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G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Started conversation May 1, 2004
I just thought I'd drop by to say how interested I am in the 'born again Bush' thread and various other threads on contentious matters. I can't bring myself to contribute; Bush and his cohorts render me inarticulate with rage, and that wouldn't exactly maintain the generally high tone of the discussion... So, thanks for launching the debate. It makes interesting, though slightly disturbing, reading.
I wish I was capable of maintaining my composure and chipping in, but when I try to respond calmly to issues like these I suddenly find myself losing my command of English...
I think I'll have a instead. It's lunchtime (almost), so it's acceptable behaviour (probably).
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 1, 2004
Well, you know I *do* have a reputation to maintain! I notice Clive is now also using my 'technique'. Ah well, imitation is a form of flattery, or something like that.
The Bush thread seems to be making quite a few people angry. I wish you *would* chip in! Have a few 's first to get mellow and go for it. Anyhow, speaking of that very thread, time to get back to it. Yesterday Gradient tried a little ad hominem on me, which of course didn't work. But today I see him attacking Michael Moore!!!
hasta pronto!
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 1, 2004
There's more than a few threads on here that are making me angry at the moment. There's a thread on the front page 'Montreal Massacre' entry that I just can't believe, for instance. There's also a thread about the new improved EU that proves that Colonel Blimp is alive and regrettably well. I'll soon build up a good head of steam and release it in a (hopefully) controlled blast, somewhere or other.
But I'd better go and do some kitchen things before I stir the pot onsite...
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 1, 2004
Ooooooh - thanks for pointing out the Montreal Massacre thread! Right up my alley, that one.
Mullet sounds like a troll. Also sounds like something Hoo or Member would say. btw, have you seen that Hoo is back?
I've seen one thread about the EU that certainly does have a few Colonel Blimps on it, but I think there are a few EU threads going on. Which one were you talking about?
Meanwhile, don't get mad - get even!
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 1, 2004
This is the Europe thread in question: F19585?thread=415464
There's a handy Australianism for the Col Blimp persona on that thread - 'whinging Pom'. They generally get annoyed that us colonials don't defer to them any more. There's something about patriotism that bothers me; being of extremely mixed ancestry I can't understand the mindset of someone who wishes 'foreigners' would 'go home'. To comply, I'd have to hack myself into six or seven pieces and send the bits off to various destinations, presumably by parcel post. If we all went back where we came from, we'd all logically end up in the Rift Valley, and it would be far too crowded for comfort.
I noticed Hoo around the place somewhere the other day; I can't remember where exactly. The post didn't seem all that inflammatory, whch is probably why I can't even remember what it was about.
*off to stir the curry again*
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 1, 2004
Oh, heck - that's nuthin! You really wanna get steamed up you should try this one:
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 1, 2004
Right, now I'm coming to the boil... So's the rice, incidentally.
Just watching the news - photos of British troops abusing Iraqis. Makes a change from degenerate Yanks, I suppose. Disgusting, disgraceful, nauseating, deeply shameful. War crimes, in my book. For crying out loud, why are we (the species as a whole) behaving like this? No, there's no answer for that. I must head over to that thread once I've eaten - but strangely my appetite has diminished.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 1, 2004
You mean you haven't seen this yet? F135418?thread=415394
Clive 'does' az (only I *never* use so many links at once! )
recommend you finish eating before reading the above. . .
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 1, 2004
Just leapt into that thread without reading the links first. So, I'm late with the news - hardly the first time - and that's what happens when one lives in GMT+10. I can't read those links - yet.
This curry's quite good - vindaloo - I think I'll finish it before I read on.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 2, 2004
There was a certain inevitability to Member's appearance, yes. I did like Blicky's response; he's saying what I want to say, but he's getting the words together a lot quicker than I ever could.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 2, 2004
zoomer also did very well, I thought.
Thing is, I've read all this before, more than once. He must keep this stuff on file and cut and paste it onto any thread he can.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 2, 2004
Now, that's sad. It's a bit obsessive-compulsive, isn't it?
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 2, 2004
You forgot 'pathetic' as well . . .
Don't get me wrong. I quite like Member, but when he gets stuck in this mysogyinist jag it feels like I am talking to a completely other person.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 2, 2004
I'd just like to know what makes a person feel so hard-done-by.
(I lost a friendship over something like this. One of the guys at work was moaning about having been overlooked for a job because it was given to a woman, allegedly to redress a gender imbalance at that level. I pointed out that the woman in question was in fact better at that sort of work than he was, and perhaps merit was the main criterion for her success. Oh dear. It was naughty of me to tip a bucket of fact all over his neat little conspiracy theory, but someone had to do it. He's stopped being petulant about it, but he hasn't forgiven me.)
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 2, 2004
Yes, it's amazing how otherwise very intelligent people can suddenly turn into irrational raving lunatics over certain subjects.
Meanwhile, can't have been much of a friendship if that person would let it go over something so childish.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 2, 2004
That became apparent in hindsight. He wasn't a close friend, but he was a lot more interesting than most of my colleagues. Oh well... People are
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 2, 2004
People are definitely One of the few things in life one can truly count on.
btw, feel free to leave your roses for the fourteen and then leave the 'debate'. The fool who began the thread really doesn't deserve the attention. imo.
G'day Az.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 2, 2004
I'm regretting having said anything at all on that thread. Partly because it was a pointless thread, but mostly because it's causing Anhaga distress at the direction the business has taken. By keeping the blasted thing alive even for a few extra seconds, I've added to that.
G'day Az.
azahar Posted May 2, 2004
Oh, I got caught up in it way more than you did! And now, in the cold light of morning (and not under the influence of , well for the moment
) and after having received a message from anhaga, I realised how horrible it was to be keeping that thread going.
If anyone else posts anything but roses there from now on I'll just reply with fourteen more roses until people get the message.
Key: Complain about this post
G'day Az.
- 1: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 1, 2004)
- 2: azahar (May 1, 2004)
- 3: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 1, 2004)
- 4: azahar (May 1, 2004)
- 5: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 1, 2004)
- 6: azahar (May 1, 2004)
- 7: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 1, 2004)
- 8: azahar (May 1, 2004)
- 9: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 1, 2004)
- 10: azahar (May 2, 2004)
- 11: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 2, 2004)
- 12: azahar (May 2, 2004)
- 13: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 2, 2004)
- 14: azahar (May 2, 2004)
- 15: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 2, 2004)
- 16: azahar (May 2, 2004)
- 17: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 2, 2004)
- 18: azahar (May 2, 2004)
- 19: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 2, 2004)
- 20: azahar (May 2, 2004)
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