Journal Entries

USA Releases Tibetan Nun

We have just received good news than Ani Sonam has been released on parole.
We are waiting to get more details. Sonam's case was the subject of a
January 27 Washington Post article that was picked up for syndication in
many papers. Grace Spring has been a power house on her behalf and deserves
all the credit for bringing Sonam's plight to a national audience.

Sonam is a nun who fled Tibet through Nepal and, with false documents, made
her way to the United States where she was detained and jailed in a facility
outside of Richmond, Virginia. Based on the merits of her case, a federal
immigration judge granted her asylum, but a lawyer for the Department of
Homeland Security appealed the decision.

The final disposition of her case is pending, but lots of public and
congressional interest has been a tremendous help getting to this stage.

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Latest reply: Jan 31, 2004

USA imprisons Tibetan Nun

Please respond, particularly if you are based in the USA

This is a particularly cruel case. The nun in question cannot speak a word of English, and, as you will see if you read the report, she only gets to see a Tibetan speaker after intervals of many months. If you write to any of the US representatives, you should stress the fact that Tibetans are no longer safe in Nepal, that many Tibetan refugees have be forcibly repatriated to Tibet, where they face imprisonment and torture ( Shigatse prison in Tibet currently holds about 300 such refugees.)

Granted Asylum, Nun Held in Va. Jail
Tibetan Entangled in Post-9/11 Caution
HOPEWELL, Va. -- Sonam always feared her devotion to Buddhism would land her
behind bars in her native China. As it turns out, she is serving a long term
in jail -- not in East Asia but in central Virginia.

If you'd like to do something about this travesty of justice, you can send
emails to:

President Bush at [email protected]

To contact the Directorate of Homeland Security go here & use the drop down
menu to send them a message on immigration issues (there's also regular mail

You may want to contact Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) who has been an ardent
supporter of Tibetan human rights:

US citizens may also want to contact their respective Congressional

You can also send emails to the Washington Post:
[email protected]

We should demand that Sonam be released pending the determination of her

She needs our help now,


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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2004

Photos of the new granddaughter

Here's a link to photos of my lovely granddaughter, Leah Rose, for anyone who's interested.

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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2004

Grand-daughter arrives

Thank you, all of you who sent kind thoughts and prayers, Leah Rose arrived safely last night at 11.08pm on the 11th January ( my father's birthday 101 years ago ).

In the end, after 16 hours labour, she was delivered by Caesarian secction, after which both she and her mother looked absolutely fine. Yes, of course, she is gorgeous, very fine features, deep blue eyes and dark hair, and looks like an "old soul" gazing around her with a very serene expression on her face.

So all is well at the end of a very long day. Every kind of remedy and alternative aid was used, but in the end we are very grateful for the wonders of modern medicine which make these operations so routine.

It's 2.38 am. Goodnight. The proud Dad sends his love to you all, as would the Mum if she knew I was sitting at the computer at this late hour.

smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

Chaismiley - teawallahsmiley - artist

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Latest reply: Jan 12, 2004

New Year Action for Tibet

New Year and good resolutions fast approach. Here's one you can do, won't take long, and may actually help.

In 2004, Ireland has the Presidency of the EU for the first six months. In February, senior Chinese officials come to Dublin for the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue ( which has made no significant difference to the plight of Tibetans, not to mention Uighurs, Chinese Falun Gong followers, "free" trade unionists, "free" journalists, unapproved Christian churches, environmental activists, advocates of democracy, etc.) under Chinese rule.

What You Can Do Now For Tibet :

Send a card to Mr. Bertie Ahern, TD, the Irish PM ( Taoiseach )

Dear Mr. Ahern,

Please implement the request made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, on behalf of his six million Tibetan family, that the EU appoints a Special Representative for Tibet.

Best wishes

Address and post the envelope to:

Mr. Bertie Ahern TD
St Luke's
Dublin 9

NB. Bertie Ahern has been quite supportive of Tibet, but all the EU countries tend to hide behind each other, rather than rock the boat, or upset China.

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2003

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