This is the Message Centre for Pimms

Age and responsibility

Post 21

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Our group hasn't had proper commitment forms in the past, but I plan to be controversial and introduce them this year. Of course, that means more work for me as Secretary, but it saves us scheduling a rehearsal and then having to change what we do because key people are missing.

I hope the 'talking to' has the desired effect.

Age and responsibility

Post 22


Once the director had had opportunity to review the updated absence lists he initiated discussions with the chairman, as his view was that it was wasting the Society's money to bring him over with so many missing. A compromise was thrashed out that he would not come over as planned, but a week later (but due to other commitments it would only be four days of rehearsals rather than over a whole week). This avoided the worst of the absences, and also provided a week to polish up the state of all the numbers before he arrived. The AD pushed this positive interpretation to the cast last Thursday - even though the dirctor is not coming over *all* the rehearsals planned would still go ahead - so rehearsals from today (Sunday to next Sunday when he arrives), rather than the usual Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday. Actually one rehearsal with many absences *has* been cancelled - the one on Friday, which by a lucky coincidence, is the one that had had the expensive clash with a Brian Wilson concert.

The changed director's dates naturally caused some of the cast to need to re-arrange other commitments - as they weren't expecting rehearsals next Monday too. I am now I feel on a better footing to answer questions on commitments - everyone in the cast has filled in commitment details, provided verbal assurances that they will be present, or (in only a few cases) are aware that I need the information (we have two students in cast, who were in show before, but are still away at college at the moment, and one person whose work has taken him to New Zealand for a couple of weeks).

The changed dates required me to alter flights and hotel bookings, but it was remarkably straightforward to do this. I just have to get lucky with the Treasurer to get reimbursed for the flights - last Thursday we were both down at the reharasal, but he didn't have the chequebook smiley - rolleyes. While we have an account for the hotel that he can pay, flights booked online need a credit card, and that the society doesn't have. Muggins stumps up, and will eventually get reimbursed.

Age and responsibility

Post 23


Got a cheque today - the credit card bill won't be due until next month. AD finding my table of notifed absences useful as a quick register.

Tired after a busy day selling bread and cakes at a fair on our national holiday (nothing to do with the US bunfest yesterday - our day is for the opening of the Tynwald, when among other things residents can personally present their grievances for redress, and various people have to appear in antiquated official costumes. I saw none of it, being too involved in evangelising about good bread smiley - angel and tempting with rich cakes smiley - devil

After a hot bath to recover from the exertions of the day I went down to a rehearsal, got the cheque and evangelised a bit more. May be worth a separate thread... later

Age and responsibility

Post 24


smiley - lurk
Gwarn... evangelise about the bread smiley - biggrin I'll happily listen - even though you'll be preaching to the converted.

Age and responsibility

Post 25

Lady Chattingly

I like that "US bunfest". Very good description. smiley - rofl

Age and responsibility

Post 26


Another committee meeting yesterday. It lasted over two hours smiley - yawn but at least we did agree actions, and made sure we were all up to speed on decisions made and all had chance to be involved in decisions to be made. It is by consensus not autocratic (at least within the committee smiley - winkeye)

Provided the laptop for the minutes secretary which he appreciated. He'll give it back in a couple of days. Learned what our show shortlist was last year - which we'll need to update to progress choosing a show for 2008.

My minutes for the production meeting read through so committee not on production committee were also up to speed, as there is naturally a lot of overlap in tasks.

I have to be circumspect in revealing decisions made, given the discussion we had in the first meeting, and the fact that it is quite possible for *anyone* to read this (not just you wonderful people who've shown an interest in my offline life smiley - smiley)

One thing that is probably uncontentious is the decision to provide merchandise for sale in the theatre foyer. Those with experience of doing pantomime extolled the ease with which it could be used to reasonably boost revenue - we'll be going for glowsticks for audience to wave. Some committee were concerned with impression of tackiness that might be projected, others with ensuring items were low maintenance - some things can take foyer staff considerable time to prepare to sell if they need batteries inserted. My concern was that the items were not a rip off for the audience, and someone else was reassured that at the prices we intend to sell at we won't be lumbered with unused stock. Apparently in London shows the same items are sold at four times the price we are intending. Mind you that is London.

I was reassured - we won't be selling glowsticks any more expensive than they were being sold in my daughter's school for her school disco. Given that our next show is Disco Inferno, we can probably use any leftover stock for that show too, if the projection of sales at this show is over optimistic - we are looking into shelf life to be sure.

Age and responsibility

Post 27


I've been too engrossed in other things to update this for a while, and to be honest it is not as interesting as show blogs or other journal entries.

The show starts on Thursday. Lots of rehearsals reecently. Sat for the first time in Prompt corner last night (arrived at 18:30 to pin up fire register I'd been asked that day to create, for all cast and crew to sign in and out on each day). Tired to be useful until we started Act 1 tech - at about 8pm. Then spent a lot of time sucking sweets and reading Nigel Hawthorne's autobiography (Straight Face) unless dialogue was in progress. Didn't get away until 23:15 smiley - yawn
Tonight is Act 2. Probably just as lengthy. I've prepared better, a few sudokus, and a freshly started book - finished other one partway through tech.

Show is looking good and I know that the low priority email I sent around work has resulted in a few extra ticket sales smiley - ok
I think last night's tech was the first time we've had a full cast in *ages* It has been something of a trial for the AD. She has been amazing smiley - magic covering for the missing principals - able to remember their songs and dance moves, though she did clutch a script for dialogue.

Last Saturday most of cast were persuaded to turn out to hand out free helium-filled balloons and leaflets advertising show, and we even took quite a few bookings. Much better turn out than for the coach trip around the Island the weekend before (also to publicise show).
Good turn out also for the get-in (moving and assembling set in theatre) on Sunday morning. I think people have finally got the message about commitment required (it needed some ramming in)
Now if only they all get the message about smiling smiley - biggrin when on stage - it makes a startling difference to how enjoyable the show is to watch (and I've watched it a *lot* as the prompt). One of the cast has repeatedly drawn my eye when sitting as prompt because of her glum apparently uninterested expression. When she remembers to smile the difference is remarkable.

Age and responsibility

Post 28


Pimms, did you have to pay a penalty for changing the flight dates?

Age and responsibility

Post 29


Hyp - yes there was a hefty admin charge.

Been busy - show run almost over now. Every audience has been really positive. Good reactions, though larger audiences would have been nice. Prompting is soooo boring smiley - yawn I've drunk a lot of coffee, read a couple of books and done numerous sudoku. I haven't needed to prompt once. It should be noted that while at the start I was diligent in following the script the first few performances when dialogue going on, and only doing something else when a musical number was on (you can't really prompt while music being played, and the songs are the least likely to need prompting anyway due to the amount they have been practised), I am now mostly only keeping half an eye on the script.

Secretarial duties meant being involved in a snap meeting when discussing glow sticks being sold. One (6yearold) member of audience had managed to chew open the stick, staining his clothes, and possibly swallowing some of the (non-toxic) gunk inside. If you are likely to buy chemical stuff to sell to others commercially it is worthwhile asking for the relevant COSHH report ( from the seller in order to have information necessary to dealing with incidents like this. We didn't have it. After an informal risk assessment we decided to go ahead and continue to sell the sticks anyway. The issue was dealing with the negative theatre staff reaction rather than the parent, who made no formal complaint. No problems since that I know of..

Another issue was whether to expect a cast member to pay for damage caused during a performance. The damage was accidental, but (as far as I know the facts) the member had been reckless, and been doing something he had specifically been told not to. I felt sorry for him, but on the other hand I couldn't see the damage being covered by our insurance.

Age and responsibility

Post 30


The chairman rewarded the members who had assisted in promoting the show the Saturday beforehand (the balloons etc) by offering complimentary tickets for the show to the matinee and Monday evening performances (papering the house a bit). I took a couple for my wife and daughter and they both enjoyed it hugely smiley - magic

Age and responsibility

Post 31


Excellent! Seeing live plays is fun. Unfortunately there isn't much of anything in that line around here.

I had to pay quite a penalty when I changed my return date on my last trip. I just wondered if all airlines did that or if it was just for international flights.

Age and responsibility

Post 32


The show is over now.
Exctement caused athe end while we were striking the set, as it was happening at the same time as the NODA regional awards were being made for last year's productions. While none of us were there (as we were doing this show) we had a friend not in our group who kindly texted us to let us know that of the three nominations (best show, best male lead, best supporting actor) we had won best supporting actor smiley - magic Fifteen miniutes later she texted again adn let us know we had also won best male lead smiley - magicsmiley - magic - initially we thought she had texted at the end of the ceremony, so the second announcemnet was unexpected and even more of a surprise. We may have won Best Show as well smiley - erm, but I went home to bed smiley - zzz

Two more people phoned me today on society phone asking about becoming new members in order to be in next show (Disco Inferno) smiley - cool I don't know how I am going to remember all the potential new members if they all turn up to the the have-a-go rehearsals starting in September smiley - erm

Age and responsibility

Post 33

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Bravo for winning the NODA awards. That's always a lovely boost for a group. smiley - smiley

Age and responsibility

Post 34


Certainly a summer show sems to increase interest from potential new members - over the weekend had three more contacts made requesting application forms and further information.

Age and responsibility

Post 35


Pimms, what is the population on the island?

Age and responsibility

Post 36


The 2006 census gave a figure just over 80,000 smiley - ok

Age and responsibility

Post 37


temporarily snowed under with contacting people wanting to become members (and a new timewaster - scrabulous on facebook)

Age and responsibility

Post 38


First 'rehearsal' tonight for the next show - Disco Inferno smiley - devil. The evening will be a chance for the Assistant Director to describe what the show is about, the plot, characters, songs; and what the society expects from its members in the show. Hopefully this won't put off too many of the talented among the over three dozen potential new members I have been contacting. Not all will get in to show - the director is looking to form a cast of about two dozen.

The last production was made much more ill-tempered smiley - cross by slack adherence to the high standards wistfully recalled by long term members. Time will tell whether a stern start will stop the chatting during rehearsal, lack of concentration, popping out to check text messages or have a smoke, abandoning of mugs, water bottles and snack wrappers around rehearsal room, the late arrivals or last minute excuses for missing rehearsals. The show was (in the end) excellent, but I'm sure the stress aged the AD considerably smiley - senior. This may help, as it was suggested that the discipline problems might partially stem from the closeness in ages of those giving and receiving instructions. It is mostly a fairly young society. That I am one of the older members is a sobering thought smiley - erm

Age and responsibility

Post 39


80,000 is quite a lot for such a small island. You must be pretty congested.

Are you going to be a member of the cast?

Age and responsibility

Post 40


Almost certainly going to be a performing member this time - if we can cast the show. We probably will be able to, but there have been some doubts due to drop out of some stalwarts leaving us light on the male company available. Now I am secretary I have been involved more closely in the decision making, which has naturally opened my eyes to the problems of running a society that I was in blissful ignorance of as just a performing member.

I must also be vigilant to prevent myself blabbing what has been discussed in confidence which it would be unhelpful to disseminate.

Just had our first meeting to choose our next show (for 2009). Each committee member brought three shows to the table as proposals, from which we constructed a short list of those getting more than one proposer and then adding those that only had one proposer but were accepted as worth discussing further by over half of committee. We then whittled down that shortlist by each member of committee voting for five shows from the list and selecting the top five.

Without going into details I was the only one to propose each of my three shows, and none of them got to the first shortlist smiley - sadface

Next time I'll have a better idea of how to choose and sell my choices to the others. The criteria for the next show did help shape the shortlist - different from the previous two shows, with clear audience recognition and likelihood of full houses. We can't repeatedly put on shows that don't have mass appeal, no matter how professionally we do them.

The next stage is to get perusal material for the shows shortlisted and then make decision on show to do. Before having seen the perusal material there is a clear favourite with almost all the committee, which came out of the blue from one proposer, like myself inexperienced in the shortlisting process. He was well chuffed smiley - biggrin when it was picked so enthusiastically.

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