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Post 21


Well I hope you do get a satisfactory result to your case in the end Smurflessmiley - ok
I have just been told by my lawyer that they are looking at March 2006! before anything happens in my claimsmiley - sadface
Makes you wonder how they can get away with such gross incompetence doest itsmiley - erm

If that was how I behaved when I worked in the oil industry I would have been sacked ages agosmiley - wah and would never have worked in the industry again, as the word would have been put out!smiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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Post 22


19TH OCTOBER.Well,the travel company look as though they're really covering themselves.The rules laid down for complaints state that if they receive a complaint by e-mail ,they must reply within 5 days,which is what they did last week.
I can't believe that yesterday they sent me an e-mail,telling me the details i supplied five days ago weren't right,they had no record of my booking reference,so would i supply them with ALL the details again.smiley - steam
Surely this has got to be a delaying tactic?
Well thats smiley - ok,eventually they will have to respond to my complaint,in some form.

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Post 23

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yep..definitely a delaying tactic.

Keep full copies of everything you send them via email..

Send them again with a covering note stating you will also send it snail mail, by recorded delivery! That way you are taking that option away from their list of tactics!


lil xx

smiley - magic

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Post 24


Thanks lil.We haven't "chatted " for ages,have we.I am smiley - cross that they seem to think i am stupid,surely they should credit me with a modicum of intelligence.Thanks for the smiley - goodluck wishes...i've a feeling i'm going to need it!!!

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Post 25

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


They seem to have this attitude that if they ignore it, it will go away.. I think YTS is training them with the wrong values! smiley - whistle

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Post 26


19th october.I posted this morning about the e-mail sent ,and at teatime i checked my e-mails before going out .smiley - applauseI had an e-mail confirming they had received mine.smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

Of course i should have known ,shouldn't i ,that they were a bit too quick of the mark!!!
They also added that they were now passing my complaint on to the tour operator ,who they had booked OUR holiday through.smiley - steamThe funny part about all this is that the tour operator is a subsiduary of their company!smiley - sillyIt ems to me we would have been better just boking a flight,and sorting out the car hire,and the villa ourselves,instead of paying an incompetant travel company a lot of money to get it all wrong!!!!

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Post 27

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Sounds like a hassle.

Gosh speaking of hassles I tried to post to you this AM.
I was afraid I would come back and see 10 post!smiley - laugh
Hmm, none !smiley - erm

Call this week if you get a chance!smiley - smiley

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Post 28


,smiley - magic of course i will!!!

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Post 29

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Gosh hope I did not miss you last night.

I was snoozing late afternoon.
I had to catch up since I had been feeling awful for several days prior. I finally feel a bit better todaysmiley - smileyHopefully I will not need a napsmiley - ok

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Post 30


Hello Sal smiley - smiley I hope that you're having a relaxing weekend, NOT thinking about tour companies and wasted money.

Good luck with the chase for justice. As somebody else said, make sure you keep printed copies of every email that you send and if you phone them, make a note of the phone call and send it to them by email and get their confirmation that it reflects accurately what you discussed. It's a time-consuming way to do things, but you've got them over a barrel in the future if they say one thing and then retract it smiley - evilgrin

smiley - goodluck

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Post 31


Hi there Fb.I haven't posted to your threads recently,have i??I have been reading them,,honestly..smiley - blush
This holiday thing is becoming hard work,but i've done what yu suggested..i've even,for the first time ever,put all the e-mails etc.ina file on the PC.I had no idea where to start,and it took me a while,(i can't sit at the pc for very long),but i did it!!smiley - applauseVery impressed with myself i was too.
I really don't think i'll get very far with them,but i will persevere!!

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Post 32

aka Bel - A87832164

good on you Sal, don't let the ba***rds get away with it smiley - ok

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Post 33


Funny you should put it that way's just how i feel!!
They're very clever,the simple fact that they have stuck to the regulations,by responding exactly to the day of the time limits,but only replying that they didn't have enough information.
I think the next reply should be within 28 days,but we'll see.I can understand why people write to the holidays from hell programme now...although we were fortunate enough to have the family here,who sorted out another villa for us.I still feel that other peole should know about this should see the villas on their websitesmiley - whistle.Now one of those i could have stayed in!!!

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Post 34

aka Bel - A87832164

It's a shame they react like this, can't you threaten them somehow ? Here, there used to be a few programmes on the telly, where they picked up on such cases and made them public - any chance there's something similar in England ?

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Post 35


There's a programme called watchdog ,on the BBC,and they usually expose unreputable companies...if all else fails i shall write to them.
There's also an organisation in's called the bettter business bureau,and i have put their website on my favourites on the pc,as i intend e-mailing them about this villa company.There's also another organisation called holiday travelwatch,who will help people fight the ho;iday cmpanies.Iam going to give them the chance to give me bck the money i paid for the second villa...which was £600,and if they don't then i'll take it further claudia.....i'm still very smiley - cross about it all.but i'm more smiley - cross about the way we were treated.smiley - hug

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Post 36

aka Bel - A87832164

So is the travel company American ? That would make things more difficult, I guess. I know the behaviour, many companies here rely on people just running out of energy when complaining, and the results proove them right, only few people dig their heels in. smiley - sadface
Btw, don't know if you've seen it, there's another London meet planned, in January, right now, we're still voting on the date. If I knew it would be the 14th, I could book a flight for only 96€, but I'll have to wait until 5th November smiley - groan I bet BA will not have the cheap flights they're advertising now anymore once I know the date. smiley - wah

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Post 37


HI again..The travel company is in england,and the tour operators they use are based in england,but the villa lettings are in america!!
That is why i am ging to contact the better business bureau in america,as they can look into bad business practice over there.
There were so many things wrong with the villa,but when we got the key,accompnied by a booklet,it told us to contact the manager if there were any problems.That was the man who shouted at me while i was sat in the car,and who told billy he was stupid.....could you imagine having to deal with someone like !!He made it impossible for us to stay there,even if we'd wanted to,we wouldn't have dared ask him to take a look at any problems!!!

I didn't know about the next meet,i shall have to have a word with billy about it ,will you let me know when yu have the final date pleasesmiley - hug

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Post 38

aka Bel - A87832164

It looks as if it's going to be the 14th, but now it looks as if I'll not be going after all smiley - sadface Shouldn't keep you from going, though. The meet page is at <./>A6169322</.>, maybe have a look yourself ?

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Post 39


4th november.(for my reference!)
I can't believe i am so stupid..i got the wrong date and rang the travel company yesterday,thinking that the complaint had been passed on to the tour operators on the 13th october,instead of the 19thsmiley - blush.I simply asked if there had been any news from the tour operators,as it had been three weeks since i had heard anything,i wasn't rude or offensive,very polite in fact.The young lady i spoke to said the complaint hadn't been passed to the tour operators until the 19th,so i said that was i had an e-mail from them saying it was passed on on the 13th..what had happened in the six days in between???
The young lady said that she was sorry there had been a delay in passing the details to the tour operator,BUT THE COMPUTERS HAD BEEN DOWN FOR TEN DAYS,FROM THE 13TH.smiley - laugh
Now confused i may be,and anyone can make a mistake,and i'm willing to admit it was my error,BUT,seen as she was so determined to cover herself..when she didn't really have any need to,HOW,did she e-mail the details to the tour operators when the computers were down from the 13th to the 23rd of october????She even went so far as to tel me that they had a virus,and all the computers were down!!I did ask why the details couldnt be given over the telephone,and she said "because your details were all on the computer,and we couldn't get to them",
smiley - steamsmiley - crosssmiley - flustered
Oh well,the next instalment should be around two weeks from now,i think,smiley - headhurts

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Post 40


Sal, I reckon they are just waiting for you to give up and placing so many annoying barriers in your path in order for you to do so.

My advice is - don't get mad, get even! For every stupid email or letter they send you, send them two more in reply.

And, if possible, try to get a bit smiley - zen about it. I mean, you know it's going to take time. So just take some deep breaths and write another email.

Because if you allow yourself to get all smiley - steam ed up then they are winning half the battle.

They don't have a leg to stand on, which is why they are throwing all this nonsense your way. They are hoping to beat you down with their own self-proclaimed incompetance. But you know, and I know, they are full of sh*t and just don't want to have to take responsibility for what they have done.

If you can, think of it as a game of wits. And I am quite sure you have more wits than they do. Just keep it up. Keep sending the emails. Keep badgering them until they get so fed up with you that *they* give in. Because they are expecting you to give up. Quite angry-making, I know. But, as I say, don't feel angry or upset about it all, just keep pestering them - pester, pester, pester - until they realise it would be easier on them to give you what you rightly want from them rather than have to deal with you anymore.

Virus, schmirus - gaaa, what a stupid excuse. You see, you've got them on the run already if they are making up such lame excuses for not dealing with your claim properly. Because they *know* they are in the wrong.

I'd say you are doing quite okay at the moment. You've got them running scared. smiley - ok


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