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Would you believe it.....

Post 1


I really had to put this in my journal....i am so excited!!!smiley - somersault
I have been tracing the family tree for a long time many people know.
I found a record of my uncles' death,and my aunt too...they went to live in america in the 1940's,with their daughter and her new husband,who was in the army out there.I searched yet again,and found a record of their son-in-law,he had died in 1999>smiley - sadfaceThey were the last link ,apart from my half brother,with my dad,who died when i was five.
I was searching for records of my cousin...the daughter who married an american soldier,and quite by chance,i found a site that held recent recordssmiley - applause
Last night i spoke to my aged 80,and we were on the phone for an hoursmiley - biggrin.She has two daughters,and three grandchildren,and we talked about the time she lived over here...apparently staying with mum and dad while she was on honeymoon.I couldn't sleep..i was so excited...and it was lovely to find she has pictures of my grandparents who i have never seen.We are going to keep in touch ,she gave me her e-mail addy..and were going to exchange pictures and family tree info!!!!I have found some relatives at last .......smiley - wow

Would you believe it.....

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - wow

That is fantastic news!

It must be a lovely feeling to have the bits and pieces of your family falling into place now..

smiley - magic

Would you believe it.....

Post 3


I am still excited lilsmiley - biggrin
She's a lovely lady as well,it was 2a.m. when i went to bedsmiley - yawnI was soooo pleased that she was five hours behind us,and that i didn't have to wait until today to ring her!!!!smiley - laugh

Would you believe it.....

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Better than Christmas eh?? smiley - biggrin

Would you believe it.....

Post 5


How wonderful, sal! smiley - wow


Would you believe it.....

Post 6

Researcher U1025853

Great news Sal, well done at keeping up all the work to get there. smiley - magic

Would you believe it.....

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

Fantastic news sal, I'm so glad you got some results after all smiley - hug

Would you believe it.....

Post 8


Sal, smiley - bubbly that is wonderful news. Your excitement goes smiley - boing right off the screen.

You must have such patience to do all this. I am glad you have some reward for all your efforts.smiley - applause

Keep us posted.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Would you believe it.....

Post 9

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

That's great Sal!smiley - bubbly Congrats...the search has yiekded favourable results!

Would you believe it.....

Post 10

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - ermMuch much more favourable than my typing!

Would you believe it.....

Post 11


Thank you for sharing my excitement!!!It really is lovely to be able to share my enthusiasm with my friends.smiley - cuddles.
My cousins name is peggy,and she lives in new york state.....and i've already had some e-mails,and talked about all sorts of things!!!
I've sent some pictures,and am waiting for some arriving heresmiley - applause,i can't wait to see if our families resemble each other!!!!

Would you believe it.....

Post 12


Oh Sal, how lovely!smiley - smiley

Enjoy getting to know your newly found relative and her family.


Would you believe it.....

Post 13


I met her 1982...which was the last time she was in england.
I can't remember what she looks like,but she has told me little stories about my dad,and her dad,who,of course were brothers.I think they must have been smiley - monsters when they were together!!!!

Would you believe it.....

Post 14


Four weeks on,and i have learned such a lot from my cousinsmiley - smileyShe is such a lovely feels as though i've always known her.She has told me about her life in america,and about how much of her daily life she shared with my half brothers,who lived with her for a few years,due to family circumstances.She told me about the day the war ended...she was with my mum and dad,and about the dancing in the street,and the parties.She even has pictures ,which are on their way to me!!!!I have seen pictures on television of course,but somehow she has made it all seem much more real.
We have talked about so many things,it is wonderful to feel that you actually know people who you've only seen in photos.
I would thoroughly recommend ..if you've thought about tracing your family tree...that you make a start!!!!

Would you believe it.....

Post 15

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

That is wonderful she can tell you stories WITH pictures on the way too! This must be very exciting Sal smiley - somersaultI am happy you are having a wonderful new experience.

I think it is important to keep the family history, oral and pictures and memorabilia. There is usually one person in a large family interested in doing it. Many are pleasantly surprised once they become interested ,how much they can learn about, and from, their families past.

Would you believe it.....

Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I'm reading this avidly smiley - ok

lil xx
smiley - magic

Would you believe it.....

Post 17


The family tree has been very hard work,but so rewarding.I should explain that my father married twice,he was much older than mum,so my relatives on his side are much older than me!!!My half brother is 82 tomorrow,he was born to my dads first wife,and my cousin in the states is my dads brothers daughter...she is 81 this year.She has a better memory than me(not hard)and still remembers the names of the streets she played in as a child ,growing up in yorkshire.My next pictures ae gong to be of the laces she talks about,when the weather is warm enough to venture out and take them,but in the meantime i have made her an album of pictures taken of her mum and dad,with my parents,and various ones of my family...who she has never seen....

Yesterday i found the names of my great grandma and her mother...but on my mothers side this time!!!smiley - biggrinnow iam curious about them toosmiley - headhurtssmiley - cdoublesmiley - laugh
Thank you for being interested!!!smiley - hugs

Would you believe it.....

Post 18


Hi Sal, I finally found this site again. Lovely to see your excitement at tracking someone from your family, it is hard work doing the research but very rewarding isn't it. It's amazing what you find out - keep going, it never seems to end. Good to see you're still there. Jules XXXXXXX

Would you believe it.....

Post 19


Hi jules....I've had some surprises already while doing some searching...but i get a real "buzz" when i find someone !!I am going to have to do some trailing about now though,,so have to wait until hubby can have a day off work to take mesmiley - sadface.I posted to your space,so there's a message there for you too....lovely to see you again!!!smiley - hug

Would you believe it.....

Post 20


That's great, Sal, that you've found 'lost' relatives and family - sounds like it's been a lovely experience. smiley - smiley


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