This is the Message Centre for Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley

I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) who volunteered to help show people around the site. I suspect you don't need any help but, since it is possible this is not simply a duplicate identity of someone already on h2g2 as first appears, I thought I'd drop by just in case. smiley - biggrin

If you have a question, click on the reply link below and I'll be back. Otherwise, feel free to ignore this message. smiley - run

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 2

Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

Howdy! How yah doin? Albus Dumbledore is actually 2/3 ACE. I'm the non-ACE third, but I have applied.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 3


That sounds a bit like the h2g2bugfinders. We were something like 6/7 guru until the final member applied and was accepted. We decided against trying to get the group persona accepted as a guru in its own right. smiley - biggrin

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 4

Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

smiley - laugh

Right now I'm trying to build the school for Hogwarts. Wanna Join? we could use more proffessors and at least one more House master.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 5


What would I be expected to do? I'm probably already into too many things to be able to spend much time on the project. I can profess to quite a lot but am less convincing at mastering a house.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 6

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

Craxus (ACE) knows more about the requirements than I do. Here's his U-# so you can ask him: U210828

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 7

Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

Indeed, ask the Craxus you should

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 8


That sounds very Yoda-ish. smiley - biggrin

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 9

Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

If you join now you can have a higher rank in the school than others would....

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 10


Ooh - high pressure sales tactics. Naughty. smiley - winkeye

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 11


Well I did finally bimble over for a look. The post for which I'm probably most fit is Tech Support. I have made an amulet/talisman in real life (I know quite a few languages and symbol systems) and seem to have some divination skills. I mostly avoid potions these days but haven't quite given up spells (= poetry/translation). As I said before though, I'm too busy/apathetic to play an active role and tech support when required is much more my thing.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 12


If you happen to be looking for a master of the dark arts, try this picture blob: <./>B1540371</.> smiley - yikes

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 13

Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

Thank you, and you are always welcomed to join the Hogwarts School. We are still in developing stage trying to get it as best and enjoyable as we can. We still have an opening for house leader for Hufflepuff smiley - smiley

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 14


I really don't think I'd make a good house leader. Lead is poisonous and my house is too heavy to be led anywhere! smiley - winkeye

However, if you nip over to my test page at A1019684, you'll see that I've prepared a Quidditch demo for you. You could add more broomsticks by not nesting the marquees and just letting them take the default height but all travel left at different scroll speeds, for example.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 15

Albus Dumbledore, now 100% ACE! Join Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! A1014229

Can you copy that picture on your link for me? And post it I can add it to the Quidditch Page.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 16


You should be able to use <./>Test1019684</.> to get the code yourself. Anyhow, here's the original alternating one:

Here's another one with 2 broomsticks racing each other in the same direction as if they are circling the observer:

You can just add more broomsticks at various speeds in this one or even put more than one in any MARQUEE (ie on the same level) using the space smiley to separate them.

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 17


Oh, I almost forgot - I found a blob which might do for your potions class: <./>B1552133</.>

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 18


I had another look at the broomsticks and decided that the background image was dark enough to warrant the use of the goo smiley:

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 19

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

? what's it look like?

Hello Albus Dumbledore ...

Post 20


That's just the code to force the goo version of the zoom smiley: smiley - zoom
Antialiasing leaves pale or dark pixels around images. So it helps to be able to choose which for a given non-standard background. Normally the skin code does this for you in conversations or if you use the SMILEY and PICTURE tags. See my tests at A1019684 for it in action...

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