This is the Message Centre for azahar
buenos días!
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 8, 2006
Afraid so.
I expect I'll drop by on weekends to catch up with gossip; I'll stay subbed to the journals I'm subbed to at the moment. I've unsubbed from PR.
MSN will still be there, of course.
But basically, when a place I've come to relax turns into an aggravation rather than a relaxation, it's time to go.
buenos días!
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 9, 2006
I've also unsubbed from Ask, and The Forum. That leaves me with people's journals, and threads like this one.
This feels like a party, in a way. I'm drifting about, making sure I speak to everyone at least once before I get drunk and the party ends...
buenos días!
azahar Posted Apr 29, 2007
I was thinking that reviving this place might be a good idea for when I don't want to derail your blog posts.
buenos días!
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Apr 29, 2007
Blog posts are just crying out for derailling, I think... But yes, this place might be handy.
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buenos días!
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