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G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 6, 2004
It's about 4C now, on its way down to -6C like the last two nights.
D is having a party this weekend - all weekend - I opted out. Last weekend exhausted me. I hope he hasn't died of frostbite.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 6, 2004
Yesterday it was about 35ยบ here
An all-weekend party??? Hmmm, yes that does sound like it would be exhausting.
I'm still trying to get dressed (well, not really trying too hard, to be honest). And I am still quite stressed over a disagreement with my tenants next door. They are refusing to pay their last month's rent.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 6, 2004
Why are they refusing to pay rent? What sort of leverage do you have?
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 6, 2004
They say that because they had to pay for breaking the washing machine (50 euros, approx 15 euros each) they now think I am going to *steal* their security deposits, so they have said they will not pay the last month's rent. Thing is, their security deposits don't actually cover what they owe me and, of course, I hardly feel comfortable with them living there with no deposit. I've had knots in my stomach all weekend because of this. Honestly, some people are just amazing.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 6, 2004
*racking brains for useful suggestions and coming up empty*
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 6, 2004
By the way, I've established that the mad boy has no digital photos of me. I'll have to find a scanner somewhere.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 6, 2004
Well, I have just left them a note asking to resolve this problem before the owner of the building (who lives downstairs) returns tomorrow as he will not allow people to stay here without a security deposit. Maybe that will work?
Hmmm, seems I have heard that one before . . .
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 6, 2004
Yes, I know, but I *will* get around to it, honest...
Invoking the name of the landlord is probably about the only thing that can be done. Good luck with that gambit.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 6, 2004
Good gravy! Are you online again??? Seems like I just said good morning to you.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 7, 2004
Well, I *was* online when you posted that, but then I was interrupted and had to spend the rest of the day doing w*rk. It was most unfortunate.
I'm home now, and sitting uncomfortably. I'm trying out my job-interview-only shoes (usually I wear Doc Martens) and my job-interview trousers (new ones, so I don't have to worry about my dodgy repair jobs letting me down in sensitive areas and causing my powerbase to slip). I've even dug out a tie for tomorrow, so I can look like the complete Corporate Penguin. The shoes are rubbing a bit, and the trousers aren't as forgiving as I'd like. I'll certainly be stiff and formal tomorrow...
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 7, 2004
How bizarre - I just wrote a posting to you but must have forgotten to send it. Definitely in need of
What time is the interview? Could you not bring a change of clothes and shoes or would that be too much trouble?
Well, I think I am going to go out for brekky because I haven't done that for a very long time.
*remembering to click on post message*
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 7, 2004
The interview's at 3pm, and it's more trouble than it's worth to take a change of clothes. (I did consider it.) I'll already have scarf, gloves, coat, boots...etc.
On the bright side - as soon as the interview's over, I'll be coming home. I usually knock off at 4pm anyway. I don't think I could stand returning to work after an interview.
(Breakfast - my favourite sort of breakfast is one that someone else has made. Enjoy!)
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 8, 2004
The interview was bad. I was nervous. I raved on like a freak. I think I said all the things they wanted, but very badly... To make things worse, one of the panel of three was disturbingly attractive. Not good for concentration.
So I'm off to the pub with D. I assume I'll be back later, gabbling for reasons other than nerves.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 8, 2004
Oh dear, honey, just saw your posting now. Got home a couple of hours ago totally *walking on sunshine*
but will not annoy you with my sudden good fortune at the moment.
Anyhoodle, I think it is quite normal to leave an interview thinking it has all gone terribly wrong when it hasn't at all. And I'm sure you didn't rave! So nothing to worry about yet, I reckon.
Have to go out to teach at the hospital soon. Will be back later and will check for any semi-drunken or otherwise-produced gabblings.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 9, 2004
Enough of this interview stuff. I have another job to apply for so I'll think about that instead - later. Let's talk about your sudden good fortune instead. Do tell.
*sits in listening position and waits*
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
Oh, it was an approx. 24-hour period where things big and small suddenly *all* went right and even beyond imagining. And it has left me feeing quite optimistic and comforted.
What's the next interview about?
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 10, 2004
It's a holiday today! Corpus Cristi. Well, I ended up doing a couple hour's 'work' this morning - having breakfast and walking around the procession route with one of my students and then giving him an hour of grammar (we were recuperating some lost classes).
Now I am going to spend the rest of the day resurrecting my flat out of the dust, catfur tumbleweeds, stacks of washing up and piles of laundry that have accumulated over the past . . . gosh, when *was* it I last cleaned this joint???
Have answered your email.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 10, 2004
The Feast of the Lop-sided Saints?
It's a public holiday here this Monday - the Queen's (bogus) Birthday. (One of the arguments advanced by the more dim-witted monarchists for keeping the 'Australian' monarchy is that under a republic we'd lose this holiday. Oh, for crying out loud...)
Anyway. This new job application. Department of Health - systems analysis and maintenance of software to do with the scheme under which pharmaceuticals are subsidised by the Commonwealth Government. Not especially fascinating w*rk, but it's aimed at helping people, which is the point of government w*rk as far as I'm concerned.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted Jun 10, 2004
Not exactly - at least that would be entertaining. This one has a really boring procession but the route is quite pretty to walk along *before* the procession starts as it is carpeted in rosemary and rose petals and there are altars and decorated shop windows and balconies all along it. So that's what we did.
The Queen's bogus birthday in Canada is sometime near the end of May. Since Canada hasn't been a part of the commonwealth in oh-I-don't-know-how-many-years, it's bizarre that they have this holiday at all, let alone a Queen's Representative (the Governor General) and they *still* have her face on the front of coins. Go figure.
Can you use the same application for this job or do you have to make another one specific to the job applied for?
Key: Complain about this post
G'day Az.
- 181: azahar (Jun 6, 2004)
- 182: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 6, 2004)
- 183: azahar (Jun 6, 2004)
- 184: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 6, 2004)
- 185: azahar (Jun 6, 2004)
- 186: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 6, 2004)
- 187: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 6, 2004)
- 188: azahar (Jun 6, 2004)
- 189: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 6, 2004)
- 190: azahar (Jun 6, 2004)
- 191: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 7, 2004)
- 192: azahar (Jun 7, 2004)
- 193: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 7, 2004)
- 194: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 8, 2004)
- 195: azahar (Jun 8, 2004)
- 196: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 9, 2004)
- 197: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
- 198: azahar (Jun 10, 2004)
- 199: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 10, 2004)
- 200: azahar (Jun 10, 2004)
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