Journal Entries
Bears, Oh my.
Posted May 28, 2003
I put the entry on Bears into peer review. The internet wasn't available in work over the weekend, much boredom has been endured. Working again now. Still havn't weeded or written enough. Only a week and a half till the deadline and She's going to be away. Woe is speckly. I shall be a bereft fish. And I'm very pissed off that our perfect four year record of zero time appart will be interupted.
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Latest reply: May 28, 2003
Sentimental gardening.
Posted May 21, 2003
The next dry day we have down here in the Valley I have to get out the garden and weed. Whenever I've thought of 'weeding' the image that has come to mind is big healthy perrenial weeds with thick tap roots. In my naieve and thoughtless way that is the only weeding I've ever considered, which is very silly. The weeds I have to remove (that is, if it stops raining long enough) are tiny, just sprouted, smaller even than my seedlings. I've just never thought of weeds starting out small. Inside my head they have been things that burst fully formed and malignant from the ground. I'm rather reluctant to remove all the tiny weedlings. They're so very delicate and hopeful. I have no problem with the other type of weeding, most weeds seem to be big brutes who won't play nicely with other plants, but these aren't doing any harm, yet, and they have that pesky underdog air that makes me feel sorry for them.
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Latest reply: May 21, 2003
Posted May 15, 2003
Well, I'm writing again, though only in dribs and drabs. But that's to be expected with the day job taking up valuable writing time and any writing done on a work day is to be celebrated. Hopefully I'll get stuck in and write a bundle tomorrow, maybe even finish the section (Ha ha). The deadline approaches and I haven't written a fraction of what I wnated to cover. I'm NOT thinking about that, or about Lizardy being away for four days, but she's thinking about that enough for both of us. It's probably best that I avoid thinking about word counts and deadlines. It's altogether too disheartening. So I'll keep chipping away at it and hope for the best, then panic three days before the deadline. I shouldn't knock it, it's always worked before.
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Latest reply: May 15, 2003
Naughty Pud.
Posted May 13, 2003
Cats and gardens don't mix well. Pud decided to use my tender bed of bady seedlings as a toilet this morning. Arrrgh. I ran out (in my dressing gown with the neighbours watching ) and shouted, which she ignored, and smacked her (not hard, but she got the idea that mummy was not pleased.) she scooted but I fear the nasturtiums wont recover in a hurry. I did have net over the plants but she seemed to think that I had put it there for her to play on. Bless her.
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Latest reply: May 13, 2003
Monday monday
Posted May 12, 2003
Still trying to push forward to the elopement, but I can't get started. It's gotten stale and I just want them to elope already, not a great frame of mind to be in when trying to write. I've been cycling through ideas at a furious rate, trying to settle on something to liven it up, but nothing has stuck yet. I've gone back to Portrait... and 1930 in STW's diaries and letters, to try and garner inspiration but they are both such different situations, emotionally and physically, to the one I'm creating, that I'm not finding anything relevant in it. Though parts of it should be very usefull later, if only as a basis of what I don't want it to be.
If only I could be happy to write just anything to make it move on and get to a place where I'm happy with it. I mean, this is a first draft, it's not supposed to be all in place and perfect. But having problems with it completely stalls me. If I try to bull past the problems I know that they'll sit there like a leden weight on the rest of the prose, niggling at my attention and distracting me, souring what I'm trying to write. I can't even switch to the present time half for a break because I haven't done the research and I can't start over with it till I do.
The pressure of knowing that I'm falling behind and not meeting the word count goals I've set myself isn't helping either. There are too many distractions and irritations and the more I sit here trying to make myself write the more irritated I get. Irritation does not lead to a happy plentitude of good prose.
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Latest reply: May 12, 2003
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