This is the Message Centre for azahar

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 141


hola hermanito,

What shape? Oh, something somewhat less lumpy, me thinks smiley - biggrin

I'm not missing the wine with meals. The main reasons for switching to water are to save money and lose weight. I'll still allow myself wine at the weekends. smiley - smiley

Of course, I have only been doing this for a week. It may not last. But I'm not even thinking about that for now. Just enjoying feeling healthier and, anyhow, I'd rather give my hard-earned money to the bookshop than to Marlborough.

How are you doing? I have a class soon and then I think I'll just relax with my new book.


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 142

badger party tony party green party

Good life is great, but work keeps getting in the way.

Had a good couple of training sessions this morning and Im getting two other volunteers from the club on the training course so I dont have to do every session.smiley - sleepy Oh I told you that already.

Of to see some people I havent seen since christmas tomorrow about some building and decorating they want done. No rest for the wicked.

Hope your class goes well.

Take care.

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 143

badger party tony party green party

Hello big sis.

Typical. When I finally get time to spend on here everything goes quite And your not around to chat to. Oh well.smiley - biggrin

Hope your having fun speak to you soon.smiley - ok

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 144

badger party tony party green party

Not that Ive been following you aound (much) but I dont know if you have seen this: it looks like the start of the Hoo/Justin relationship (?). I have been doing my best not to post to much on anything contnetious for a couple of days in an attempt not to post to angrily. Think I managed to slip up a couple of times but did keep my finger of the post button on most threads. Especialy the ones involving the usual suspects.

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 145


Aha! You *were* following me around! smiley - biggrin

Wow, did that thread ever have looooooooooooong postings. Hard to know when Hoovooloo and Justin met - they were both on the god thread at one point too.

Did you see Member's reply to Jordan this morning? That he is definitely NOT Hoovooloo? Ho hum. Whatever.

I haven't seen you post anything angry lately. Della will probably stop replying on the god(s) thread now that Member, myself and you have all posted there one after the other.

Well, time to eat and get ready for work. Later alligator . . .


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 146


smiley - sleepy

I want to still be in bed!

Had a lovely surprise last night when an old flatmate of mine, Alex, turned up in Sevilla with a friend. They got really cheap flights from Newcastle to Malage - 45 pounds - and so hopped on the next plane. Anyhow, Alex lived with me about six years ago and he was back here for a short visit about two years ago. But it was just like he had never been away at all. They took me out for tapas and wine smiley - smiley and we had a really nice time.

Up too late though. And now up too early. And I'm a bit out-of-practice with drinking wine. So I am feeling veerrrrrry tired.

Time for some serious smiley - coffee


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 147

badger party tony party green party

Good that sounds nice, glad you had a good time sis.

Fruit Juice and a Bike ride, this is the advice of Dr.Hangoversmiley - doctorsmiley - ale.

The fruit juice will help the bits you've been damaging to recover and the bike ride (stay away from busy roads) will sweat out the toxins.

I know it seems the hardest thing to do (if you are hungover)but trust me its the quickest natural way to recover.

Hope you feel better soonsmiley - cheerup

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 148


Oh no, not hungover at all (just had two glasses of smiley - redwine ). But I only got about five hour's sleep and so I am feeling, well, like I only got five hour's sleep. smiley - biggrin

Anyhow, the smiley - coffee is now kicking in and I am having brekky as I write to you. Toast and smiley - oj And so I am already beginning to feel a bit perkier.

Better finish here and get ready to go to class - I have to leave in about ten minutes.

smiley - run


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 149

badger party tony party green party

Its nice and quite here on a sunday aint it.

Been out and walked the dogs fetched the papers and generally enjoyed a hassel free sunday so far. The park was beautiful. All the moisture had been taken out of the air by the overnight frost and the bright sunshine meant that the veiw was crsytal clear right to the horizon.smiley - magic

Made a nice change from the atmospheresmiley - ill in my bedroom Lizsmiley - loveblush and I had curries last night.smiley - dragon

Off to visit my mom and some friends down my old road and then training .

Hope you have a good day.

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 150


It's totally foggy and cold here today - reminds me of Bristol.

I think I am going to be a totally lazy bag o' dirt and stay in ALL DAY and NOT EVEN BOTHER TO SHOWER OR GET DRESSED and basically be a total Sunday slob! So there! smiley - biggrin

Time to eat lunch!


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 151

badger party tony party green party

Hi gib sis.

Thats twice in as many days that youve mentioned showering to me, youre starting to remind me of someone and its scary, very scary.smiley - winkeye

I take it from what youve sent me that my emails are getting through but I keep getting messages back that say your end has rejected themsmiley - huh

Got work to do nowsmiley - sadface

take care

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 152


hmmmm . . . I only received one email from you last week. Did you send more?

smiley - biggrin Oops, sorry, forgot about the shower thing! smiley - laugh

Gotta run - got a free couple of hours so I'm going to the cinema to see Goodbye Lenin.

gib sis?

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 153


morning hermanito! smiley - oj

The mentioning of showers is probably because while I am waiting for the bathroom to heat up in the mornings (like now) I put the kettle on for smiley - coffee and check my email and hootoo conversations. Then, once the bathroom is all nice and warm I can go and, well, you know. SHOWER.

Of course I don't mean to drag up any scary notions from your recent past smiley - winkeye so I shall try to be more careful in future.

Btw, Goodbye Lenin was very good. Have you seen it?


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 154


So yesterday I was checking out your personal page and saw this thread - What's Wrong With Americans - and checked it out. How bizarre! I'll have to read a bit more of the backlog but it seems to have the 'usuals' on that thread saying utter boll*cks.

Well, don't get too hung up on the 'racist' thing. I always thought it was just 'the human race', but of course others might think otherwise. I find I am not surprised to find those three involved on a thread about Americans and doing their utmost to slag them off at every opportunity. Which at least makes them prejudiced and bigots. How tedious!

Time to eat lunch and get ready for my afternoon classes - talk to you soon!

gib sis smiley - winkeye

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 155

badger party tony party green party

Hello big sis,

I did send you one e-mail last week but it took about three trie to get through

Havent seen goodbye lenin, but everything is rugby at the moment. It seems like Im constantly training, playing, writting policies and procedures or coaching. What with work and making time for Lizsmiley - loveblush seems like theres not much time for anything much once Ive finished work. I tend to just watch comedies and the odd documentary on TV at the moment to unwind before bed.

Ofcourse last night I was trying to get a point across to our friend who soaks up knowledge like a wet rag soaks up oil. Im going to give myself a rest from that and let them get back to slinging insults and talking about the suspension on cars as they seem to enjoy that more.

Thankyou for keeping me sane and making me remember how to write nice posts.smiley - smooch

Take care.

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 156


hi darling, smiley - smooch

Well, there is just no talking to some people. Della very weirdly wrote something about me mentioning an 'attack on boys' in a posting, which of course I didn't do. I sometimes think she is reading and posting to someone in her imagination. It certainly isn't me! smiley - erm

So, how are you today? I had a nice morning, now I am just hanging out until my afternoon classes start.

Meanwhile, I have no idea how I am reminding you how to write nice posts but I don't recommend that you count on me for keeping you sane! smiley - biggrin I had another scary bout of agoraphobia this morning when I went out to the bank. I had to fight not to just run home. But in the end I got through it. And I was also able to go out to the shops later on. smiley - smiley

little big sis

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 157

badger party tony party green party

Me Ive been hootooing too much and must get on with other things like chnaguing light strips and such.

You make me remember how to write nice posts because I have to write as I find with you. If I was only rplying to the likes of Della I think i might end up that way too.

Is your agrophobia associated with anything. i have often wondered why Im afraid of heights and fast rides. I can go on them and have done bits of climbing and abseiling but somes times they literally petrify me even though I know my fear is toatally illogical.smiley - huh

smiley - rainbow

Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 158


buenos días! smiley - oj

I don't think that fear of heights and fast rides are illogical - both could kill you! Anyhow, I think all fears are related to fear of death somehow, though admittedly it is hard to find the link between death and (for example) having a phobia about chins. smiley - erm

As far as I can remember the panic attacks started when I was about fourteen. A few months ago (beginning of summer) they were quite bad and I was even having to cancel classes because I wasn't able to leave the house. smiley - sadface But lately I've been much better and so that is why yesterday's attack took me by surprise. Well, I hope it was just an isolated incident, not the beginning of another series of attacks.

So are you really a Virgo?


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 159


hey bro,

I just got your last email and I couldn't open the attachment. Sometimes Outlook blocks certain types of attachments and I don't know why.


Oooh nice page ducky.

Post 160

badger party tony party green party

It was of cute kittens and puppies not anything too great, you've probably seen the like before teamed up with homilies about friendship. Thought you might dig that sort of stuff. If you could read those bits I didnt bother to open the attachment as Ive done so with similar stuff and found it was the same as was in the e-mail anyway.

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