This is the Message Centre for Icy North

Ads on Ripley

Post 21

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Some of the ads seem like scams to me. Anything touted by Rand Paul or Ron Paul is hardly to be trusted. And those are among the *better* ones. smiley - sadface

Ads on Ripley

Post 22


'Today's ebay Deals - alarm clock only £137.99'
- seems a bit steepsmiley - 2cents, I bought one earlier this year for £5 in Argos.


Ads on Ripley

Post 23

Icy North

You wouldn't need an alarm clock after seeing that price. You'd wake in a cold sweat every morning just thinking about it.

Sky 'variety bundle' today.

Can't they find a better way to market digital TV rather than to bundle it together like a pile of rags? It doesn't shout 'quality' at me.

Ads on Ripley

Post 24


Snap! - we've both had Sky Bundles and Experian.

I'm now on 'L'Occitane en Provence - new limited edition smiley - rose fragrance'.


Ads on Ripley

Post 25

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I have only seen a couple on Ripley, which were so unmemorable that I can't remember them. I get to see the Front Page on Pliny, but use Ripley for most things. The Pliny front page shows ads for Sky Sports which is as far removed as possible from being relevant to me. smiley - laugh Easily ignored.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Ads on Ripley

Post 26

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

On Pliny, the ads are the last things to load. By the time they would have loaded, I'm already at references on my way to alabaster.

Ads on Ripley

Post 27


'Set sail to Adventure Island this summer from just £44* Book Now - Red Funnel'
'Team Sport Indoor Go-Karting, Gosport'


Ads on Ripley

Post 28


Gosport! surprised they allowed thatsmiley - laugh

Ads on Ripley

Post 29

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Why? Parts of the D-Day invasion were launched from Gosport, but there's no longer a danger that the Germans would care now. smiley - huh

Ads on Ripley

Post 30


Don't think much of the south coast did not launch a few vessels.
My father was invited to join them and when asked if he ever felt seasick he said he was to preoccupied to be sick.

He was first out of the landing craft they went up the beach like lightening. smiley - run

Ads on Ripley

Post 31

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I imagine they had to move fast.

Ads on Ripley

Post 32

Icy North

I'd have been first out if I was about to hurl.

Ads on Ripley

Post 33

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Make sure your home network is ready for their homework"

Ads on Ripley

Post 34

You can call me TC

I was just about to say that my fish on the bicycle is in full view when an ad came along. No idea what it was for. At the moment there are three crammed into the banner together - Post office banking, Congstar (a mobile phone provider) and a clothes catalogue that I do actually sometimes order from. Before that a Nespresso ad. I don't drink coffee. (All German ads).

Ads on Ripley

Post 35

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Adsense has me confused with FWR: 'Harley parts and accessories.' smiley - rofl

Ads on Ripley

Post 36

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Maybe they think you're Dmitri Harley.

smiley - run

Ads on Ripley

Post 37

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This is totally smiley - offtopic, but while you're all here:

On Monday afternoon, there will be at least a partial eclipse if you're in North America.

If anything weird happens in your yard, please photograph it and send the pic to postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com.

Especially if the birds start performing a voodoo ceremony. smiley - winkeye

Do NOT look directly at the eclipse, please.

Ads on Ripley

Post 38

Icy North

I've heard that it's a great time to visit the zoo. The animals get very confused during an eclipse.

Thinking about it, maybe it's a good time to visit the White House smiley - smiley

But no eclipse in the UK. This one's US only, as far as I can tell.

Ads on Ripley

Post 39

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

We may be the targets of a demonstration by the sun and moon, Icy - perhaps the universe is trying to tell us something...smiley - winkeye

Ads on Ripley

Post 40

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I get the same Xfinity ad again.

I wouldn't visit the White House if you paid me a million dollars.

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