This is the Message Centre for azahar

G'day Az.

Post 121


Curious, because most threads I am on these days are either one-on-one (well, with occasional guests dropping in) or else threads I have started myself.

The other few I join in on are out of personal interest and tend to have most of the 'usual suspects' on them anyhow. And the God thread is almost like my second home here, even though I don't post a lot there anymore (except to give everyone a 'bookmark breakfast' first thing in the morning).

Nope, groups are definitely not for me.

Hey, I thought I was going to bed! I was almost most definitely sure that I was going to bed. In fact I could have sworn . . .


G'day Az.

Post 122

Ivan the Terribly Average

I've just sent you a very wordy email. I think I'll take a break from typing now. (Besides, I need to use the landline...)

G'day Az.

Post 123


A most interesting email! Sent you a quick reply just before my previous class. Will have another read this evening when I finish work for the day. Can only write short notes between classes.

smiley - smiley


G'day Az.

Post 124

Ivan the Terribly Average

I tried to be as concise as possible, but somehow... smiley - erm Oh well. As long as I didn't bore you. smiley - winkeye

By the way - has Member really elvised? Or is he back since I had a quick look yesterday?

G'day Az.

Post 125


Member seems to be busy planning his trip to NZ. smiley - winkeye

I reckon he's probably lurking. It's a bit quiet around here without him.

Meanwhile, I'm going to send you my 'real' email address as it is easier to access than the Yahoo one (which is really just for h2g2 stuff).

Back to w*rk!


G'day Az.

Post 126

Ivan the Terribly Average

'Real' address filed for reference. Thanks.

Hootoo's so slow tonight, I think I'll pack it in shortly.

G'day Az.

Post 127


Not to be outdone I have just sent you a rather wordy email myself. So now we're even! smiley - winkeye


G'day Az.

Post 128

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'll look forward to that. I can't access that account from w*rk... (All a bit annoying, really, but my employers have become paranoid about viruses and things.)

G'day Az.

Post 129


Thanks for the email, honey. smiley - smiley

And I'm glad you had a lovely, if bittersweet, evening out.

How's the head this morning?


G'day Az.

Post 130

Ivan the Terribly Average

My head feels like it's only loosely joined to my neck this morning, and I'm sure it keeps leaning to the left for no good reason, but generally speaking I'm feeling better today than I've a right to.

smiley - ale I must stop doing that sort of thing on schoolnights. smiley - ale But then again - why stop if it's fun at the time? smiley - cheers

G'day Az.

Post 131


Nah, don't stop! Life's too short to worry about the occasional wobbly head.

Meanwhile I was up much too late and then had to get up way too early! smiley - yawn Luckily I finish w*rk early-ish today - around 4pm. Just three more classes to go . . .


G'day Az.

Post 132

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm not sure how I got through the day today. Sheer bloody-mindedness I think. The head still feels odd. This will have to be an early night. So much for a wild bachelor lifestyle. *thinks - wish I could find a wild bachelor*

G'day Az.

Post 133


morning smiley - coffee

I love mornings! I'm one of those really irritating 'happy morning people'.

Wild bachelor, eh? I think I'd like less of the wild part (well, except for ... well, you know). Getting all serene in my old age.


G'day Az.

Post 134

Ivan the Terribly Average

Good Evening! smiley - redwine

No, I've given up on the wild lifestyle. I couldn't even deal with a crowded supermarket today with any degree of equanimity - and if I feel shattered after a long wait in the amusingly-named 'express' lane, then a party-every-night lifestyle probably isn't for me. What I'm really looking for is a more domesticated bachelor. Haven't found one yet.

(Certain things can remain a bit - well - undomesticated, yes.)

G'day Az.

Post 135


Ooooh, I hate queues! Happily I don't have to go to the supermarket today but I *do* have to bring in my printer and keyboard to get fixed. smiley - sadface Have been putting it off but realised the other day that my warranty runs out next week.

I hope I don't end up keyboardless!!! I have an old one here in case I have to leave mine in the shop but I'm not sure if it will work with this computer.

Imagine the weekend with no hootoo! Eek.


G'day Az.

Post 136

Ivan the Terribly Average

No hootoo? smiley - headhurtssmiley - wahsmiley - sadface Not a possibility to be contemplated in cold blood. Here, have this: smiley - redwine

G'day Az.

Post 137


smiley - redwine ?

It's not even 12 o'clock here yet! Oh, alright then. smiley - smiley


G'day Az.

Post 138

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - evilgrin

I should probably go and cook something, but the shopping trip has left me with too many possibilities and I can't decide what to make. It's all rather confusing, really. Which makes me wonder - why do I bother filling the kitchen with food if it just gives me culinary paralysis? Maybe I should just have a cheese sandwich while I think about it. Or smiley - redwine.

G'day Az.

Post 139


Oh dear, I can really use that smiley - redwine now! (also, it's a more reasonable hour smiley - winkeye )

What a waste of time! First of all the guy at the shop told me that HP handles all the repairs on items still on guarantee and they will come to my house and pick it up (when I called the shop the other day and gave the brand of the printer I was told to bring it into the shop!!) THEN, the stupid keyboard behaved perfectly at the shop, so of course the guy couldn't see anything wrong with it. So I lugged my printer and keyboard all over town for nothing! smiley - cross

Ah well, got me out of the house and had a nice long walk (always look on the bright side smiley - whistle ).


G'day Az.

Post 140

Ivan the Terribly Average

I had to take my vacuum cleaner for a walk once. *That* must have looked bizarre. I was planning to claim it was performance art if anyone actually asked - but they didn't - they just sniggered instead.

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