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Do you really want to know??

Post 41


Hi there az.Your posting makes perfect sense,sometimes it's easier to stand back and look at the situation.I have read some of the abta regulations,and as i think i said earlier,if you send a complaint by e-mail the firm are allowed five days to respond,whereas it's 28 days if you write.Now that this has been passed o to the tour operators,i THINK they have 28 days to reply in writing.
I shall give them the 28 days,so that i am stickng to the rules ,then i shall start e-mailing.....every day..until i get a response.If that time elapses with no response,then they can be fined by abta for breaking the code of conduct,so,yet this space!!!smiley - hug

Do you really want to know??

Post 42


14th november.
Today i received a letter from the tour operators,just in time for the 28 day deadline.smiley - smiley
They are based in england,so had to write their overseas office for a report.
Of course ,as i expected,they say their villa was of the highest standard,and go on to address each point i made individually,with a reason/excuse for all of it!!!
They therefore dont feel that we warrant any coompensation for staying in the hotel,as that was our choice,and they don't even mention the £600 we paid for the villa.
Oh well,onward and upward as they say.the upward looks like a steep climb....
i aren't sure where to go next,but i think it'll be the travel company,seen as they're the ones whoused the tour operators......or maybe the media?????

Do you really want to know??

Post 43

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Then I would be saying,

Dear Sirs,

Had your villas been of the highest standards, I would never have had cause to complain in the first place!

You leave me no alternative than to take this matter further.

Yrs f....

Let them think what they like. Everyone is entitled to and hours free advise from a solicitor or use Citizens Advice.

Do you really want to know??

Post 44


Agree with lil, but better yet to have this letter (or email) sent by a solicitor - do you not know any solicitor friends, sal?

What's McKay been up to with his complaint?

I reckon the term 'lawsuit' should light a fire under their sorry butts. . .


Do you really want to know??

Post 45


Well,here i go again.It's the 39th november,(wednesday),and last thursday i eventually got my head together ,and sent another e-mail,in reply to the tour operaters letter.I have told them i am not satisfied.etc,etc,,and the day that i sent it i got a reply<smiley - bigeyes,confirming receipt of the e-mail.
Yesterday i got another e-mail..telling me they have sent my e-mail to the tour operaters AGAIN!!!!
SO,another 28 days before i hear from them again.smiley - steamWatch this space!!smiley - smiley

Do you really want to know??

Post 46


The 39th of November? Blimey, this problem is taking so long to resolve that it's caused a shift in the calendarsmiley - winkeye.

How long has this actually been now Sal? I once had an insurance claim that took 7 months to resolve - you're not up into quite that sort of time frame yet are you?


Do you really want to know??

Post 47


OOOps!!!!smiley - laugh.i never spotted that liz....well done!!!Put it down to me being smiley - ill,must have been the temperature!!!So nice to hear from yousmiley - hug
I think 7 months will be okay..i'm looking at nore like a year or so!
Should have read 29th,of course!!smiley - headhurts

Do you really want to know??

Post 48


A year?smiley - yikes Flip, that is a long time.

Hope you are recovering from your lurgies.


Do you really want to know??

Post 49

aka Bel - A87832164

Get well soon sal smiley - hug
Hope all will be well in the end smiley - cheerup

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