This is the Message Centre for azahar

Hi there

Post 1

Noggin the Nog

Hi there Azahar, and welcome to h2g2. I notice you've been dropping into our God: Fact or Fiction thread, but you've been replying to posts from the first page, and we're up to posting 5295. Don't worry, though, you don't have to read ALL the backlog - 265 pages is the size of a book. Just as a tip. Don't click on the title of the thread in your conversations list, click on the posted: xtime ago. That will take you to the most recent posting you've made and you can catch up with what's going on from there.

You should get an official welcoming visit from an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) before too long, and they'll probably leave you some helpful tips on getting around. In the meantime if there's anything you need just drop by my page (you can get there by clicking on my name at the top of this post), and leave a message by clicking on the discuss this entry button, as I just did on your page.
Have fun


Hi there

Post 2


It turns out I can't spell Neechee properly! Do you suggest razor blades in a hot bath or tossing myself off the Giralda tower?

oh, the shame of it all!!!


Hi there

Post 3

Noggin the Nog

Well, Neecher topped himself eventually, didn't he?

Maybe he couldn't spell his own name either.

Don't worry about it, Az. Not worth it.


Hi there

Post 4


Perhaps that is *why* he topped himself (?)

Yeah, I know it ain't worth it. But sometimes, especially late at night when I'm all worn out, I let things get to me.

Never mind, sent in a good Neechee quote this morning. smiley - winkeye


Hi there

Post 5


smiley - hug

thanks again

Hi there

Post 6


hi Noggin,

Just had to rant a bit. Truly that gets on my tits, man! The way the lot of you (not specifically you) doesn't accept a new person on the thread. I mean, you did accept me very nicely when I first started off and was posting all wrongly to the first threads - you even wrote to me to explain how to do this properly. And you welcomed me. But what has happened since then? Truly, if I'd got the total non-acceptance that a few recent new-comers have got recently, I would never have posted again (and how lucky might that have been! for all of you! smiley - winkeye ). There was one person recently who wrote back in going 'waving my arms, is anyone listening to me?' - but by the time I got back to her she had obviously given the thread up.

At the least, this is just impolite. At worst, you (not you specifially, in general) are not making people feel welcome to join the discussion. Which means - what?

Anyhow, nuff said.

Having quite a nice day here. Went out for a morning bike ride by the river - it was all sunshiny and hot and the jacaranda trees are in blossom. Now back in front of my old computer. Have I told you I may be getting a new computer next week? I'm so excited! The one I have now is a total dinosaur but until now has served me well - bless her. Ste gave me some good advice about purchasing a new one and so by this time next week - if all goes well - I shall be driving a Jaguar! Woo-hoo!

Hope all is well with you.


Hi there

Post 7

Noggin the Nog

Fine thanks Az.

Sunshine and jacaranda trees sounds heavenly. Me, I've got to get out in the garden and deal with the triffids before they take over the world. smiley - martianfrown

I'd like a Jaguar, too. I'd have to learn how to drive, of course, but what the heck, you only live once.


Hi there

Post 8

Noggin the Nog

Fine thanks Az.

Sunshine and jacaranda trees sounds heavenly. Me, I've got to get out in the garden and deal with the triffids before they take over the world. smiley - martianfrown

I'd like a Jaguar, too. I'd have to learn how to drive, of course, but what the heck, you only live once.


Hi there

Post 9

Noggin the Nog

Sorry about that; Reliant Robin, dontcha know.


Hi there

Post 10


hI again,

The Jag is the name for my new computer. I had the choice between a Mercedes and a Jaguar, so chose the Jag. Much to Ste's recommendation. It really doesn't cost much more, but Ste says it will give me much satisfaction!

Isn't it nice having friends here to help you out with stuff?

wait a miute . . .

Hi there

Post 11


Just checking back on your previous posting.

You don't know how to drive? Or were you being . . . whatever?

You have a garden? I'd love to have a garden so my cats could go out and frolick. Where do you live? I guess you know I live in Seville. Gorgeous flat I have, totally by circumstance, not in any way like I can afford it. Still . . . very nice. But no garden so my cats have to be little 'prisoners' - though they don't seem terribly upset about this. Especially the one I rescued from the street after someone had broken his leg in an attempt to kill him. This one definitely never wants to go back out into the streets, much prefers comfy duvets to sleep on and regular meals and lots of cuddles.

Anyhoodle, so looking forward to the new Jag. With ol' Betsy here I have to reboot about every half-hour - very tedious and it takes forever. Can't really complain though. She only cost me about 60 euros three years ago and has served me more or less well, if you don't count all the hair-pulling and swearing that has gone on when she just went - blip - and I lost everything I was working on.

hasta pronto,

Hi there

Post 12

Noggin the Nog

I don't know how to drive. Cars or computers.

Big garden. More like a giant briar patch, really, hence the remark about triffids.

I live in Llanelli, in Wales. About ten miles up the road from Alji the Wizard, actually. And Matholwch is Welsh, too. (I'm actually English, but I've been here over twenty years now, so I'm *almost* Welsh.)


Hi there

Post 13


Oh well, I used to live in Bristol, so I was once your neighbour!

You really can't drive? How old are you? (I'm 46 1/4). I find it funny because I learned to drive when I was 19 (with a vintage Mercedes - don't ask!) and it felt as natural to me as walking. I guess because I'd been quite an astute passenger all my life that getting behind the wheel seemed quite normal. I am also a very good 'back seat driver' smiley - winkeye But the Merc (which belonged to me and my first husband - again, don't ask!) had an automatic transmission. So when I took my driving test I used a manual stick-shift Honda and my brother had to teach me how to do that properly. He was great at teaching me. Every time I stalled the car he just said - give it a bit more gas and let up lightly on the clutch (about a thousand times!) until I finally got it right.

Probably if I were trying to learn to drive now I'd feel much less confident. I know other friends now who are trying to learn to drive in their 40's and 50's and it's much harder for them. They're so nervous! Back then I just couldn't understand why I *couldn't* drive a car since everyone else seemed to be doing it.

It's actually a very good practical skill to have, in case one ever finds oneself in an emergency situation where they *have* to drive.

Meanwhile, have not had a car since I left Canada. For me it's totally unnecessary where I live, and would in fact be not only an outrageous luxury but also quite impractical (there is nowhere to park in the centre of Seville).

Your garden sounds quite wild and lovely. Do you have pets?


Hi there

Post 14

Noggin the Nog

I'm 50. Quite an old fogey, really.

Wild yes. Lovely, no. Not in a standard gardenish way, anyway.

Anyway, things to do for the moment.

Back later


Hi there

Post 15

Noggin the Nog

Sorry about that; meant to get back to you sooner. Hootoo was down on Sunday evening when I was free, and I've only been online intermittently since, and I always seem to be trying to catch up on things and never quite making it. World's worst (or best, depending on your point of view) procrastinator, me.

Anyhow. In answer to your last question, and your next ones: no pets, no spouse, no kids (nephews and neices, though, and keeper of the local sweet shop - so my paternal instincts aren't entirely thwarted).


Hi there

Post 16



What a nice surprise to hear from you!

No pets, no spouse, no kids. Have you never been married? Me - have three ex-husbands. Don't ask - totally silly situations that basically should never have happened. Well, except for the last one - when I lived in Bristol. That was practical. Had to marry my boyfriend to get residency and work papers (hey - just like in the movies!). So in fact, I don't feel like I've ever been 'truly' married. Also no kids. Just the three cats - and boy, do I ever love them!

Am I repeating myself? Since my memory is so crap and I haven't looked back on what I posted here previously you might already have fainted from boredom.

Keeper of the local sweet shop? Really? And also philosopher extraordinaire? Sounds like a full-time job to me.

I'm also a terrible procrastinator. Let me rephrase that - I'm actually a VERY GOOD procrastinator smiley - biggrin which would no doubt explain a lot about my life if you knew more of the details. It's just that so often just *getting through one day* is about all I can manage. And then there is so much else to constantly think about.

Mostly I'm doing okay. And keep hoping for better.

Hey, thanks for writing to me. Don't be a stranger!


Hi there

Post 17


Old fogey at 50!!! I'm 57 this year (though I feel like 97 and think like 17)

Az, where did you live in Bristol? I used to stay with my great aunt in Westbury on Trym back in the mid sixties and went to the college in Ashley Down.

smiley - wizard Blue/Green Alji

Hi there

Post 18


hi Alji,

Fancy seeing you here!

I'm actually ALMOST 46 1/2. And loving every minute of it. I can't understand why people get all weird about getting older - to me, it sure beats the alternative!

In Bristol I lived in two places (this was 12 years ago). One just off Whiteladies Road next to a tapa bar there called Rocinante - opposite the Dog and Duck. Then I moved to the top of Park Street to Berkeley Crescent. It wasn't a street - just a crescent shaped building (listed building) in front of the museum, with a small garden in front. Kinda crappy over-priced small flat, but the location was great and we had wonderful views. Lived there for a year and a half and I think I saw the sun . . . ohhhhhh, let me think . . . at least half a dozen times!

Now I live in the most beautiful street in Seville. If either you or Noggin would like to send me your email addresses I can send you a photo of my house. Can't afford to live here, of course. Still waiting to meet a 97-year-old millionaire to marry. Then me and my cats can live in the comfort that we deserve! smiley - smiley


Hi there

Post 19

Noggin the Nog

Just joking Alji. Old fogeyism is not an age, it's a state of mind. The idea that I'm 50 strikes me as a peice of almost Dali-esque surrealism. I still haven't worked out what I'm going to do when I grow up. smiley - erm

It's not just a sweet shop; it's actually the local post office - my oldest customer is 95, would you believe.

Saw the sun half a dozen times, eh? You should have lived over the border. "If you can see the hills it's just about to rain; if you can't see the hills it's already raining."


Hi there

Post 20


nobody wants to see my house?

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