An Exploration into the Art of Apathy and Applications Thereof

Let it be said that apathy is at once a Godsend and a curse. Also, it is quite possible that the best and most useful things in life are at the same time both marvelous and excruciating, such as any type of administrative body.

As a student in good standing, yet not so self-deluded as to be unable to view and understand the less book-oriented facts of life, I have come across a large number of people who use apathy in a variety of ways. To some, it is a lifestyle in which the cares of real life and existence (and the questions that arise in the mind when these are confronted) are ignored. To others, it is a bible or koran to follow religiously and unthinkingly. To still yet others, it is a philosophy of personal hygiene. Let me quickly point out that I avoid these people whenever possible.

It is those who use apathy, laxity, and down-right evasion of responsibility in the most intelligent and suitable manner that earn my respect. These are those rare individuals, often computer-oriented students, who master getting by and exercise a cunning (cynical) wit. These are the men (yes, essentially males) who enjoy life by taking what comes along gleefully (especially money and PC components) so long as they can dodge duty. That light in their eyes, seeming childlike in its reflection of a computer screen, is fantastically satisfied and happy.

This is indeed a noble quality, one which has induced me to friendship with many who share these attributes abundantly. Yet, I am not one of them. I work harder, say more. They are what I could have been without the will or drive or inspiration that I contain.

So, I simply apply what I can in order to make my insane drive for meaning and accomplishment more enjoyable (i.e. unstable mentally). I like to think this makes me unique in my thinking and approach. I view all sides seriously and comically. I am openly cynical in order to be constructively critical of everything I perceive, which, by the way, is essentially what I am. Finally, it makes insane moments of inspiration and glee much more attainable, a definite plus. hehe


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