This is a Journal entry by Tacysa

I've even changed my linens.

Post 1


Yes, it's been a grand-spankin'-tabulous weekend. Friday school lessons ended for the summer. I have a chemistry exam to take Wednesday morning, but I don't have to take any others.

Saturday, the Jansen sistahs and I snuck into see Troy. I'm not quite sure it was worth it, but it was fun to do a girls'-squad thing. We did the entirely girly go of our personal pick male from the movie. The youngest picked Orlando Bloom (go figure, eh?), Bonnie picked Brad Pitt (<blegh&gtsmiley - winkeye, the middle picked Bana (*shrug*), and I picked the guy who played Patroclus. Now, there's a gorgeous boy.

Today, I was up early. I did major house cleaning for once just because it needed to be done. I took Sherman on a two mile walk in the hottest part of the day. I put on sunblock and turned orange. Apparently, the blasted stuff had 'bronzer' in it. Why my mother who tans extremely dark bought stuff with 'bronzer' in it, I do not know. I will forever more read the labels before using anything. The good news is that I've gone from fluorescent orange to dull orange to a very light orange. Thank you, pumice stone, I love you.

I made my grandmother lunch and stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I have typed three or four pages of chemistry notes from the book. There are about one hundred four-by-six inch slips of paper all over my room from where I've worked hundreds of stoiciometric problems. My room is a mess, but the rest of the house is clean. My room will continue to be a mess until I have completely read all 400 pages of this chemistry book that will be on this final.

There was an attempt to play some horrid music for Øyvind, but, alas, the distortion was too bad. Can't figure that one out. Oh, well, maybe later.

I can sing the seven minute mandolin part from a bluegrass song and am wondering why I bother going to school. I talked to my father's mother (not the one who will be moving in next door to us) for about an hour. I managed to wheedle my father into letting me go and visit her before she comes and visit us. She'll be coming the last few days in June or the first few days of July. I'm determined to get my Mississippi swamp time somehow. It'll be nice to have her with us for awhile. Ugh, but do I ever hate planning day trips. What is there to do where I live? Not much. We can spend two hours in the broiling hot sun looking at airplanes, go to the peach place (okay, it's really, really cool), museum of arts and sciences (I want to live there), and...uh, that's it.

Near the end of June, Sheba should be coming in season, which means a drive to New York for mama and me. If mother goes to New York and da goes to pick up mamah, I'll be stuck at home taking care of the kennel. smiley - biggrin That's actually my favorite thing to do...

Okay, enough with the procrastinating. My entire household is asleep...and it was eight o'clock. Keith has to take most of his finals, so he has to get up at school time. smiley - evilgrin

I've even changed my linens.

Post 2

darakat - Now with pockets!

The last chemistry exam I took, I left early and answered only enough questions to get a C, I knew at that point from then on Chemistry would be a mystery to me, which thanks to my memory skills, is almost nothing now. I can remember stuff if I use it, but as soon as its useless I forget it, I can't even remember those things beginning with C and ending in ancy.

I've even changed my linens.

Post 3


Well, if I make a C on the exam, I make a C in the class. Annihilation, devastation, holocaust and expiration, down, down, down, I say, it eats alive my GPA...

I've even changed my linens.

Post 4

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yes well I was concentrating on getting my Year 12, not on what it would do to my GPA since as a minor it wouldn't count

I've even changed my linens.

Post 5


Lucky duck. If I kill my GPA, I die.

I've even changed my linens.

Post 6


I have a psychology exam in four hours.... smiley - yikes

I've even changed my linens.

Post 7


Oh, dear, how'd it go?

I've even changed my linens.

Post 8

darakat - Now with pockets!

currently my GPA *rushes to look it up* is 4.56 just over what i need to apply for honurs

I've even changed my linens.

Post 9



I've even changed my linens.

Post 10

darakat - Now with pockets!


I've even changed my linens.

Post 11



I've even changed my linens.

Post 12

Mr. Carrot


I've even changed my linens.

Post 13



I've even changed my linens.

Post 14

Mr. Carrot


I've even changed my linens.

Post 15


Nothing. smiley - biggrin

I've even changed my linens.

Post 16

Mr. Carrot

smiley - wah

I've even changed my linens.

Post 17


Go ahead and cry. You deserve it after not telling me what you were talking about in the other thread.

I've even changed my linens.

Post 18

Mr. Carrot

Damn. It didn't even work.

I've even changed my linens.

Post 19


Sorry. I have a black heart.

I've even changed my linens.

Post 20

Mr. Carrot

Not at all, I deserved it.

Key: Complain about this post