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Good Friday Massacre

Post 1

Secretly Not Here Any More

Pub crawls are not necessarily a bad thing.

Pub crawls are a bad thing when you have 13 pints in 13 pubs, topped off with a whisky and a round of shots with Steve, because you're sorry you called Steve a dick, and you didn't mean it so of course we'll have some run.

Pub crawls are also a bad thing when you get plastered on 13 pints and a set of shots, then decide to see how much you can disturb your friends with not entirely truthful tales of sexual debauchery. In front of a glowering fiancee.

And pub crawls are probably a bad thing when you decide that if you have a daughter at any point, you're going to name her after your cousin, and decide to explain this on Facebook, leading to enquiries from your family about whether or not you've knocked up said glowering fiancee.

Oh, and don't play cock in pocket.


Good Friday Massacre

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

Rum. Not run. Obviously.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 3


>>Oh, and don't play cock in pocket<<

Is this one of said tales of sexual debauchery? Because I've never heard of it so it must be pretty debauched.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 4


Do you still have a financee? If you do then she's definately The One.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

Just about Z.

HI, cock in pocket is a simple game. You try and surreptitiously slip the former into the latter before exclaiming "cock in pocket!"

Good Friday Massacre

Post 6

Sho - employed again!

You have to do Seriousl Grovelling.

Very. Serious. Grovelling.

Sounds like a good night. Except for Cock in a Pocket. Which sounds like the sort of thing you should have been over when you were 7 or so. smiley - smiley

Good Friday Massacre

Post 7

McKay The Disorganised

He also posted photos on Twitter......

smiley - cider

Good Friday Massacre

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

I did?

Good Friday Massacre

Post 9

Sho - employed again!

oh I didn't see photos smiley - run

Good Friday Massacre

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

smiley - doh yes I did...

Good Friday Massacre

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

They can't have been that bad.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I feel so distraught at learning about the game Cock in a Pocket at my age... Definately one for the list of games to do on my next birthday party smiley - whistlesmiley - drunksmiley - snorksmiley - snorksmiley - snork

Good Friday Massacre

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More

It's a fun game for any outing. Unlike Cock in Ear.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 14


That I have played. Had an awful earache afterwards.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - whistle I could see it really enlivening a night out with friends.... or relatives.... I'll suggest it to my family next time we're off out on the tiles... ... smiley - whistlesmiley - snork

Good Friday Massacre

Post 16

Secretly Not Here Any More

HI. Once you go black, you go deaf.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 17

Sho - employed again!

they weren't bad. Just increasingly out of focus.

Good Friday Massacre

Post 18

McKay The Disorganised

Unlike the other old Leeds game - played at football matches - piss in pocket.

smiley - cider

Good Friday Massacre

Post 19

Secretly Not Here Any More

That's a Liverpool thing isn't it?

Good Friday Massacre

Post 20


The Leeds version has the twist of piss in pocket - crap on pitch

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