This is the Message Centre for smurfles
Lizzbett Posted Mar 5, 2004
Chris wasn't bothered about a comfortable chair, that's the whole point. He is quite happy to sit on the 16-year-old version with the holes in and no springs! He can't bear to change anything. I did suggest we get his sofa out of storage before I bought the new one last year, but he says it needs throwing out (so why is it in storage then, you ridiculous man?)
We went shopping last night and I bought some of those transfers that you can stick on old tiles to make them look nicer. Chris bought a new spade for his Dad because he has broken the old one (does household and gardening jobs for his Dad without being nagged, you will note). Anyway, when we got to the till, he paid for my transfers, so that was a result It's funny how every time I have a good whinge about him to somebody else he seems to do something good - maybe he has me bugged!
He's playing golf all weekend so I shall be swearing in the bathroom while I try to put these transfers on the tiles.
smurfles Posted Mar 6, 2004
Hi liz.i think i am beginning to see your point of view .Do you know what struck me most about your last posting?T he bit where you said he paid for your transfers!I would have thought that if you were going through the till together,it wouldn't have mattered who paid for them,they were for the benefit of both of you,or doesn't he use the bathroom???
I think i would put them on one half of the bathroom,and when he gets back from his golfing,tell him to do the other half himself.
Well,i hope you have a good weekend love,apart from doing the bathroom.The sun is shining here just now,aand it's quite warm..the sort of day for a long walk,or even doing the garden!!!!!!chat next week .luv salxxxx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 8, 2004
Normally I pay for everything to do with the house (Chris did pay the gas fitter last year though) and Chris gives me some money for his board and lodgings each month which I put towards the bills (he doesn't know it yet, but as soon as I get my next council tax bill, Chris's rent will be going up) What you have to bear in mind with regard to my domestic arrangements is that a) we are living in my house (all the bills are in my name and I can kick him out anytime) and b) he doesn't give a toss about making the place look nice. Men generally don't care too much about where they live, do they?
Anyway, I put up my tile thingies yesterday and it was ever so easy to do and I'm really pleased with the effect. Chris even likes them. At the moment, I smile everytime I go in there. I still need to touch up the paintwork that the floor fitters damaged and I want to get one or two new accessories but other than that the bathroom is finished. I now need to psyche myself up to do the stair area but his laziness is going to HAVE to help me with that (unless he wants to pay someone to do it - maybe I'll suggest that to him)
I haven't done much over the weekend really, other than housework and running a few errands. I spent most of Saturday afternoon filling in an application for a job in another part of the college where I work. I thought it would be easy to do because they sent me a version that I could complete on the PC, but it took ages. Nevermind, it's all done now and I took it to HR this morning. My boss is on holiday this week, so hopefully I can have a good skive (won't be able to do THAT anymore if I get this other job).
Chat soon
smurfles Posted Mar 8, 2004
HHi there liz.i amsamsiling here to myself.While you
were posting to me i was in your space,looking at your past postings.II was sure that your birthday wasnt too far away,and that was the wheni first posted to you,so i was checking to to see.Needless to say i didn't find
it,but i did realise that you aren't on my friends list,so i have missed lots of what appear to be very interesting postings.Would it be okay if i added
your name??
Isn't it a nice feeling when you get a room finished,and you're pleased with it?I get a good feeling when i've just cleaned,and everything is sparkling,and it all smells of polish!!Still ""little things etc!!"
Sorry you needed a chisel for the domestic arrangements ,i am beggining to see your predicament
I am running
really late today,still haven't thought about lunch,and i'm
starving.with the job,i might post again later today.if not catch you tomorrow.luv salxx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 8, 2004
Hello Sal
I don't mind at all if you add me to your friends list. My birthday is 21 May, so still a couple of months away yet.
I have treated myself to some yummy salmon sandwiches, crisps and chocolate muffin desert from Marks and Spencer for my lunch today. I had to go in there to return a bra that didn't fit, so while I was there I thought I would treat myself to a nice lunch. I am trying to do this less often because it soon gets expensive. I'm down to buying my lunch only about once a fortnight now and the rest of the time I am a good girl and bring something in. I think it will be vegetable spring rolls tomorrow. I had a look at bathroom accessories in M&S but they didn't have anything in the shade of blue that I wanted, so I think a trip to Alders will be in order tomorrow lunch time.
Have you got your digibox link restored now? You seem to be back on the site more in the past week. I was reading a post over on Get Writing the other day where someone was saying how much he liked his wireless keyboard because it allows him to type in bed, which made me laugh but it also made me wonder whether a wireless keyboard with your PC would help you.
smurfles Posted Mar 9, 2004
Good morning liz.i have added you to my friends list,thank you.You made my mouth water
when you said what you had for dinner,mmmm,it sounded infinetley more interesting than my cup-a-soup.I must be becoming a creature of habit,i have
the same thing most days,follow by a yoghurt!!Doesn't it sound interesting.
We debated about the computer,and billy asked lots of questions at the various pc shops,but unless you're in line with the pc the wireless
keyboards aren't an option(i have to be awkward and have the pc be behind me ,of course).He also discovered that we could get something to put in the pc,,which would then bring the
pc screen up on the television .That sounded ideal,until they told us the pictures would look okay,but the text would hardly be readable.
We have now bought a flat screen,and technology been what it is,enlarged everything on there.Iam managing to spend a little longer at the pc now,although it still causes me pain,so it hasn't 't extended
the time by much,but every little helps!!!!!!!!
Have you tried british home stores for the bi bits you needneed for the bathroom..they havesome lovely things in there,and they aren
t dreadfully expensive
either.,with the shopping,chat to you later,enjoy your lunch.luv salxxx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 9, 2004
I went to BHS at lunch time but they didn't have anything blue. I saw some blue and white stuff in Alders but although I liked it, to buy a tumbler (for my make-up brushes), matching toothbrush holder and two soap dishes would have come to £25 and I didn't like them £25 worth! I have purchased something in Woolworths, however. I got two very cheap plastic blue soap dishes (no point having the nice china ones, they'd only get broken) and then I got a tumbler and matching toothbrush pot that are white with a blue mosaic pattern around the bottom. Total cost for all four items £7.96. Bargain!
I fancy some blue and white stripey towels now and I think I saw some in the co-op so I guess that is where I will be going tomorrow lunch-time unless someone makes me a better offer.
smurfles Posted Mar 15, 2004
Hello liz,i hope you got the things you wanted.We went shopping on friday evening,and i found myself looking for blue and and white striped towels!!!!!needless to say i didn't see any.i haven't had much chance to get on here over the last few days,,,it was my middle daughters birthday on saturday,and then three of the chldren decided they wanted to stay saturday evening,so it was almost midnight when we went to bed.They are NEVER tired when they spend the night here, home they take themselves off to their rooms.It was teatime sunday when the house eventually quietened down,until my youngest daughter and her partner decided to visit,and collect the pet i'd been loking after for the weekend.
Ihave decided on an early night,straight after a nice hot shower tonight!!!!
I hope you had a good weekend,nice and relaxing ,
have you hu had any news of the job yet????
The weather isn't very good again,,it's so windy,i'm glad i have my shopping done with,,and don't need to go out!!
Just gonna have lunch,,i bet you can't guess what???look forward to chatting later .luv salxxx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 15, 2004
I haven't bought any new towels yet - the ones in the Co-op weren't the right shade of blue.
I've done very little this weekend. I've been seized with an attack of chronic tiredness and apart from popping to the supermarket and doing a bit of housework, all I've done is eat, sleep, read and watch telly.
I'm planning an early night tonight too - Chris is on nights this week and as soon as he leaves for work I shall have a nice hot bath (I haven't got a shower) and then go to bed.
I've got an interview for the job in MAS tomorrow at 11. I've got a meeting at 10 so I hope that doesn't take too long. Despite the fact that I already work at the college, those geniuses in Human Resources felt the need to send me a map of how to find the place! Maybe I should apply to work in HR, they obviously need some help. The fact that HR also sent me a set of the paperwork for new staff suggests that this job has been advertised externally, which is not good news because I am already at the top of the salary scale for this job (point 5, scale 3)and if they employ someone from outside they can probably get someone younger to do it for point 1 of scale 3. This will be the third interview I have had for a vacancy within the college since I came here and if I don't at least get offered this one I may as well give up.
smurfles Posted Mar 15, 2004
oh liz,that doesn't sound like you.Never give up love,you will haveto work on the theory that it just wasn't meant to be if you don't get offered the job.Maybe something even better is waiting for you ,just around the corner!!!.,anyway.xx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 16, 2004
Well, that wasn't one of my best performances. I'm not good at interviews because I've never been for a job that I REALLY wanted and I have a hard time hiding my 'not bothered' attitude. I feel a bit miffed at just how much of a grilling I got for such an average sort of job though. I can't keep putting myself through this interview process, it's just too exhausting. I have to work really hard to appear enthusiastic and several times this morning I got halfway through a sentance and then completely forgot what I had just been asked! Because the other candidates were external, college procedures dictate that they have to apply for references and CRB check for all candidates before they make a decision, so I wont hear anything for at least a week.
smurfles Posted Mar 23, 2004
Good morning liz,its been so long.Did you hear anything about the job yet??I lost this thread,it went off my page,and it has been so quiet on here i haven't been bothering as much.It isn't doing me much good either,i'm finding it hard work most of the time.Have youbeen doing anything special and how's life treating you???I had a nice day on sunday,went out for lunch,and got some lovely flowers,and some choccys,and some candles.I am going to get ready for the hairdresser ,she is coming early today,and i aren't dressed yet!!.better!chat soon .luv salxx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 24, 2004
I've had a couple of days off this week to use up my annual leave entitlement which expires at the end of March. My new chair arrived on Monday (at last!). It's nice but BIG and rather dominates my lounge. Other than that I just enjoyed two extra days of not having to come to work. It was nice to be able to spread my housework over four days instead of having to do it all at the weekend.
The high winds blew down part of my garden fence on Saturday, which is a bit irritating as the section that came down is the section that I had replaced only nine months ago.
I haven't heard anything more about the job yet and I don't really expect to. Anyway, I must because I do have rather a lot of work to do and my lunch hour is now over.
Chat soon
smurfles Posted Mar 29, 2004
good morning liz.Did you have a nice weekend???We didn't do much,but the children were here on saturday,and sunday,so that was nice.We had a nice sunday lunch with them.i haven't been shopping ,i think i'm in need of some retail therapy.Did you remember to alter the clocks,it's a good thing i did my watch,because billy still hasn't done any of the the clocks apart from his alarm!!!!
i hope you got caught up with your workloaD,and that you're's chris,or shouldn't i ask.luv salxxx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 29, 2004
Workload caught up and I'm back to doing virtually nothing. Well, there is something that I could be doing but it's awfully dull so I'm avoiding it at the moment.
I spent quite a nice lazy weekend (no change there then). Chris was on nights last week so I thought I would go to the supermarket on Saturday morning while he was in bed. I don't drive very often and when I got into Chris's car I couldn't remember where reverse is. The bit of the gear stick with the diagram on it fell off years ago and it took me four goes to find reverse as I got closer and closer to the car parked in front of me. Anyway, I found it eventually. I was going to call at B&Q on my way home (I still haven't found a mantle shelf for the lounge six months after decorating it) but I got in the wrong lane at the roundabout so I just went straight home. I spent the rest of Saturday reading and watching a video while Chris was out. His Dad fell over again on Friday (that's the third time in less than three years) and so he was up the hospital most of Friday and visited again on Saturday as well as going 'round to his Dad's house to sort things out there. The last time Reg fell over they sent him straight home again because he wasn't hurt (Chris's brother only called the ambulance because he couldn't lift him) but this time he has hurt his leg again. It isn't broken but they think he might have bent the plate that the fitted in 2001 when he fell and broke his thigh. Anyway, I cooked Chris a really nice dinner on Saturday night because I thought he'd had a traumatic couple of days. He's not much cop in a crisis.
My parents were supposed to come yesterday but cried off because my Dad has toothache and couldn't face the long drive. I was pleased in a way because Chris was out all day playing in a golf competition and I like him to be at home to amuse my parents while I cook, otherwise my Mum comes in the kitchen and interferes. I didn't wake up until quarter-to-eleven yesterday(new time, but even so, quite a lay in!). I did some housework and some ironing, then I spent the rest of the day reading and Chris bought me a KFC for supper. So all in all, a nice relaxing day.
smurfles Posted Mar 30, 2004
hi sound as though you had a good weekend.i particularly liked the getting up late,and kfc bit..not the in between ironing though!!!I hope chris's dad is feeling much better,falls aren't good at any time,but as we get older they're harder to deal with.I hope your dads toothache is better as well.i used to hate toothache,but don't have to worry about it anymore!!!is there a gumy smiley i wonder???
i haven't been on much again today,i went to to see my mother tonight,and she knew me,which was unusual.They were having a clothes party,and she chose some nice things for it was quite enjoyable for her
she even expresed her dislike of a skirt someone showed her...very unusual..i tend to get out of the watway when she doesn't like something!!!!!!anyhow,thats been my day,except i missed my tea,soup at 7.30 wasn't my ideal meal!!
i hope you had a good day,any news yet???I don't think you're really bothered one way or the other are you!!look forward to hearing from you soon.luv salx
Lizzbett Posted Mar 31, 2004
Still no news about the job. I would send a stroppy e-mail to HR if I thought it would get there but the college e-mail system is up the spout as usual.
Chris's Dad is still in hospital and still unable to walk so he wont be going home any time soon. They still don't know why his leg is swollen and painfull - nothing is showing up on the x-ray's. Chris went to see him yesterday afternoon and when I asked "How is your Dad?" he replied, "Argumentative, awkward and miserable." So I said "He's on the mend then?". Reg is ALWAYS argumentative, awkward and miserable and then he wonders why no one goes to visit him His sister turned up at the hospital while Chris was there yesterday and he gave the poor woman a load of abuse the minute she walked in the door. I'm glad I don't have to go and see him!
I don't know how my Dad's toothache is, I only speak to my parents once a week and that is quite enough. He's had this toothache on and off for ages but the dentist can't find anything wrong so it may be some sort of inflamed nerve connected to his assorted other aches and pains. I shall no doubt get to hear all about it tomorrow night.
smurfles Posted Mar 31, 2004
Oh well..something to look forward to then!If his dad spoke to me like that i wouldn't want to go and see him either.Maybe the fact that you haven't heard anything from the job is a good sign..don't they say no news is good news.I still haven't caught up from the hour we lost,so i've popped in here tonight for a few minutes,with the hope that i feel more chatty tomorrow.I will probably leave you another message then!!!!hope you have a good night.luv salxx
Lizzbett Posted Apr 1, 2004
Well, I have sorted out my college e-mail account (I have two e-mail accounts at work, which always makes for an interesting life) and so I e-mailed HR this morning. About 10 minutes later, someone rang up full of apologies. She thought that all the unsucessful candidates had been notified. They are just SO inefficient in that department! I was quite certain that I hadn't got the job, but I am annoyed that, more than two weeks after the interview, I actually had to ask for confirmation. I should really get in touch with the lady that lead the interview for some feedback but it's hard to do that so long after the event. Feedback the next day would have been more use.
Anyway, my boss is back from her meeting so I had better go and do somework.
Bye for now
smurfles Posted Apr 1, 2004
good mornng.liz,Thats a bit out of order to say the least.They sound ike a very disorganised organisation.I think i would have been letting off ,well and truly.Still never mind ,as i said before,there must be something much better waiting just round the corner.I will kll keep my fingers crossed for you.
i wonder why the hospital couldn't identify where the pain is coming from in chriss' dads leg?Even if it was arthritis,or something similar,the inflammation would have shown up i woud have thought.
The weather here was lovely yesterday,so i decided to get up earlier today,and catch up on a few things,typical that it's dull,and raining today,not at all encouraging me to move and get on with what i wanted to do.Better get dressed i suppose,i have the washer on,and the dishwasher ,so it looks as though i've been energetic!!!!chat later.luv salxxx
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- 106: smurfles (Mar 9, 2004)
- 107: Lizzbett (Mar 9, 2004)
- 108: smurfles (Mar 15, 2004)
- 109: Lizzbett (Mar 15, 2004)
- 110: smurfles (Mar 15, 2004)
- 111: Lizzbett (Mar 16, 2004)
- 112: smurfles (Mar 23, 2004)
- 113: Lizzbett (Mar 24, 2004)
- 114: smurfles (Mar 29, 2004)
- 115: Lizzbett (Mar 29, 2004)
- 116: smurfles (Mar 30, 2004)
- 117: Lizzbett (Mar 31, 2004)
- 118: smurfles (Mar 31, 2004)
- 119: Lizzbett (Apr 1, 2004)
- 120: smurfles (Apr 1, 2004)
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