Hellu...What are yuuu duing here?
Enough with the cheesy accent, I suppose, but seriously, what possible reason could you have for letting my little introduction thingie waste your time? Sure, at first glance some of my comments may have seemed intelligent, humorous, witty, boring, wierd, or just plain lame, but that scarcely justifies using part of your rapidly waning life to read my hogwash.
Gotta be the fact that I'm cute;)
Yeah, that's it.
You wouldn't possibly want to know that I'm in college. Or an art major with a silly little religion minor.
A geek who is trying to limit her comic book budget.
The fact that I'm a part time college dj who plays the best of the worst
she can find certainly wouldn't interest you one mite. One might give me one look and say "well, I know what that body was made for," but know this. I'm on to you. You're not fooling me when you pretend to think I'm interesting...
And I don't mind one bit.
Ainit grand?:-D
If you really want to read some more, I'll go on. I'm a huge Heinlein fan, mainly Future History. Bull Durham, The Producers, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Chasing Amy, and The Princess Bride are my Top 5 movies, and I think frolicking and tickling
are lost arts. But then again, oil painting nearly is as well, and I don't have a clue who's hiding it.
Drop me a line, I'd be glad to talk.
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hi | Aug 13, 2003 |
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Where can I find some nice friendly girls? | May 19, 2003 | Nov 1, 2014 |
Saddened | No Posting | Oct 10, 2012 |
I have romance.. | No Posting | Feb 1, 2012 |
The Singing Librarian on film - Marty's Project | No Posting | Oct 24, 2011 |
Merry Christmas from Ellen | No Posting | Jan 1, 2011 |
halfaringcircus aka jennymonroe
Researcher U217817
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."