threw away and/or arranging what I want scheduled for school next year, but I don't want to. Wow, more heat lighting and thunder. I suppose I'd better go.

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Latest reply: May 2, 2004


I haven't been home before 5 any day this week, excepting Monday. I have had seven hours of history in one day, and completed three essays and 80 multiplicative guess questions in three hours. I have sat for eight hours in a recording studio making crude jokes about Jared and his...*cough* pal Omar. I have listened to the metronomical click reverberate off the frontal plate of my skull and I have a splitting headache. I have eaten half of a pizza twice this week, but I continue getting immense pleasure out of ingesting this pseudo-organic matter. I will spend another six hours in a recording studio tomorrow starting at 7:30 in the morning. My audio perception is completely off, but I love having my headphones looped through with the rhythm section and Dillon who spent thirty minutes feeling my knee and telling me that I have the most unusual patella in the world. We're all fried from studying for AP finals and giggled for an hour about the function f(u) and f'(u). I am now so exhausted that I am stuttering and pronouncing my r's as l's for the second time this week. I sound like I'm 4 again, but I'm pooped. I did learn something interesting this week. Joe's toes are longer than my fingers and he can manipulate a pencil between them like his fingers which are longer than my feet. Oh, and for everyone who hates Orlando Bloom, every girl in my literature class would rather have Mel Gibson.

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Latest reply: May 1, 2004

Surprisingly, my feet don't hurt.

Breakdown of the week. I wasn't home any day other than to sleep and eat and bathe. Thursday was my last day of driver's ed and some idiots who are destroying MY TREES popped our telephone line, leaving me internetettesssless.

Today, I got up at around five-ish and started loading the car. Packed up three dogs in our cargo van and left for Monticello where a CERF clinic was being held. Got our dogs CERFed (all clear) and waited until Alice's fifty million Cavaliers were CERFed and cardiaced. I spent about an hour playing with tiny babies (week-9 weeks) who were absolutely adorable. Golly, I love babies. I picked up the two puppies that I will be training and handling and we went home.

At two o'clock, we are at home. I throw a ton of stuff in our mixer, turn it on, preheat the oven, and take a five minute shower. I am half clothed, but decent (is that possible?), and making cookies. Inbetween batches, I am combing out my hair and getting dressed.

Finally, cookies are done and so I dry and straighten my hair in record time. I throw everything in my garment bag and head off to Jenn's bearing luggage and baked goods. I get there at 4:25. I take a few pictures of Jenn, wait for her to get undressed, and we head off...

Only to turn back to get instructions to DorothyDorothyDorothy's house. We pick up the instructions and I remember, hey! I forgot my jewlery! *twirlshair* So maybe I *am* a dumb blonde.

Okay, on the road again and we get to DorothyDorothyDorothy's. We do familial and friendal introductions and eat and shtuff. Then, it's watch Stacy give up on doing makeup. You know, I can slather on pancake in five minutes flat and look good, but hand me mascara to paint my real eyelashes? Ha. I gave up and that was good because I don't like the crap anyway.

Wee! I let DorothyDorothyDorothy victimize me and do my hair. Her friend did a great job on her hair and DorothyDorothyDorothy did a good job on mine though I have her little jewelly swirly thingies still... Then it was picture time. If you want piccies, I took a lot, and, surprisingly, they all came out really well.

Prom was fun, though they played the most wretched music in the world. I got home...awhile ago and am getting my internet fix. Okay, now that my brain has rotted completely out, I'm going to sleep. My feet don't hurt and my shoes were really comfortable, but I have too high of arches not to have them fall tomorrow. Why don't they make shoes with arches that hit mine? It'd make my life a lot easier.


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Latest reply: Apr 25, 2004

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