This is the Message Centre for Meg

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

How've you been? Hopefully better than me...I was in the hospital with pneumonia in August. (I'm fine now though)

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 2

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - erm What, is my M not working??? Hmm, it is now!

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 3


Sorry to hear you've been ill. I have just been really busy at work and having no time to chat. I'm always lurking thoughsmiley - evilgrin
We had a wet but enjoyable summer. The weather has just started to turn autumnal now. I like this season. At the moment I'm looking forwards to a family holiday in Spain. We go on 17th October. I've never been to Spain before. Did you have a holiday this year? Hope you didn't miss out due to illness. I haven't been to any gigs recently. I went to the Glastonbury festival but saw very little as I was working there as a nurse. We've booked to see Nick Cave and the badseeds in November which should be good. Have you heard anything good lately?

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 4

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

As I say, I'm fine now. Weather's been great (autumnal yes), I think it was 21 or 22C today & very sunny. Summer here was so uneven/erratic that it's being called "the summer that wasn't"! Unfortunately no real holidays...Spain should be great, I've met another Canadian on hootoo who lives there. Among other upcoming shows, we've got Sting & Annie Lennox sharing a double bill Oct. 12th. I've just caught a couple shows - actually both very good - at the Jazz & Blues club I vokunteer at.

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 5


Sting and Annie Lennox, what a treat. I saw Annie a couple of decades ago when she was with the Eurythmics. Great gig. Saw her recently on a Jools Holland show and she still rocks. Sting's great too but have never seen him live (not that I remember anyway)
Our summer sounds much like yours. I had to think of lots of entertaining things to do indoors with the children.
Good plan to volunteer at a live music venue

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 6

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Have never actually seen Annie live, although I've seen Sting (years ago with The Police), first opening for Andy Partridge & xtc, then years later on their Synchronicity tour. The bonus about the club is that I really enjoy it...everyone does it because they care about the smiley - musicalnote so it's a great environmebt to work in...long hours, so to speak - but free music! smiley - ok

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 7


As I said, great job. Do you have a daytime job also? - if it's not rude to ask.
Can't chat for too much longer. It's been a busy night and I still have lots of work to complete before finishing in 1/2hour.

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 8

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

No not rude to ask & no, not at the moment...I have to stop 'fence-
sitting' & get out there!

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 9


You can see a lot when fence sitting. Got to go. Speak next week?

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 10

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Right...TTFN *waves*

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 11


are you out there. Not much time to chat as doing a flu vaccination clinic at work. Just wanted to say I'm off to Spain for 17 days so won't be on-line until 4th November. Hope you're having fun. Hope to speak soonsmiley - rainbow

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 12

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Yes Meg I am out there...unfortunately right now, not online much due to more hassles with my smiley - bleepin' computer! But am having a reasonably good time otherwise. You'll have to tell me all about Spain when you're back!

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 13


I'm back. It was an experience. A good one none-the-less. Hope computer is behaving better.

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 14

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Sorry I missed you meg, glad you enjoyed Spain! Yes the computer is a bit more manageable...there's still some work to be done though. smiley - erm

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 15

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Meg just noticed you online!smiley - hug How are you?

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 16


Was just thinking of you. Have been explaining to Abbi and PC how I have a little time to chat tonight as Thursdays seem to be quieter that Mondays at work. Have only seen a handful of patients tonight but still have the filing to look forwards to, yippee.
Hope you're well. What was your Christmas like? Mine was fairly quiet as I worked night shift at the hospital Christmas eve so slept most of Christmas day. Was awake to see my children open their presents and woke again in time for food smiley - drool
How's your weather are you getting lots of snow?

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 17

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, I'm fine...Christmas was quiet-nice but quiet...lots of snow!

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 18


can't really imagine lots of snow. I live on the south coast of England where it snows once every 7 years. My son is nearly 8 and he saw his first snowfall last year. Does it bother you or do you like it. It must get tiresome if you get snowed in.

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 19

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, it Can get to you sometimes, mainly if you let it (so to speak), I've kind of gotten used to it & accept it. I Actually missed it in Hawaii@Christmas one year - just Not Christmas without snow!

eg, it's been awhile!

Post 20


I understand what you mean. My children were so excited last year when we saw snow. It only lasted a day but there was enough to have a smiley - snowball fight. I'm not a great fan of the cold but would rather be chilly than too hot. Our weather is quite mild which is just as well as we don't have central heating. We do have gas fires which mean someone has to brave a chilly house to turn them on in the morning.
I do believe that our climate is getting warmer as I can't say I've felt really cold at all this winter. Maybe I'm just developing a thicker skin as I get older.

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