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Post 241

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

Sounds like he has been making you work! Good though smiley - biggrin This is the only site i can get into, but hopefully they will bring it down here soon, and yeah, small areas, and guess they thought they would test it up north first, as London always gets stuff first!

Blind Conversation

Post 242


Work is not the In the nets especially, a nice little 'get my eye in session' for him....meanwhile i was sweating up a storm...and the trouble is that not really having played cricket when i was younger i was using muscles that did not even know they were yeah...all good.
Hows you?

Blind Conversation

Post 243

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

That always is painful when you discover muscles you didnt know existed!

Im ok thanks, still on the antibiotics, but feeling so much better, its nearly all cleared up now, so really pleased. Worked last night, it was ok, dead, but there you go! Im doing a race night at work, and we have now got the names of the horses that are running, some really good names, there is one called Floozy, that has been my nick-name for yrs with my mates, so i had to have it! There is also one called Big Bum, so i have to take that horse as well! Just to shut everyone up at work. Trying to get out of a wedding reception on Sat night, dont want to go, but looks like im not going to be able to get out of it. Hows you?

Blind Conversation

Post 244


Yeah i'm cool....i guess. Getting a bit frustrated in some ways...maybe i just need to go up town and rip it up for a weekend. I like being a nice guy...but the dodgy side needs to be dealt with, and at the moment all this 'bridge building' etc etc and not really leading my own life is well....i dunno....maybe a good puke will do it...

Why don't you go to the reception and then duck out earlyish and move onto somewhere else?

Blind Conversation

Post 245

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

A good tear-up is always good to air everything! Bridge building can really take it out of you at times!

Im planning of ducking out early! Has to be done. Bad i know, but, i like my weekends to be a bit on the mad side, and this wont be...

Blind Conversation

Post 246


You got that right!!....load of emotional bollocks it feel like at the mo...i have just taken a long walk on the heath and hav e decided to have a bit of fun over the next few weeks while everyone here is away....see how i feel then.

There is nothing wrong with leaving will have done the right thing and then still be able to go out with your other mate.

Blind Conversation

Post 247

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

At least with everyone going away youll be able to have time on your own, and a bit of a tear-up! Brush a few cob-webs away so to speak!

Managed to get out of that wedding reception, so thats good. The girl i was going with doesnt want to go, so she is making her excuses, so ill just say i didnt go, cos i didnt want to go on me own! Lame excuse, but it will work just!

Blind Conversation

Post 248


Yeah i am looking forward to the break i must admit.....bit of space to consolidate and as you say tear it up a bit and clear those cobwebs!!

Mind you having said that i had a good laugh last night, sitting up till 3 this morning with three ab fabs (including my sis), many bottles of wine and a table full of chinese....bit of a babbalas earlier this morning. Gonna take a long walk just now to clear the remnants of

Hows your week going?

Blind Conversation

Post 249

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

Yeah, my week is going great! Went out with a friend of mine last night, havent seen her for ages!!! Bit of a pub crawl, but god does she owe me, some guy came over and tried chatting me up, but had the most broadest welsh accent you could imagine, couldnt understand a word he said! Then my mate decided she had taken a shine to this guy, so invited him over to have a drink with us, well, he had to be the most boring bloke i have EVER spoke to in my ENTIRE life, all he could talk about was his work, and his mate kept tugging on my arm, "Come here, your gorgeous you are!" All night that was all he could say, along with his mate talking about work, i said to my friend, if he tells me im gorgous one more time, im going bloddy hit him smiley - grr So she owes me for that one! Then on the way home, she only went and fell over in a pot-hole in the middle of the road, i was in stiches! But it was a really good night.

Relaxing tonight, bottle of wine, very nice indeed smiley - biggrin My son is going away on Tuesday to Bognor with his nan, comes back on Friday, so got loads planned for next week, seeings as i have no child! Ill miss him like mad though smiley - sadface

When are all your lot going away?

Blind Conversation

Post 250


You are clearly back in top form which is good to see, i take it that the sheep sh*****s lilt does not do it for you then? Oh sounds like you had a good laugh.

Everyone here goes away at the end of next week. You are going to miss Luke big time I'm sure, but hey...make the most of it while you can.

The weekend is shaping up nicely, party of some sort on saturday, an old mate of mine is over tonight and Max is involved in a cricket tournament starting today and finishing sunday which should be good.

had a pretty slack week with the work, and apart fronm doing an hour or so this morning i am going to put it aside for the weekend...chill out on it a bit.

Well pleased to see those two Hussein boys get nailed....what was your stance on the whole thing? need to answer if it is a taboo subject for you.

Blind Conversation

Post 251

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

Sounds like a good one planned!

The Hussein boys being nailed, yeah, guess its good news. Just think that if they ended up dying in the bathroom, then they where cowering, which to me makes me think that they would have given them-selves up. Dont know, i understand why they had to get rid of them, but, and i always get crucified for comments like this, i just dont like the idea of anyone being killed. I completely undertstand why this war started, and why it had to happend, i just dont like the idea of war, i cant understand with all the special forces that we and the Americans have, why we couldnt just send ppl in to assisnate, instead of having the war, where children died! Wouldnt beleive that at the age of 18, i joined the navy, with my views on war! (didnt get through basic training)

Well have a good day/weekend smiley - biggrin Oh, and i dont mind the Welsh, just this guys accent, it was sooooo broad! Im crap with accents at the best of times!

Blind Conversation

Post 252

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

Oh, and realeasing photos of them, now i really dont agree with that at all! Didnt we go mad when they paraded our dead soliders. Things like that are NOT needed in a million yrs. Thats just awful.....

Blind Conversation

Post 253


Interesting points of view. I could not agree more about releasing the photos, i understand that the Iraqi people need convincing but you are perfectly correct about the issue and the hypocrisy of it.

Our media has created a kind of 'shark feeding frenzy' that i think will eventually be its own downfall.

I also agree with your feelings about war and children and inocents. Violence is never ever going to be the answer to the worlds problems, or anyones come to that, and without getting too deep into it only Love will eventually win the day.

However the 'day' is still far away unfortunately, and mankind has to go through quite a learning curve to get there i suspect.

With regard to this war i, for one agree that something had to be done. For me though, i do not see it so much as a war. If we look at the world as a one body...then what has happened is that an operation has been carried out in an effort to remove a cancer, a cancer that is never going to allow world peace.

I don't believe there was a viable alternative, it certainly could not be left well alone, as we all know with ultimately destroys everything.

Blind Conversation

Post 254


Just reread that...too and religion should be no no's on a thread like this.....apologies...the intention was to make casual coversation.....wrong!!

Got any good piss ups on the weekend?....

Blind Conversation

Post 255

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

You cant make casual conversations on subjects like that, but i have no probs talking about them. Yes, i agree they had to get rid of him, as he would just carry on harming innocent ppl, but, i also beleive that the specail forces could have gone in and elimanted him a lot easier, with less destruction, and without the loss of so many lives! We went over to help, but have ultimately caused a lot of probs. Also, i hate the hypricosy of it all, we say dont do that, then we go and do it ourselves!

Tonight, im in, got a couple of mates coming round though, not sure if i am working sunday, so cant afford 2 nights out, should be a laff though, then tom night, going out with a mate, should be a great one, seems like an age since we have gone out, so will be good!

Blind Conversation

Post 256


Yes it could never be a casual conversation....silly me (seriously).

I hear what you are saying about SF going in but i don't think it could of been as simple as that.

Apart from the fact that it is a whole differant culture and language...probably worse than the guys going in to the far east and trying to blend was not as simple a case as just taking out Saddam and his sons. It was a structure that had been built on thirty years of absolutely tyrannical rule, apart from the total fear that gripped the masses (and rightly so) in the country, there were hundreds of people just under Saddam who were equally as ruthless...if not worse in some cases because they maybe had more to do to prove their loyalty to the regime.

Imagine that nutcase you were talking about who trashed your pub, multiply his ferocity several times, give him absolute power....above the law...then imagine several hundred if not thousands of them in charge!!!.....for starters your pub would no longer exist and you and your landlord would be in a mass grave in the desert somewhere....your fate as a female would of been particularly gruesome.

Sorry....there i go again...i should never have brought it up.

On a much lighter note i am pleased to say that i just had a mail from h2g2 to tell me that i have had an article accepted for publishing into the i am quite pleased with myself.

Not so pleased with the weather today....although maybe the english cricketers are!!!!....Max's tournament has been called off, but sunday may still be ok. I had got it wrong, it was the U13s today and the U14s on sunday.

As i wrote that the light virtually doubled as the sun came out for the first time odd....but then i just went and watched the 3.00pm news and it is just as dark in england....i will NOT bitch...

Blind Conversation

Post 257


Yes it could never be a casual conversation....silly me (seriously).

I hear what you are saying about SF going in but i don't think it could of been as simple as that.

Apart from the fact that it is a whole differant culture and language...probably worse than the guys going in to the far east and trying to blend was not as simple a case as just taking out Saddam and his sons. It was a structure that had been built on thirty years of absolutely tyrannical rule, apart from the total fear that gripped the masses (and rightly so) in the country, there were hundreds of people just under Saddam who were equally as ruthless...if not worse in some cases because they maybe had more to do to prove their loyalty to the regime.

Imagine that nutcase you were talking about who trashed your pub, multiply his ferocity several times, give him absolute power....above the law...then imagine several hundred if not thousands of them in charge!!!.....for starters your pub would no longer exist and you and your landlord would be in a mass grave in the desert somewhere....your fate as a female would of been particularly gruesome.

Sorry....there i go again...i should never have brought it up.

On a much lighter note i am pleased to say that i just had a mail from h2g2 to tell me that i have had an article accepted for publishing into the i am quite pleased with myself.

Not so pleased with the weather today....although maybe the english cricketers are!!!!....Max's tournament has been called off, but sunday may still be ok. I had got it wrong, it was the U13s today and the U14s on sunday.

As i wrote that the light virtually doubled as the sun came out for the first time odd....but then i just went and watched the 3.00pm news and it is just as dark in england....i will NOT bitch...

Blind Conversation

Post 258

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

Nope, you cant bitch!

I hear what you are saying about the war. I guess its right, still dont like the idea of it, but there you go. Opened the paper today, and there was that picture, didnt even look at it, threw it away, i really dont like things like that, and i just hate the hypriscopy of it all! They bitch about stuff, then go and do exactly the same as them, makes us just as bad. We publish something like that, and then say they we are a civilised, modern culture, there is nothing civilised in printing pictures like that!

So, (on a lighter note) where is your entry, so i can go and have a look smiley - biggrin

Blind Conversation

Post 259

HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?)

Nope, you cant bitch!

I hear what you are saying about the war. I guess its right, still dont like the idea of it, but there you go. Opened the paper today, and there was that picture, didnt even look at it, threw it away, i really dont like things like that, and i just hate the hypriscopy of it all! They bitch about stuff, then go and do exactly the same as them, makes us just as bad. We publish something like that, and then say they we are a civilised, modern culture, there is nothing civilised in printing pictures like that!

So, (on a lighter note) where is your entry, so i can go and have a look smiley - biggrin

Blind Conversation

Post 260


glad to see that i am not the only one who double posts.....i always think when the page not available comes up that matbe my post has not been registered so i keep clicking until it goes through just to be think i did it five times once!!

I think you will find that entry at the bottom of my space somewhere, it is called The Kruger Park but i think it should maybe of been called A Taste of The Bush....anyway, i am going to work on it some more outside of h2g2 and see if i cannot sell it somewhere for publication....nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. I need to structure it a bit more though and get some more data and real life stories in too.....whatever , let me know what you think.

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