Heidily-hey! "I'm a big, four-eyed lame-o and I wear the same stupid sweater every day!"
Well I'll be darndiddily-arned. Look at me, the first thing I typed just had to be from the Simpsons didn't it? I will never be anywhere else at 6:00pm (weekdays) than sprawled out on the couch my eyes glued to those yellow folk. I've started signing all my messages with a to express my solidarity with Homer in the pursuit of this wonderful food. Krispy Kremes are the best but of course they don't sell them in the UK...as far as I know... please tell me if you know otherwise.
Hmmm... What to write? Well...
(Tricia) McMillian is the name I go by 'round these parts, she's cool and I'm not so cool so... well... I don't know... I'll finish this sentence another time...
Okey dokey let's have a look-see
For starters, I'm a member of the Random Quotes Guild => A907382 <=
I am a 18 year old, female, American, carbon based biped born and raised for most of my life in London,England. I don't like rain...
I'm a movie buff...
Black and white movies are awesome, but I'm also a sucker for really good special effects. Humphrey Bogart is fantastic, Grace Kelly and Vivien Lee are the most beautiful women in the world, Jack Nicholson is sooo cool, Keanu Reeves is soooo handsome and I was ecstatic when Peter O'Toole won the Honorary Award this year.
My favorites:
-To Kill A Mocking Bird (yes I know... this isn't a mockingbird... oh well)
-West Side Story
-Mars Attacks
-The Godfather series
-Groundhog Day
-The Matrix
-nearly every single Alfred Hitchcock (absolute favorite is Rear Window)
-all the James Bonds with Sean Connery (the true 007)
Things I LOVE
books (what kind you say? uhhh... good ones)
Monty Python
The Beatles
Cesar salad (especially with chicken)
Mexican food (not TOO spicy please)
People I love
everyone (including you)
Ok... things/people I hate? hmmm... i've said rain... blue cheese is vile... and mall Santas and people who launch into "chopsticks" whenever they sit down to the piano drive me crazy. Also I'm terrified of clowns...
I want to be a cartoonist and am a great admirer of Charles Schultz, Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes), Gary Larson (The Far Side)and Gary Trudeau(Doonesbury).
Well Toodily-doo... for now...
Yo! Lookit! (2+2)x3+0+30=42
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[no subject] | May 28, 2007 |
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You been randomly quoted! | Apr 12, 2003 | No Replies |
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