This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 301

Researcher 556780

opps simupostin...nice name! Lua, is actually rather close sounding to luna..interesting smiley - smiley


Post 302


Hi az, vix,

Mercifully Lua doesn't know what is wrong with her but of course no-one knows how long she might live so you could be feeding her mackerel for breakfast and paté for tea for some time. I hope you've got the financial resources to keep her in the manner to which she has become accustomed. smiley - smiley

May I wish you a long and expensive cat food bill. smiley - cat



Post 303



Why, thank you! smiley - smiley



Post 304

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Benjamin's cunning plot to knock me down the stairs failed again today. I don't think he has properly thought it through, either. Who will feed him when I am in traction?

I think it was revenge foor something that happened earlier in the morning.

He "suddenly discovered" a bag of knitting that has been in the same spot for months and knocked it down.... Of course, that was followed by a cautious sneak-up on the fallen bag to find out what it was, what it was doing on the floor, and how it got there.... Cause and effect, cat... Cause and effect.

I picked the bag up and put it up where he can't reach it. A couple of minutes later, I hear a smacking and slurping sound and discover that a chunk of raw wool which I will be using for felting had fallen out of the bag and I hadn't noticed in when I put the bag up. This, he was eating.

I had to pick up the soggy clump of woll and find somewhere to drape it to dry.

Hasn't he got enough hair-balls without deliberately ingesting more?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Post 305


smiley - laugh

Cranky and cuddly would sum up Cassie nicely!


Post 306


Hi vix,

Rebecca is a nice name for a cat.

smiley - winkeye

az; don't ask.



Post 307


Why is this page so wide? Or is it just on my computer?

Mudhooks, I have to keep the sewing room door closed because Sunny loves eating thread, especially off the serger (he can get three strands going at once!) And Azar loves eating paper.

The only thing Lua likes chewing on (other than food) is my hair. smiley - erm



Post 308

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

It is my fault.... I strung together a whole lot of ??????? and instead of wrapping, the text strings out. It will go back to normal for the next page.

Benajmin went nuts over the horsehair from a carved mask of my ex'. I wondered what the long hairs in his litter box were from.... apparently from the mask. He also likes fishing line, thread, and, of all things, cello-tape. I am constantly finding him nibbling on boxes that have been sealed with clear tape. smiley - weird


Post 309

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Henry likes cotten,elastic bands most new thing deserve a bite at least ,(eaten to much bad cooking i think)and selotape ,i think several brands use fish/animal glue, plant leaves of course.

Hannah worst trick was any recepticle that had liqiud was tipped oversmiley - bigeyes


Post 310


Ah, I've always wondered what makes some pages go wide.

And now I know.

smiley - smiley



Post 311

Big Red

So glad to hear Lua is feeling chipper! I say spoil her all you can and want to.

Our cats love to lick photographs. smiley - huh

Re the teeth topic, my Maine coon, Tabitha, had to have *half* her teeth extracted _ all on one side _ a few years ago. Apparently Maine coons can have weak teeth. (Who knew?) I was horrified, of course, but she does fine, even continuing on dry food. (Vet said there was no need to switch to canned, and she was right.)

Re pet behavior at the vet, our other Maine coon, Mars, fell asleep on the table during an hour-long heart monitoring procedure when he was a kitten a few months ago. They had told my husband before they started that kittens hated it and often had to be sedated. He said Mars let out one loud MROW of protest when they put him on the table, then relaxed and went to sleep.


Post 312

Ragged Dragon

Mudhooks Trouble is, I view my pages in hundreds, so I am stuck with your width for a long time... Jez :(


Post 313

Ragged Dragon

I mean Jez


Post 314


Okay, I'll write in short sentences for the rest of this page.


I was thinking that cranky and cuddly might describe most cats.
The important difference would be the cranky/cuddly ratio.
For example, using a scale of 0-10 (which probably isn't correct
for ratios but what the heck)
Lua's used to be cr8/cu2 - and on bad days cr10/cu0.
But these days (well, since last summer) it has changed to cr4/cu6.

smiley - smiley



Post 315

Ragged Dragon

Re cranky:cuddly ratio...

I think we all have one of those. smiley - smiley

Maybe we should begin to post it on the ends of all our posts...

Without explaining it to other people.

A sort of secret, lua-appreciation club...


1:9 moving to 8:2 and then to 0:10 as today is Friday and I have sh*tty classes...


Post 316


smiley - laugh I like that

Cassie's will need careful consideration and observation. But she is only cuddly on her terms, when she chooses to come and sit on my lap. If I try and cuddle her.......the tail starts swishing......


Post 317

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I Think


Post 318

logicus tracticus philosophicus

this will


Post 319

logicus tracticus philosophicus

do the trick


Post 320

logicus tracticus philosophicus

next post will be

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