This is the Message Centre for Laura

The results are in...

Post 21


Thanks smiley - smiley

Eek, I have to pack smiley - dohsmiley - run

The results are in...

Post 22

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

smiley - magic well done Unc. :D

The results are in...

Post 23


smiley - ale Congratulations smiley - bubbly

Have a great holiday.

The results are in...

Post 24


Thanks smiley - biggrin

I've been called for an interview, but I'm going to be in Spain. Urgh smiley - doh. Ah well, at least I know I'm not terrible at writing applications and my C.V.'s been updated so it says '2.1 obtained' instead of '2.1. predicted smiley - magic'

The results are in...

Post 25


Can't you phone them, explain the situation and see if you can be interviewed on a different day? It might be worth a shot.

smiley - magic

The results are in...

Post 26


I tried to but I just get an answering machine smiley - doh. Ah well, I'll try again before I leave smiley - smiley

The results are in... and didn't you do well!

Post 27


Barcelona? coolsmiley - cool
don't worry, you can get through the pyrenées without climbing, great sights theresmiley - smiley

The results are in... and didn't you do well!

Post 28

Researcher 185550

smiley - hug Congratulations Unc!

So, you're just about to leave Nottingham, and I'm just about to arrive!

Any tips for a Nottingham newbie?

The results are in... and didn't you do well!

Post 29


Thanks smiley - biggrin

Really smiley - wow, plenty, but I'm leaving now, so I'll have to give you them when I get back smiley - ok

Bye all *waves* smiley - run

The results are in... and didn't you do well!

Post 30

aka Bel - A87832164

Bye Unc, enjoy your holidays and smiley - goodluck with the interview ( I hope you'll be able to get another date.smiley - ok)

The results are in... and didn't you do well!

Post 31


Congratulations Unc!

smiley - applausesmiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - applausesmiley - discosmiley - bubbly


The results are in... and didn't you do well!

Post 32

Existential Elevator

smiley - wow Well done Unc! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

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